New to Vaping with a couple questions...

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Full Member
Dec 18, 2010
Columbus, OH
Hello fellow vapers,

Just started vaping a couple days ago as I'm trying to kick the analogs. Been reading here a little bit but had a few questions. I started with a Volcano but after a day of use and being confused to the small hits and feeling as though I was running through too many cartridges I knew it wasn't going to work. I ordered the Ego, got it today and couldn't be happier.

Here are a few questions:

1. How long will a pre filled cartridge last?
2. How long will a cartridge I filled with my own juice last?
3. Same with a prefilled/unfilled cartomizer?
4. I've been reading about a drip tip but was curious as to how many drags you got when dripping. Do you have to put a drip in for every drag or does it last a few minutes? If that's the case it seems like unless you're sitting on your couch or in front of a computer dripping would be sort of a pain in the .....
5. What's the best method when you are out and about?
6. How many cartridges or cartomizers do most go through in a day if they are out and about?
7. Any tips or tricks for a new vaper who used to smoke a pack a day and is out and about for most of the day?

Any info is much appreciated!
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 12, 2010
Welcome, CHMpilot!

Everyone will have their own personal preferences...

It all depends on what will be your satisfaction.

I like cartomizers and carts do not do it for me.

Dripping with a cisco lr306 will satisfy me.

I drip with my Inferno and for driving, I use my new Leo.

Always stock up like it's 2012...don't wanna be without any vaping equipment, yanno!?

I'm also going to get the REO mini mod.

It's all trial and error.

My BFF smokes more than me and is satisfied on cartos and carts...he doesn't like dripping much....but he is not looking for TH.

JC Okie

ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jul 2, 2010
Tulsa, OK
Well.....lots of questions. Welcome, BTW. These are just estimates, but here goes. A cartridge filled with juice...prefilled or your own...(should be about the same) will hold about 10-12 drops and lasts me about 15 minutes of chain vaping (or less, actually)....maybe worth 30 puffs or so....maybe more. That's hard to say because everyone vapes differently. But they don't last very long....

A cartomizer will hold about 20-23 drops usually and will last me maybe nearly 30-45 minutes of chain vaping. Maybe a little less. Again, hard to say.

Dripping: You put about 3 drops in at a time....and you can puff on it about 8-10 times before you have to drip again. It seems like it'd be a huge hassle, but it's not so bad. Think about lighting a cigarette then smoking it. Maybe one set of drips (3 drops) would be like having one cigarette.

There will be others who come on here and maybe they will have better information. My number of drops per are pretty right on....I'm just not sure about how long they last (except the dripping....I know that's about right.) Until you do it for a little while, it's really hard to wrap your head around it....but it becomes pretty second-nature pretty quickly.

The whole cartridge thing can be different based on several things: the viscosity of the juice, the density of the filler, etc. Many people take the stock filler out and modify their carts by using blue foam or fluval or even pyramid tea bags as filler instead of the stuff they come with. That will allow you do put more liquid into a cart....thus changing the amount and the time it'll last. It's certainly not an exact science....that's for sure.'s worth it.

Out and about: Cartomizers are my favorite for that. I could go through 3 or 4 in a work day....but I don't vape much at work. And remember, cartomizers certainly can be refilled...many times. Even though they are considered "disposable"....they can be refilled many times. Don't throw them away. Put your own juice in them....fill up a few the night before and grab a handful when you leave the house the next day. My system.

Tips and tricks: Modify your carts by using blue foam. You can find many youtube videos showing you how.

It's worth's fun, tasty, cheaper than cigs, healthier than cigs, etc, etc, etc.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 2, 2010
1. How long will a pre filled cartridge last?
Till the juice runs out? :) Seriously, it depends on your vaping
how much, how often, what size carts? It can vary greatly.

2. How long will a cartridge I filled with my own juice last?
'Bout the same or a little more than pre-filled

3. Same with a prefilled/unfilled cartomizer?
Carto will last much longer, same for eGo mega cart and atty.

4. I've been reading about a drip tip but was curious as to how many drags you got when dripping. Do you have to put a drip in for every drag or does it last a few minutes? If that's the case it seems like unless you're sitting on your couch or in front of a computer dripping would be sort of a pain in the .....
You get 5 -7 puffs, better flavor and vapor, but home is best.

5. What's the best method when you are out and about?
I use eGo mega cart and atty, lasts a couple few hours, easy to refill, and sometimes cartos.

6. How many cartridges or cartomizers do most go through in a day if they are out and about?
Have a small case that fits 8ea 3mL bottles of juice to top off carts with, I use about 3mL/day
but love to switch flavors.

7. Any tips or tricks for a new vaper who used to smoke a pack a day and is out and about for most of the day?
For me the trick was finding a case for my juices, even when out and about you can fill any cart
with any flavor you want at the time.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
On your last question, I would suggest you get a better battery model. Many of the better devices have batteries that last 10 hours on one charge. In additon, they provide better throat hit and more consistency. Another plus is the batteries are not proprietary meaning you can buy them anywhere and most cost about $3.


Full Member
Dec 18, 2010
Columbus, OH
On your last question, I would suggest you get a better battery model. Many of the better devices have batteries that last 10 hours on one charge. In additon, they provide better throat hit and more consistency. Another plus is the batteries are not proprietary meaning you can buy them anywhere and most cost about $3.

West Viginia what do you mean by a better battery model? And where do you get these $3 batteries? Remember I'm still only a week or so into this whole vaping thing so all the technical jargon is a bit over my head.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
West Viginia what do you mean by a better battery model? And where do you get these $3 batteries? Remember I'm still only a week or so into this whole vaping thing so all the technical jargon is a bit over my head.

They are generally called "mods". Stock PV (personal vaporizer) batteries are all 3.7 volt batteries with a mAh rating of about 200-280. That will last you about an hour or a little more and the vapor will start to diminish even quicker than that. Better battery PV's come with 3.7, 5, 6 and even variable volt batteries with much higher mAh ratings (650-2000) and will last hours on a charge. But more important, they simulate the "inhaled feel" of an analog (cig) much better than the tiny little stock batteries because the provide much warmer vapor. You can get the batteries at sites like Deal Extreme or even at Batteries Plus for much less than the little stock batteries. One of the best 5 volt PV's around is the GLV2 from: Electronic Cigarettes and E-Liquid - Great Lakes Vapor. Jay has legions of very happy customers. You can also look at this site which summarizes many of the better battery PV's: Best e-Cig Mod List | e-Cig Mods Database


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
Shouldn't have to go with a mod. The eGo battery lasts me all day.

Actually the eGo/Riva is a battery mod but made in larger quantities by Chinese companies. And I agree that it is a good starter PV and I recommend it regularly. But in many people's opinion, it does not match the throat hit of a 5 volt or variable volt PV.


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 22, 2010
Actually the eGo/Riva is a battery mod but made in larger quantities by Chinese companies. And I agree that it is a good starter PV and I recommend it regularly. But in many people's opinion, it does not match the throat hit of a 5 volt or variable volt PV.

Totally agree. I probably wasn't clear enough. I was responding to the battery life issue and using "mod" in the current sense, yesterdays' mod being today's standard.
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