New to Vaping

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Hello everybody,
Just went from smoking two packs a day to a Personal Vaporizer mod and am on week two without tobacco.
I love the variety of flavors that vaping offers as well as the absence of disgusting smoke, yellow fingers and teeth.
Im obsessed with my new mod and look forward to gaining any information I can about vaporizers and the whole vape community.
Thanks for your time


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Hello and welcome! Congratulations on making the switch.:)

If you are interested in learning more about e-cigarettes (and all the parts and pieces) below are some blog posts by ECF member Baditude that I highly recommend for someone new to vaping.

1. A Good Starter's Setup for a Beginning Vapor
2. Advancing Up the Vaping Ladder with Egos and Mods
3. Proper terminology - Is it a carto, a tank, or what? A Guide to Juice Attachments.
4. Something Safe for Cinnamon and Citrus Flavors

And here are a few more on "vaping terminology".

1. A – Z E-Cig Glossary
2. e-Cigarette Jargon and Terms – eCig 101
3. Vaping Glossary - what does it all mean?
4. ECF Abbreviations 101

#4 is very handy when trying to decipher ECF members "slang".
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
to ecf LJTothetop. So glad you are here. It has been over a year since my last cigarette and I am still amazed everyday at what vaping as done for so many people. Good luck to you and happy vaping. :)
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