New User and would like some info and tips :)

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 12, 2012
United States
Hi everyone :)
I just bought an ecig from Smoke Free today and am wondering what to expect. How long will the battery last, how often will I need to recharge it and how often will I need to REPLACE rechargeable battery? I got a little, pink cig(tattoo) with a box of 5, high, menthol flavored, cartomizers. Any tips on how best to enjoy my new toy? It also has an atomizer tip that came with the cig that I THINK I could fill with a different cartridge.
I had quit smoking for about 4 months, but my husband continued to smoke. I decided to sneak one a month ago and was off to smoking like I'd never quit. I bought this device so when he comes home smelling of smoke I won't bounce off the walls anymore wanting a cig and I don't want to smell like smoke or have the health consequences associated with smoking, so I'm very excited about this gadget! YAY!
Any advice or tips is appreciated :)
The battery life really just depends on what MAH your batteries are. Personally with Pen styles E cigs I have gotten a few hours out of them. As far as your cartomizers go they will come prefilled so once the flavor dies in them you will want to get a bottle of E liquid to refill them. A cartomizer will normally last me about a week to 2 weeks until they die on me. With those batteries I defiantly recommend getting 1 or 2 more back ups. A atomizer tip is used as mouth piece and for dripping liquid into your atomizer. With cartomizers I fill them by dripping into the threading but there are numerous ways too fill them. I have never used cartridges but from my understanding you fill those with E liquid and slide them in your atomizer.



ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Feb 10, 2009
GA by way of WV
I'm afraid if the one you bought is from here: Smoke free electronic cigarette Starter Kit I'm afraid you might be disappointed unless you are a very, very light smoker ( 3 -8 a day). Plus you way over paid I'm sorry to say.

Any site that states a cartridge is equal to a pack of cigarettes is plain and simple lying. A cartridge is equal to about 2 -3 cigarettes. These type of models are pretty much the bottom of the barrel. But all that matters is if it works for you. Hopefully they have a 30 day money back policy. Here is something to remember:

General Rule of Thumb: the more it looks like the real thing, the worse the performance.

If you find the model you got is inconsistent, weak and the batteries only last around an hour, then I would suggest you get a better model with batteries that will last you 5 - 6 hours on a charge and are manual, which perform better, provide much more control and are safer. The kits I will recommend will cost you about $50 and are the size of a sharpie pen. I would look at the Kgo, E-Power 510 or the Riva. Here are some well supported suppliers:

Electronic Cigarette - Starter Kits - EGO E-Power

KGO 1100 mAh 2 battery kit

Crystal Clear Vaping

Maybe it will work out for you. But if not, check out some of the above and good luck.
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 8, 2012
Jacksonville, Alabama
Welcome Kat! Nice to have you here.

It's hard to say how long any battery set up will last between charges - it all depends on the battery and how heavily you vape. My 510 would last me around 3 hours, heavy vaping. My E-go gets me around 9 hours, but it's also a pass-thru so it virtually never dies on me. I'm guessing that yours has a colored LED light that lights up when you are vaping. When your battery is run down, you will probably get little to no vapor, and the light will probably blink steadily. On some models, it will change color to let you know it needs a charge. As far as battery life, again it depends on the quality and the use. I'd expect it to last at least 2-3mos, but some last a year or more.

From the looks of things on that site, you have a 3 piece system: battery, atomizer, and cartridge. Should be able to refill those cartridges though. Here's the bad news....and I hate to be the one who says it, but....

That system *appears* to be a proprietary type that *may not* be compatible with standard replacement parts like 510's E-go's etc. You may not be able to buy standard cartridges from other vendors and may be stuck with using only their gear. And those prices are horrendous. If it's not too late, I *might* consider cancelling the order or sending it back if they have a fair return policy. If that is an option, you'll be wondering "what do I do now?" Go to Welcome to MadVapes LLC , or Electronic Cigarette | E Cigarettes | E Cig and E Cig Liquid | Totally Wicked E Cigs , or Buy Electronic Cigarettes | Best Electronic Cigarette Kits & More and check out a 510 or 510T kit. It's a good starter and should run you about $35-40. These are compatible with standard parts and are very reliable.

Now a word on technique, since this gets a lot of new users. Pull the vapor slowly into your mouth until you feel like your mouth is full then inhale the vapor smoothly into your lungs. Slow, full pulls into the mouth with give you more of that smoking feeling you are used to. Don't try to "breath" the vapor in directly from the e-cig. Maybe you already know better, but in case you didn't now you know! LOL.

Hope this helps. Good luck!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 17, 2012
Washington State
Welcome Kat! Nice to have you here.

I *might* consider cancelling the order or sending it back if they have a fair return policy.

I *might* (definitely) agree.... That thing is really pricey for what it is. I too would suggest an eGo type kit (eGo, KGO, Riva, etc.) They sell for a fraction of the price of that "Tattoo" kit and they are proven performers, with tons of options and are available through many vendors.


Ultra Member
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Nov 15, 2011
Welcome to the ECF MadKat. I'm afraid that you've been collected by the marketing minions. As wv2win has stated, the kit is very over priced for what it really is. He has made some very good suggestions to you as to what most of the veterens here will direct you to. Once you have a look at these kits, I think you'll agree that you've spent much more than really necessary to get a good quality device. If at all possible, cancel your order. Let's see if we can get you going in the right direction. You and your husband. :)


Ultra Member
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Nov 15, 2011
Please understand that we are smokers and x-smokers and we've been down the road that you are currently on. We're not here to discourage you from doing something that will have a very big impact on the rest of your life. We're here sharing the information we have to help you to have the best vaping experience possible. We want you to stop smoking and enjoy what we think is a much healthier alternative. We know what it can take for you to be able to do that.

People new to vaping will not continue if they have a tough time either with the device they bought or the techniques needed to use them properly. Knowing this and also knowing what devices perform well and deliver a quality vape is the reason those devices will be linked. We're not going to lie to you and make you believe that what you have is as good as it gets. It gets much better. Whether you know it or not you have many thousands of people behind you, including myself, that want to see this work for you and maybe even your DH.


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May 2, 2011
Florida Keys, USA
What Bigtime and wv2win said. Don't feel bad. Most of us, me included, bought crap at first. But if it's good enough for you to say to yourself, "hey, this might just worK" it did it's job. Because this will work.

So, welcome to ECF. You’ve found the best place in existence for help. You'll get lots of advice here, mostly good and 99.9% of it well intentioned. But beware of nOObs who just bought their first PV screaming from the rooftops that what they just bought is the best thing out there. They are rightfully and understandably excited. Vaping is saving our lives. But pay more attention to the vets who have been doing this a while and have used and compared lots of equipment. My $.02


Ultra Member
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May 2, 2011
Florida Keys, USA
I have to admit I'm disappointed with the feedback I've gotten, but appreciate the heads up. Tried calling the store to see what the return [policy is, but got no answer so I'll try again tomorrow. Can you all explain exactly what makes my device a dud? :( If I CAN return it tomorrow...what would you recommend I use to replace it?

Look again at post #4 from my friend wv2win. Good advice from a Vet. Even if he is a Darwin fanboi :evil:


Vaping Master
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Dec 28, 2010
I have to admit I'm disappointed with the feedback I've gotten, but appreciate the heads up. Tried calling the store to see what the return [policy is, but got no answer so I'll try again tomorrow. Can you all explain exactly what makes my device a dud? :(

Test it out, see how you do with it. It's an introduction to vaping, and if you enjoy vaping and I think with the right equipment you will, keep it for a backup.

The reason most people are saying it's a 'dud' first is the price. It's more than most mini pvs. Second, it doesn't tell you what type of battery connection it is. They do that for a reason, so you buy from them. But most reputable vendors will tell you if it's a "Kr808 or 510 and you can go anywhere and purchase additional batteries, or cartomizers (this holds the juice) because they are pretty universal.

I would use it- doubt if they will take it back.

Think about getting something better from a company that offers a warranty.

If you want a mini like the one you bought, Smokeless Image Volt or Vapor 4 Life
Smokeless Image | Only The Best Electronic Cigarette | Electronic Cigarettes | Wholesale Electronic Cigarettes | E-Cigarette | Best Electronic Cigarette | Electronic Cigarette

A bigger battery model would be an ego. Don't be fooled by the picture, they aren't really that big, just fatter.
Batteries should last you 8+ hours on a single charge.

Riva SE 510 Kit | Sweet-Vapes E-Liquid

With this kit you get empty cartomizers and fill them yourself with juice. Tastes better and you save money!

Warren D. Lockaby

Super Member
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Oct 19, 2011
South Carolina, USA
I have to admit I'm disappointed with the feedback I've gotten, but appreciate the heads up. Tried calling the store to see what the return [policy is, but got no answer so I'll try again tomorrow. Can you all explain exactly what makes my device a dud? :(

Welcome to ECF MadKat, and while I understand your disappointment I hope I can help you turn it around, at least a little bit. If the seller won't take your kit back (and he probably won't), you STILL made a good investment. Today you are learning you could have made a better investment, but what you bought so far was mostly education: you now know electronic cigarettes (PVs) WORK! And that knowledge led you here, to further your education.

My first e-cig was every bit as big a ripoff as yours, but I'll be eternally grateful I bought it because that's what it took to get me started from where I was to where I am today. I'm STILL not where I want to be, but it's a process & I'm delighted with my progress - and I hope you are delighted with yours as well. I don't know how much you smoked or how much cigs cost in your area, but the money I (over-)spent on my first setup was pretty quickly covered by the money I DIDN'T spend on analogs, and I didn't even quit the analogs, just dropped from about 30 a day to 6 or 7. So go ahead and do a "Happy Dance"! You've earned it by making your decision, and since you're here it'll just keep getting better. God Bless you, and Happy Vaping! :vapor:


Vaping Master
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Aug 28, 2011
I started out on a RN4081 two piece and survived, you'll do just fine. Numerous vendors sell adaptors that will allow you to use diffent batteries on your carts or different carts on your batteries. It will work out as it did with me and my wife. Spend some time here in the forum, do some research and ask questions. Be proud and say you are an ex leaf burner.
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