New York State issues 3 Bills to: Impose 75% or 95% tax on Ecigs, Ban E-Liquid, Ban Ecig Use!

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Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011
CASAA has issued THREE Calls to Action for New York State today:

NY State Bills Would Impose a 75% or 95% tax on E-Cigarettes and Raise the Tax on Low-Risk Smokeless tobacco
CASAA: Call to Action! New York State Bills Would Impose a 75% or 95% tax on E-Cigarettes and Raise the Tax on Low-Risk Smokeless Tobacco

Call to Action! New York State Bill Would Ban Sale of E-Cigarette Liquid
CASAA: Call to Action! New York State Bill Would Ban Sale of E-Cigarette Liquid

Call to Action! New York State Bill Would Ban E-Cigarette Use Wherever Smoking is Prohibited
CASAA: Call to Action! New York State Bill Would Ban E-Cigarette Use Wherever Smoking is Prohibited

(Previous discussion on the e-liquid Sale Ban here:

Please help take action!


Wandering life's highway
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Aug 11, 2011
Advocacy Options, from the CASAA CTA:


We have provided three Advocacy Options. You are encouraged to do as many as you are able.

Advocacy Option 1:

Senate Co-President Dean Skelos (R) - (518) 455-3171
Senate Co-President Jeffrey Klein (IDC) - (518) 455-3595
Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver (D) - (518) 455-3791
Assembly Majority Leader Joseph Morelle (D) - (518) 455-5373

CASAA is asking our members in New York to please reach out to these critically important elected officials in the New York State Senate and Assembly. Ask the operator to pass along a message to the elected officials: you are a New York citizen and you would like to OPPOSE any bills that would ban sales of electronic cigarette liquid to adults, enact punitive sin taxes on e-cigarette products, or ban usage where smoking is banned. In a couple sentences, tell the operator how e-cigarettes have changed your life, that this issue matters to you as a voter, and thank them for passing along your thoughts

Advocacy Option 2:

Please be sure to also contact your New York State Senator ('Find My Senator') and New York State Assembly representatives. Ask them to OPPOSE any bills that would ban sales of electronic cigarette liquid to adults, enact punitive sin taxes on e-cigarette products, or ban usage where smoking is banned

Advocacy Option 3

These bills are before several different committees. At this time, it appears that our best course is to centralize our efforts on the members of the powerful Assembly Ways & Means Committee. Ways & Means is the committee that tax bills almost always must go through. They are chiefly concerned with the effect bills have on the economy and the business climate of the State of New York. Nonetheless, they can be won over with personal stories of New York citizens that highlight how e-cigarette use by smokers should not be discouraged by excessive taxation.

Please call or e-mail the members of the Assembly Ways & Means Committee below. If making phone calls (which will have a larger impact than e-mails), be sure to pay special attention to what cities / counties the representatives represent. If you can only make a few phone calls, call the representatives nearest to your own district. If you have a favorite vape shop in New York, please ask them to also drive phone calls to the offices of specific members.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 31, 2013
saint paul,mn,usa
i hope you can get this worked out to the betterment of the vapors in new york state.
unfortunately bill after bill,committee after committee they will keep introducing bills until
the opposition is spread to thin to be effective.
that is why here in minnesota they're building the new vikings stadium that 70% of
the voters are still against.
i presume out east the process is even worse.
do you feel that breeze?
that's politicians smelling all that money.


Ultra Member
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Mar 27, 2011
Canton, GA


Super Member
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Oct 19, 2013
I'm ashamed to say that I live on the south shore of Long Island and at a family get together as me and daughter were vaping my mom starts waving this article at me..I was horrified at the blatant inaccuracies and ignorance... From the fact that nobody knows how much nicotine is in the liquid to how much is sold here... There are very few b&m here and very much a small cult at this point.. The exaggeration and lies and insane.. Then a day later this bill appears. Wow..

www. newsday .com/news/health/report-complaints-of-e-cigarette-poisonings-on-the-rise-1.7602474

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Mar 6, 2014
Rochester, NY
" E-liquids are more dangerous than tobacco because nicotine in liquid form can be absorbed more quickly even when diluted. Therefore, forms of liquid nicotine need to be reviewed and scrutinized more than other tobacco and nicotine products. This legislation brings an awareness of the extreme dangers of these products by banning them from store shelves WITH THE GOAL OF SAVING PEOPLE'S LIVES."
S6939-2013 - NY Senate Open Legislation - Prohibits the sale or provision of any quantity of electronic liquid - New York State Senate

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dead not sleeping

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 20, 2014
Land of Thunder, Upstate NY
I would like to know how you can have 20% approval ratings, or less, and still keep getting elected to political office. ??? Thats like winning a drag race against a car that has 80% more horsepower. It does not make any sense whatsoever.

The only way we are going to win is at the polls. 40% or less US voter turnout is pathetic (average, midterm elections). The Iraqis, voting under the threats of violence and the gun, had a better voter turnout (89% 2005 amidst a war) than the US citizens. Pathetic! Get your eyes off your phones and your heads out of your butts.

Register to vote! We are our own answer. Vote them out! And keep voting them out till they get the point.

Skelos is spineless.
Klein just goes along for the ride.
Silver and Morelle ... you figure it out.

Party puppets, all of them. Lots of space between the ears there. Yell all you want, in space they cant hear you scream. But you don't need words to show them the door. Vote them out.

Sorry about the rant. 100% of us {MODERATED}, but less than half do anything about it. Pathetic.
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Jan 30, 2009
Des Moines, IA


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
CASAA has issued THREE Calls to Action for New York State today:

NY State Bills Would Impose a 75% or 95% tax on E-Cigarettes and Raise the Tax on Low-Risk Smokeless Tobacco
CASAA: Call to Action! New York State Bills Would Impose a 75% or 95% tax on E-Cigarettes and Raise the Tax on Low-Risk Smokeless Tobacco

Call to Action! New York State Bill Would Ban Sale of E-Cigarette Liquid
CASAA: Call to Action! New York State Bill Would Ban Sale of E-Cigarette Liquid

Call to Action! New York State Bill Would Ban E-Cigarette Use Wherever Smoking is Prohibited
CASAA: Call to Action! New York State Bill Would Ban E-Cigarette Use Wherever Smoking is Prohibited

(Previous discussion on the E-Liquid Sale Ban here:

Please help take action!

Bill #1 we've seen elsewhere. Bill #3, we've seen elsewhere.

But bill #2 would take all previous 'de facto bans' and bring it into new category of 'outright ban.' I don't think I've seen that elsewhere, and even if I have, it hasn't been in the likes of state the size of NY.

With that in mind, this really ought to be treated as the hugest issue facing the eCig community currently in the U.S.

The reasons I like to think it won't pass are:
  1. The justification is based on highly erroneous implications. The "eliquid is poison" implication is that people who simply touch it, will be harmed (gravely). I would say vast majority of vapers are more aware of what eLiquid can do than anyone else on the planet (including vast majority of scientists). And I would say overwhelming majority of vapers know the harm is minimal to non-existent. If I say non-existent, that would likely be easy to disprove with just one incident. But if I say minimal, that would be very hard to disprove given the overwhelming majority of vapers' experience with own eliquid.
  2. NY is so large with what I'm guessing is more vapers in the state than most other states. Therefore, I like to think that NY vapers have this covered, and that this bill will be defeated, rather easily.
  3. Bill is actually designed with intent to not pass, but to justify the higher taxes on eliquid. As in be happy we didn't ban it, but be satisfied instead that we are now only taxing it at 300% per ml. We, the legislators of NY, just did humanity a favor. You can thank us however you wish, but be sure to vote us in again. Remember, we were the people that didn't ban it!

The reasons I think it might pass:
  1. Because NY strikes me as liberal (in the bad way) as say California and the justification for the ban will be seen as absolutely mandatory if we are to protect people from themselves and their ill conceived uses of eliquid. Must ignore all evidence / arguments that conclude points opposing the justification and must see justification as a mandate to protect people from themselves. Pass this, and our rank on the liberal totem poll has to go up a few notches.
  2. Because NY is actually very interested in creating a black market out of eliquid. This one strikes me as rather insane, but not too farfetched considering the state in question.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2012
I get the taxes, and the indoor bans... but the total ban on ejuice?! What the heck? and how can that be reconciled with the taxing? Some of these gubmint guys are totally off their rockers, and the rest are sold to special interests, and I'm not sure which is worse.

NY has some of the highest tobacco taxes in the nation. They are probably using the logic that if access to liquids in NY is banned, people will throw in the towel and go back to smoking rather try circumvent a ban. Following the link above shows that he has received a lot of funding from health and insurance. Those industries as well as the state stand to profit from smokers.
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