Newb to Newb on Nic strength

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Full Member
Jan 29, 2010
I started with a Blu kit which never satisfied me with the stock carts in hi test strength. I have since learned that they do well with dripping or dipping but haven't tried yet so can't comment.
What I can say is that I ordered 26mg/ml juice with my 510 which I vaped last night and today. I am a pack a day or so long term smoker who alternates between reds and lights.
I also ordered a sampler pack from a vendor which is 18mg/ml juice. Tonight I have been vaping the 18mg/ml juice without thinking about it trying some new flavors for kicks. All day I was satisfied and this evening I started feeling the urge for an analog........
Then I remembered I cut my nic level by 8mg/ml with the new juice. I took a few drags off the 26 primed pv and voila. Craving satisfied.
So my newb advice is this and it is just my newb opinion, if you arent feeling satisfied try upping the nic in what you vape. 26 is doing nicely for me without feeling like I have to hit the button every 5 minutes.
Just an observation....


Ultra Member
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Jan 31, 2010
New Sweden, Maine
Thanks, I have been wondering that, I will be getting mine when I get in the states early next month, and looking forward to leaving analogs behind me for good.
Granted I smoke about twice as much as you do, and after a decade in the army I am ready to do something better for my body, but not wanting to give up one of the few joys I have when I deployed.
Smoking and Caffeine is about all you have out here to look forward to lol.
I have blends in several strengths on there way, and a dyi kit with some 100mg to work on boosting any of the weaker ones that I like the flavor of but do not do the job.
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