"Newb" with a juice/carto question (or two)

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Full Member
Jul 4, 2012
Greetings ECF!

I am mostly a newb. I bought a Volcano starter kit a while back, but I found it to be unsatisfactory, and gave up on it.

I recently bought a couple of V4L Vapor Titan manual batteries, and all of the necessary goods that go with it to start vaping. I am running into a problem, tho. So far, every flavor I have tried is horrible. The "Kamel" flavor tasted like a chemistry set. The other flavors taste like severely scorched versions of what they claim to be.

Am I doing something wrong? Is it the brand of juice I am getting (Nobacco and WOW vapor from V4L)? Is it their brand of either pre-filled or blank carts? I have a tank, but haven't tried it yet.

Or is it just one of those "get used to it" kind of things? If that is the case, I will have to stick with analogs, or try going on the patch again.

Any advise would be appreciated. Thanks!



Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2012
Stay away from tobacco flavors. I know you've been tasting that crap for a long time but tell me honestly, is it tasty? The answer is no. It's just something you're used to. Go for fruit flavors and sweet thangs. The idea was to get away from tobacco anyway, was it not? Let me assure you that there are no flavors that reproduce what a stinky will taste like.
So in short, you're doing it all wrong. If you are dead set on getting some kind of tobacco flavor a lot of people swear by boba's bounty which is 100% vg and very thick and I believe it has a vanilla thing going on. I don't recommend it. Well, that's what I know anyway, but I make my own juice and that's just my experience. I've only vaped commercial juice a few times.


Ultra Member
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May 13, 2012
Pre-filled are generally a bad way to go. They may or may not be filled properly which can lead to bad taste and vapor production. I did a quick search but could find out for sure what voltage your battery is. It helps to know this so that you can determine the right resistance juice systems to use. If it is 3.6-3.7V, I recommend 2.4-2.5 ohms. If it is 3.4V I recommend 1.7-2.0 ohms. Get a dripping atomizer and some juice sample packages to try and find a few juices you are sure you like. Then, get a few cartomizers with the appropriate resistance to get you started. You will probably be able to use your tank after this, depending on the tank you have. Let us know any new questions you have.

Best wishes!

Scott Harrison

Senior Member
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Jun 26, 2012
Waynesboro, TN.
Pre-filled are generally a bad way to go. They may or may not be filled properly which can lead to bad taste and vapor production. I did a quick search but could find out for sure what voltage your battery is. It helps to know this so that you can determine the right resistance juice systems to use. If it is 3.6-3.7V, I recommend 2.4-2.5 ohms. If it is 3.4V I recommend 1.7-2.0 ohms. Get a dripping atomizer and some juice sample packages to try and find a few juices you are sure you like. Then, get a few cartomizers with the appropriate resistance to get you started. You will probably be able to use your tank after this, depending on the tank you have. Let us know any new questions you have.

Best wishes!

Exactally what Flyer said. use attys if you can because you are going to get the best taste with them, trust me. i know i run my 2.3ohm attys at 4.1 volts for best preformance. i've never ran into a juice that was just down right horrible like your saying. it's almost always what he's talking about.
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Full Member
Jul 4, 2012
I tried the tobacco flavor thinking it would be an easier transition from analogs. I also have vanilla, chocolate, grape, and a couple of others. I think the vanilla would be really good if it didn't have the scorched taste to it.

I found the following on the voltage:

"They start out around 4.2 v fresh off the charger, and then work their way down below 3.6 v before needing to be recharged"

I also found:

"CoolCarts come in at a medium ohm range, the target is 3.4 ohm but due to fault tolerances they have come in as low as 3.0 ohms (rarely), and as high as 3.7 ohms (also rare)."

"WOW cartos have a low resistance. The target goal is 2.5 ohms, but in my tests of 172 WOW cartos the average is actually 2.3 ohms. I have gotten one as low as 2.0 ohms, and seen a few as high as 2.7"

My tank is a dual coil 3.5ml 1.5 Ohms resistance.
I have the Coolcarts blanks that I have filled myself, and spme pre-filled.

This being said, does anyone have any suggestions as to what/where to buy to help with the scorched taste?

Thanks again!


Ultra Member
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Apr 9, 2012
So Calif
Welcome to ECF ;)

Cartos have to be kept WET. You need to fill them slowly until they look slick on top with juice, without getting it down the center hole. Then you need to add more juice when you feel the taste getting weaker. Once you burn the filler in a carto it's toast. If you've already burned them you need to pitch them and try a new one.

I heartily concur with the previous posters, get off the tobacco wannabes, get a nice fruit or dessert vape or two and go from there.

Trying to suck juice out of a carto and putting something else in may not be a great idea. You will taste the old mixed with the new and it may not be at all pleasant.

What about the Volcano gear did you not like or have a problem with? I know a few people who have used that gear and aside from not hitting them the proper way things got fine with them when they learned the proper way to take a drag.
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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 11, 2012
Ontario, Canada
I did the same thing and went for tobacco flavours to get off the stinkies. Didn't work,yuck! I was saved by a good, strong mint and a fairly neutral flavour from canada called Jokesmoke from Jughead's. I believe the american juice most similiar is
Backwoods Brew Malty (hope I'm not offending anyone). Then fruits, and the malty type can be used to blend with flavours that are too much. Lots of experimenting!


Full Member
Jul 4, 2012
Thanks for the advise. I haven't tried refilling any cartos yet. 1 flavor per blank. I might have gotten some juice down the center hole. Will that ruin a carto? Or could that be the reason it tasted scorched? I only took a couple of hits because it tasted so bad.
I never could get a proper hit off of the Volcano. But they were older, and the ones they have on their site now look completely different, and they have more options, too. Like eCigs in general, I am sure they have evolved the product line.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Feb 18, 2012
I recommend making your own juice and using Boge or Smoktech brand SINGLE COIL cartomizers. This way you know what's going into it and people have done tests here on ECF that show that some cartos have lead in them. The brands I mentioned before do not. However, I do recommend that once you get the hang of stuff you get yourself a Vision Vivi Nova tank or 3. I wouldn't listen to the other post about resistance. You want 1.7-2.0ohm on any device that puts out less that 4v consistently. It will give you the most vapor. If you go higher than 2.0 ohms you'll get a crappy hit and be burning on your battery longer to get a decent vape and then your batteries will die faster which = more recharging which = earlier permanent death for your batteries. But if you want to do your own homework on resistance here is a table of ohms vs volts that shows you what the effects will be for each one. It's easy to use.



Full Member
Jul 4, 2012
Tried the tank. Way better than the cartos. No scorch. The grape juice is good. I must have been doing something wrong with the cartos. Ordered a few clearos and some other flavors to try out. I think I'll be a die-hard vaper in no time.
Thanks for all the help! A lot easier than some Linux user groups where there is always someone saying RTFM, instead of trying to mentor the new people. :)
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