Newbie here. Questions about Apollo Atomizers.

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Full Member
Jun 15, 2012
East Bay
Hey there everyone.

I am semi new to vaping. Smoke free for 6 months. I start out with Safecig, Then green smoke and now Apollo TGO tank kit.

I gave up on Safecig and Green smoke, Because of the limitation of juices and flavors. I recently bought a Apollo TGO tank kit. 1000mah battery. The battery's are great. But I wish I could say the same for the Atomizers. The (2) Atty's that came in my kit lasted for about 1 week. I took them back and received replacements. (1) lasted for 1 week and the other lasted about the same. Whatever. I ordered another Atty and a pack of carts. 2 day's later this Atty is bad. No vapor, Nothing. I took it back and got a replacement. The replacement lasted about 1 day and now I am thinking to myself what the hell is going on here???? I am just wasting time and money getting all these replacements that "Don't seem to be working"

So my question is,

Are there any other Atomizers I can use that will be compatible with the thread pattern on the Apollo TGO tank kit? That will actually last 2 weeks without tasting like crap or just flat out not working? I just want to vape and enjoy vaping my blends of E-juice I have from ECblends. Which creates AMAZING juice!!!

I am looking towards other options for atomizers at thing point.

Please post if you can give some positive feedback.

Thank you.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
May I be brutally honest?

What you have is an eGo-T by another name. The battery is good, but the tank systems on these and similar devices are nothing but trouble and heartache. You are very lucky that you got it from Apollo. It's unbelievable that any company would warranty an atomizer for 2 weeks. Most companies wouldn't replace an atomizer if it lasted for one hour.

The good news is that there are other options. The tGo is compatible with the eGo type attachments. There is a huge variety of clearomizers available and you can also use 510 cartomizers or clearomizers on it. Try the CE4+ (Stardust) clearomizers aka eGo Vision Clearomizer. It is probably the most popular thing that people in your position use to replace the atomizer/tank systems of their egos and ego clones. The E1 Cartomizer for eGos also gets very good reviews, is rebuildable and has a larger capacity. There are a million different things you can replace that atomizer/tank system with and end your frustration.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
Hi & Welcome to ECF! I'm not sure what thread pattern your PV uses but I'd guess it would be a 510. Whatever it is, the atty/cartridge setup you're using should be easily replaceable with cartomizers or perhaps a few other options. Did you get the PV from Apollo?

Yeah, it's a 510. It's a rebranded eGo-T. Freaks me out that Apollo warrants the attys for 2 weeks though.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
Yeah, I am not 100% sure. I think it's a 901 and takes the type A carts. Someone correct me if I am wrong. I am still a newbie to this technical lingo.

Oooops.. The tGos were a pretty common generic type brand a couple years ago. If it's a 901 connection, it may be a bit more complicated, but type "A" and type "B" are usually the designations of the eGo line, which is a 510.

Best thing to do is contact their customer service and just ask them. Even if it's a 901 connector, you can get adapters if you need to. Bottom line is that somehow, somewhere, you will be able to get something to replace that tank system with something that works better and is more reliable.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
Thanks for your honest input. I am just looking into other option to vape. Sign me up. Post up some links. I am looking to end my frustrations ASASP !!!!

I'd be happy to if I were 110% sure it was a 510. The fact that you even mentioned a 901 has given me second thoughts, since it's not impossible. Strange, but not impossible. Back in the day, I remember the tGo and they were exactly like the ego, but it's not a copyrighted name or anything so it's not inconceivable that what you have uses a 901 connector.


Full Member
Jun 15, 2012
East Bay
Well. Apollo does not state on their website what thread pattern their TGO kit is. I had to search on this forum and do a bit of research to find out. Looking at thread patterns and pictures. I am not sure if it's a 510 or 901. By looking at other brands selling a similar kit I assumed it's a 901 thread with the Type A cart. 1.5ml I think. If I could buy something to just bypass the atty I would. But it would have to thread into this battery.

I could email them. But honestly I have been playing email tag with Apollo for the last 2 weeks. I think they are a little annoyed with me emailing them so much. But hey. I am a consumer. I spend money and I expect a quality part that will work for more than 4 days. Hell a pack of smokes is $5 and lasts 3 days. at $8 for an atty I expect that part to last at least 10 days. Trying to find alternatives to quitting smoking is great, But when you run into dead ends. It just sucks. I just want the products to work for a fair amount of time and repeat.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
Go to their website and click on the chat thingy on the bottom left. Last time I did that I got a shipping quote to Ireland in about 30 seconds. Their service is really good. You might have to wait until it's not 1 in the morning though.

If you looked at similar kits, you'd see that the eGo-C is the closest to what you have and their thread is a 510/ego type. The designation "type A" and "type B" were used to distinguish the size and shape of the cone into which the atomizer fit. There is a Vgo, which is an 808 threaded device, but that's the only *go I've ever seen that wasn't a 510, except for the Gogo, which is a proprietary thread.

The odds that you have a 510 are pretty good. The odds that you can order something in less than 24 hours from now to replace that tank system is even better. You just need to verify what it is you have. Unless it's some proprietary thread pattern, there will be a device, or combination of adapters and device, that you will be able to use to replace that tank system and end your frustration.

I wish I had an answer as to why you were popping attys so often. But, IME, it's more productive to move on. Even if those attys were lasting, you'd still be better off replacing them with something better. That's the path that 90% of all eGo-C and eGo-T users end up taking and their usual response when they do is "why did it take me so long?".

So, get with Apollo asap and verify the connection. The rest is easy and you'll be on your way to vaping nirvana in no time.
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