Newbie here [Well, technically two newbies!] With some questions...

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New Member
Mar 20, 2011
Hello~ I've recently switched to e-cigarettes in attempt to kick the habit. [As you see, I'm only eighteen, I obviously had the issue far longer than I was legally able to..but isn't that the story with most of us smokers?]
And my mother, smoker of 33 years, decided to join me.
So far, it's gone pretty smooth. Me, within the first day I couldn't stand the taste of a cigarette. [Although, I've forced a few. I think because I lowered my nic level a bit too much [Over 12mg less. ><], my mind says, you NEED it, and I can't stop myself despite how displeased I am with the taste..]
My mother's noticed the same thing, although her nic level was only dropped maybe 4mg.

Anyway, my questions...
After having a few days using the pre-filled cartridges Bloog offers.. [We're both using Maxxfusions] we decided we best order awhile as Bloog takes ridiculously long to ship to us. [Also, we wanted to try juices, which is the point I'm getting to.] After filling out our order with Bloog, I went looking for empty carts as they're out, and ordered some KR-808 Revolution carts from VaporTalk, and went looking for flavors on Tasty Vapor.

The carts arrived the day after the order processed, and the juices arrived today.
I was excited to try them, and filled my carts as soon as I'd woken up to find the juices arrived.
Now, I made a BIG mistake. I was really excited to try Kretek. Since BEFORE I started smoking I'd always wanted to try Djarum blacks, but I could never find them in the area, and eventually it just slipped my mind. Started looking again this year, and, soon found out cloves are now illegal and considered a flavoring. [Which confuses me as menthol wasn't banned, and although that's just in the filter, it's still 'flavoring'. But I do realize the health issues with cloves were probably taken into it although I haven't seen an article related to that over the ban. But I could just be hating as I could never stand menthol.]

But my bottle of Kretek came as a 48mg liquid! I thought maybe it was an error on their part, but looking at my printout, I really did order 48mg. I remember initially I'd forgotten to add sweetener, so, I deleted the item and went back to add sweetener. I suppose I simply clicked the yes option on that without checking anything else. D'oh! Looks like I'll be ordering a bottle of doubler. [The worst part is, I actually tried it before reading the bottle! OH goodness that was terrible.--I'm going to have to do some major cart cleaning..] --Which leads me to my first question, how large of a bottle of doubler will I need to turn said 48mg liquid into 24mg or less? 2oz or 4oz? :x

Second question...
All of these flavors--to me at least, taste like hibiscus. VERY flowery.
Two of the four flavors aren't sweetened, my mother agrees aside from one of them--which is sweetened. So I don't imagine the ethyl maltol is the problem. [I bring that up as before trying all of them I figured maybe the sweetener was the issue, as, I've never seen any reviews specifying whether they've gotten their flavors sweetened or not.]

I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this? What would be the reason? Is it normal for them to have a flowery taste, or could it possibly be something I've done?

I know some say you should let them sit for a week or two--as they're made on order and don't have time to steep. Could this be a reason for a flowery flavor?

Here's what I ordered:
Of course, the Kretek which I now won't be using until I get doubler. [48mg, 10%vg, sweetened]
Ultimate Vanilla [24mg, 30% VG, no sweetener]
Atomic Cinnacide [24mg, 30% VG. Sweetener isn't an option, of course]
Coconut Cream Pie [24mg, 30% VG, sweetened.]

Any help on that is greatly appreciated, although that's not my biggest concern.

At 30% VG, we should be getting tons of vapor without problem, however, we're getting absolutely none. I highly doubt I got a two packs of dead cartomizers, as well, I'd find it hard to believe I'd ruined several of them immediately. [Note-- There is some, although a very small amount of vapor if we simply blow it straight from our mouth without inhaling, but of course, there's no point to vaping if you're not inhaling. haha]
I used the 'condom' method for filling them. My first one, I accidentally filled from the mouth side, but it still worked just fine. The others I did according to the Vapor Doctor's video, on the atomizer side. I made sure to blow out the excess, and then dry any off to avoid any damage to the battery.

Then we tried vaping. I've seen many fill and use immediately with no problem, so, I figured it's not the reason. But could them being too wet cause a lack of vapor?

Or, is it the revolution cartomizers?

This is the biggest concern for me. If I don't get enough vapor, I light up a cigarette. ><
[Although I finally got wise and just switched back to the pre-filled carts. Although I'm getting low on them very fast.]
So, if you can help me on this, I'll love you forever. haha.

Thanks. c:
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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
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Aug 20, 2010
I don't use cartos, I can't answer everything, but as far as the flowery flavor goes, yes, steeping your liquids a few days should help. Just pull the dripped top from thr bottles and let them sit open a few days.

Also, to knock 48mg down to 24mg, just but a bottle of the same size of 0mg then mix them equally.

From my EVO to your eyeballs!


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Oct 31, 2010
I don't use the condom method. I especially would not with auto batteries. I think you should see the inside of your carto and know the center channel (if any) is clear of juice and that there is no juice pooled above the stuffing.

You need to fill a carto totally. Find out the capacity of the carto and figure 18-24 drops per ml of capacity. Then clean it up. Then I recommend laying it on different sides for about 15 min to make sure every bit of stuffing is wet.

Vapor - If you didn't get any VG in the juice, you won't have thick or persistent vapor. Some cartos have very tight stuffing and give me less vapor. I prefer Boge cartos when I can get them. Sometimes when a carto is newly filled it will act like a flooded atty - vaping cooler and with less vapor.

Nicotine is stated as per ml. So if you cut a 48mg juice with the same amount of 0mg verison of the juice, the result is 24mg. If you cut 1 part 48 w/ 2 parts 0 the result is 1/3 of 48 or 16mg. If you cut 1 part of 48 with 3 parts 0, then it becomes 1/4 of 48 or 12mg.
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New Member
Mar 20, 2011
Thanks. I've let them steep a bit, but didn't try filling any more cartomizers as I was babying my battery.
I ordered one defect, sent it back for a replacement about two weeks ago, and haven't heard anything.
The babying of the one left didn't go well--today I ruined it. Had my glass in front of me while vaping, and of course, with the klutz I am, dropped it in the glass. Now the battery just keeps using itself, runs until cutoff, then starts up again. D:

I was going to just order two more, and just forget the one I sent back, but, I'm thinking it may be a good idea to shop around more, so far my experience with the company hasn't been too great. Even though the product seemed perfect for me.

With my shopping around, I'd decided it may be best to just go for a manual battery, I'd still like the cigarette look/feel, but, I guess if I'm going to put money out again I'd be best forgetting about that and just go for quality & battery life over look.
The only thing I don't want to bend on, is the cartomizers, since I'm well stocked in bloog & kr-808ds.
So, my question now is, could anyone recommend a good manual battery that works with those cartomizers? If I need to buy an adapter it's not a problem, just so long as I can be assured it'd work properly.
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