Nicotine and Dreams

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This explains it! I had the most horrible nightmere.............don't even want to tell anyone about it................and I vaped just before going to bed................maybe I better knock that off.....

Yeah if you are experiencing nightmares, I would knock back your last few vapes by at least an hour. I haven't had the weird dreams until I put it past that mark.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
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Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
I want huge, vivid, monstrous dreams, and I'm willing to up my nicotine intake to get them!

I have never really had any bad dreams in my life.
At least nothing that would remotely qualify as a nightmare.

And I love having really great dreams that I can remember.
Especially the ones that involve lack of clothing.

But I hardly ever remember them.
I LOVE dreams!!!


Reviewer / Blogger
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Jan 13, 2010
hey is my experience with the dreaded nicotine nightmare...

I have been vaping for a few months now, but i recently purchased a 901 due to the issues I've been having with my old 905. I really like the 901 and found that using the primer hit technique, I was getting very large hits of the "high" content liquid. I have also found the flavors come through a bit cleaner on the 901, so due to the better hits with more flavor, I have been vaping a lot, a real lot, especially at night before bed. This is even more true if my wife goes to bed early...i tend to take hit after enormous hit of the yummy yummy juice while watching the tube and laying on the couch. Anyhow, the last few nights, immediately following my personal vape-fest I find myself laying down for bed and begin dreaming almost immediately. One night it happened so quickly I thought maybe I was actually hallucinating rather than dreaming. And then last night this:

I had been vaping pretty constantly for about an hour or so...mostly cola (my fave!) and banana, with a little peach thrown in the mix for good measure. I decided it was time to hit the sack and once again I was out and dreaming in ~2min. I dreamt I was in bed, asleep with my wife but there were some kids across the street playing with their dad. In my dream I thought I heard them trying to get into our house...shaking at the knob, trying to pull open windows....that sorta stuff, so i got up to stop them, but, (now here's where it gets tricky) I woke up--still in my dream mind you--and it was just a dream about the break-in. Several times this happened, waking up and thinking the dream is over, but really still asleep and dreaming the whole time (cheesy horror movie style) and each time the break-in attempts got louder and scarier. The final dream within my dream, I heard a window shatter and someone/something big and loud was coming in to the house to get us. When I tried to get up my wife was laying lifeless on top of me and although i struggled harder and more frantically i couldn't get up. Whatever was coming to get us was getting louder and closer but no matter how hard i tried, I was stuck. Finally, at that point, I really really woke up in my own bedroom screaming my wife's name.

I was pouring sweat, heart racing, scared to death. I haven't had a nightmare like that since i was 5 yrs old, if ever before. I have tried to relate these new vivid "horror movie" dreams to anything else in my life, but I am pretty certain it's the amount, and strength of the vapor I'm sucking down just before bed.

Just wanted to share that with everyone...i have decided to ease up on the evening vape, but hopefully this will subside as my tolerance builds.

Thanks for reading...


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 28, 2009
Chef Josh,
That was definitely a lucid dream with great multitude. Great read and I can only imagine how scared you were when you did wake up.

Lucid dreaming is very scary no matter what the story line is because it feels as real as you are reading this reply. I have found that on occasion when I did lucid dream - that day my body felt like it was vibrating all day long feeling like my those waking hours.... I was really asleep!

Weird science!


Unregistered Supplier
Aug 23, 2009
I have talked to many people who are taking other methods to stop smoking about the dreams and many of them have commented that this is a common side effect related to taking in to much nicotine.

I was getting them to. I am a 6'1" 230 pound male. started vaping at 36 mg, went to 24, then 18 and now at 11.

Tried 0mg just to see if smoking was psychological or actually an addition to nicotine. I can tell you after an hour of 0 mg i was definitely feeling annoyed! haha

most of the dreams have gone away, but when i vape heavy even at 11mg i still get a few little ones.

By the way still feeling totally satisfied using 11mg. No need to put more poison in our bodies then we have to!...Mike


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 28, 2009
I have talked to many people who are taking other methods to stop smoking about the dreams and many of them have commented that this is a common side effect related to taking in to much nicotine.

I was getting them to. I am a 6'1" 230 pound male. started vaping at 36 mg, went to 24, then 18 and now at 11.

Tried 0mg just to see if smoking was psychological or actually an addition to nicotine. I can tell you after an hour of 0 mg i was definitely feeling annoyed! haha

most of the dreams have gone away, but when i vape heavy even at 11mg i still get a few little ones.

By the way still feeling totally satisfied using 11mg. No need to put more poison in our bodies then we have to!...Mike

I tend to agree with the connection of dreams and nicotine overload because it goes directly to the pleasure center of the brain which activates dreams. Much of the same way Chantrix seems to have the side affect of "weird" dreams on many who have used it (me included).

Congrats on cutting the nicotine :thumb: - my goal too.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 3, 2009
I had no clue the two were related. I've been vaping for 3 months now, and just recently I noticed strange dreams. All of them seem to take place in my bed, as I'm dreaming! I had a dream I was paralyzed in my bed and I kept reaching for the phone to call for help. I couldn't move. It felt so real. On an unrelated note I found out this was called sleep paralysis because during your REM stage of sleep, you are actually 'paralized' to keep from acting out your dreams. Cool.

The next dream was odd too. My grandfather died this week and I had to go to Long Island for his funeral. The night I got home I had a dream (which took place with me lying in bed) and I heard my parent's talking about his will and the fact I would get 2,000. I woke up thinking it was real and asked my parents if it was true what I heard them discussing.

Though the dreams are weird/vivid, I kind of enjoy them. For 2 years I haven't been able to recall a single dream. These side effects are easy to deal with, in my opinion! I'm going to research this in more detail. Good topic discussion guys!


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 27, 2009
When I started vaping, I started at a higher nic level, and I had strange and vivid dreams. Since then, I reduced my nic level and my sleep has gone back to normal.

I remember a few years back, when I was trying the nic patch, they cautioned against wearing it at night due to the possibility of disturbed sleep and vivid dreams.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
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Chef Josh,
That was definitely a lucid dream with great multitude. Great read and I can only imagine how scared you were when you did wake up.

Lucid dreaming is very scary no matter what the story line is because it feels as real as you are reading this reply. I have found that on occasion when I did lucid dream - that day my body felt like it was vibrating all day long feeling like my those waking hours.... I was really asleep!

Weird science!

The funny thing is: Simply READING posts about lucid dreams or vivid dreams in general - might actually cause you to have lucid or vivid dreams. If you're trying to avoid having these dreams - reading all these crazy posts and then going to bed, isn't going to help the situation :D .

However, if you're like me and seek consciousness and control during your dreams - you should trying questioning reality during your waking life (test the light switches / look at your palms and ask yourself if you're dreaming). The idea is to repeat these gestures during a dream - only to realize that you're dreaming, while achieving conscious control during a dream.

Sorry I know this is going off topic - but it may help you to control those nightmarish dreams that we seem to have sometimes.
I had a very hard time remembering dreams when I smoked cigs. I figured my body was too busy repairing all the damage I did all day to mess with them. It is truely a pleasure to resume and remember my dreams now.

I'd like to go back to forgetting them when I wake up please. I even smoke an analog or two a day to try to get rid of this serious problem for me.

Right now I'm taking 4x my normal sleeping pills to make the dreaming stop.
The funny thing is: Simply READING posts about lucid dreams or vivid dreams in general - might actually cause you to have lucid or vivid dreams. If you're trying to avoid having these dreams - reading all these crazy posts and then going to bed, isn't going to help the situation :D .

However, if you're like me and seek consciousness and control during your dreams - you should trying questioning reality during your waking life (test the light switches / look at your palms and ask yourself if you're dreaming). The idea is to repeat these gestures during a dream - only to realize that you're dreaming, while achieving conscious control during a dream.

Sorry I know this is going off topic - but it may help you to control those nightmarish dreams that we seem to have sometimes.

So how would someone research how to consciously control dreaming with out having consequences of the research in their dreams ><


Full Member
Jan 31, 2010
Denton, TX
I've only been vaping for a few days now, but in some previous attempts to quit smoking, I tried the patch a few times. And I definitely noticed intense dreams on it. I always said, you wanna have some crazy dreams, wear the patch to bed. Just like any other dreams, sometimes they were pleasant, sometimes scary, sometimes just weird and disturbing, but they were always much more intense than my usual dreams, stronger, more vivid, and I would remember a lot more of them in the morning.


Full Member
Feb 1, 2010
I stopped smoking and started vaping and all I know is my dreams got so crazy! I would have violent dreams about me being at my house and people were watching me and taking the engine out of my car so I couldn't escape. It ends with me and my sks and about 300 rounds out my window and then I wake up fall back asleep and continue where I left off on my dream beforehand. who knows, maybe it's my 36mg ultrapure, or a combo of me using it while never really smoking to much to get a tolerance to that kind of e-liquid?
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