Nicotine Announcement

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Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Apr 18, 2009
Washington USA
We notified our nicotine supplier about a strong odor in one batch of nicotine. The manufacturer has now modified its tobacco extraction process to correct this issue. We want to assure you that this batch of nicotine is chemically the same as all of our other nicotine products.

If you received nicotine that had a strong odor that you would rather not use, we will replace it free of charge. Simply call our customer service hotline at 1-888-418-2215 and provide us with the lot number.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 30, 2013
Flint, Michigan, United States
We notified our nicotine supplier about a strong odor in one batch of nicotine. The manufacturer has now modified its tobacco extraction process to correct this issue. We want to assure you that this batch of nicotine is chemically the same as all of our other nicotine products.

If you received nicotine that had a strong odor that you would rather not use, we will replace it free of charge. Simply call our customer service hotline at 1-888-418-2215 and provide us with the lot number.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

I commend you on responsible liquid production and proof an industry can self regulate without the help of the FDA which misses bowling balls in tapioca anyway.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 9, 2014
Was this juice from E Cig Express? if it was they were in NO WAY replacing or refunding my order.
I believe they just posted this in an attempt to save their rep either way don't trust it they are just gonna keep pushing this stuff and hope no one complains until its all gone. bottom line don't trust it and don't be a sucker
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Full Member
Mar 29, 2013
United States
There is a different smell in the batches of Nic I have purchased recently.
An older batch 60mg/ml BATCH# 120913 /VGLOT LA103901932 does indeed smell cleaner
than 60mg/ml BATCH# 012014 /VGLOT LA09390154 which does have somewhat of a diesel or fuel type of smell. I have not used this latest batch (012014) in any of my mixes yet, but will do so this evening. Will mix both nics tonight with with some fruity recipes and report later. As of Tobacco flavors, it may be a few days before noticing anything and will report back on that too. Thanks for the heads up.

Question, Could it be possible the wrong strength Nic was sold by accident? I currently do not have any nicotine test supplies, could the difference in the two batches be a little stronger in the latest batch?
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Full Member
Mar 29, 2013
United States
okay, here goes. Two dated batches of Nic6% or 60mg/ml VG (1) 120913 (2) 012014. Made up four batches 15ml each. First two a bubblegum premix using EcigX calculator.

2.75 ml - Nic60mg - 16.666%
8.75 ml - Bubblegum - 58.333%
3.75 ml - Distilled Water - 25%
This is a 1mg nic or a 10mg in calculator. Speed Steeped for 1 1/2 hours. This was already a premix of bubblegum for 2 months.

Using the Kayfun or Russian 91% To me, the newer batch of Nic (012014), (using a 1.4ohm build at 10watts) was smooth and had more of the bubblegum flavor. Batch (120913), using a 2.2ohm at 12watts) did not have that much of the bubblegum flavor but seemed to be more of a Nic throat hit. Now this may be my imagination but that is what I got. Could be the difference in the coils.

I need to rebuild both coils and get them as close as possible and try the flavors again.

Second batch (still Speed steeping) is:

2.75 ml - Nic60 - 16.666%
7.10 ml - Vanilla Tobacco - 47.333%
1.65 ml - Tobacco Evolution - 11%
3.75 ml - Distilled Water - 25%

Vanilla Tobacco and Tobacco Evolution been steeping since 11-02-13 Will try these later after I rebuild the coils to the same ohms. Also ordered a Nic test kit to test both batches of Nic60, but I am almost sure they will test the same. Now as far the the oily, tar, diesel smell from batch nic (012014) was not present in vaping or the smell of the finished bubblegum flavor. I will get these coils rebuilt and rewicked tomorrow and give it another try.
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Full Member
Mar 29, 2013
United States
It is a little thin but helps out during the winter time or colder weather. To me is seems to flow through the wick a lot better and less of a chance to burn. Using cotton wicks and pretty much chain vape. I am still playing with the amount of Distilled Water. It does not really get that cold here in the south, Northern Louisiana. I am outside a lot or leave my vaping gear in work vehicle. Have noticed the juice really thick when it gets down to 40F. Now in the shop, 65 - 75f the juice flows pretty good. There again I am using nothing but VG and the trance amounts of PG used in the original flavoring.

Oh and the vapor production! Is pretty good for me and the others I have made juice for. My wife complains sometimes, not really complain but makes a comment, "it's hard to see sometime because of all the vapor" LOL..I tell her to pretend we are in London :)
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Full Member
Mar 29, 2013
United States
As posted earlier two batches using Nic60 (120913) and (012014)

2.75 ml - Nic60 - 16.666%
7.10 ml - Vanilla Tobacco - 47.333%
1.65 ml - Tobacco Evolution - 11%
3.75 ml - Distilled Water - 25%

I could not really tell any difference in the taste or smell. As before (to me) (120913) still seemed to have a stronger throat/Nic hit than (012014), the (012014) still has a smoother throat/Nic hit. During this test, both coils were rebuilt to 1.48ohms. Using the Vamo 3 and 5, both are reading 1.4ohms with the KayFun. Actually FastTech has renamed their items since Dec 9th. It used to be called the KayFun 3.1 ES to Russian 91% Styled Rebuildable Atomizer.

Anyway, everything was pretty much identical. My sense of smell and taste are pretty good and this does vary depending upon if I have just eaten anything, meaning If I had some strong onions on a burger it definitely changes the smell and taste of my vape. Same thing if I have eaten anything sweet. Other folks will have a even higher sense of smell and taste and some, not so much. Again, I try to keep most everything in VG as much as possible.

To sum it all up, (to me) there is a definite smell difference (not bad) in the two batches but mixed with flavors batch (012014) seemed to be smoother. This may not be the case for others. Just to clarify, I am no expert. I am a beginner. Just started mixing back in March of 2013.

As for the speed steeping, I have several flavors already mixed and stored in glass. For instance the Bubblegum, used both Seedman and LorAnn in the following:

21.5 ml - Bubblegum - 18.45%
72.0 ml - VG - 61.80%
23.0 ml - DW - 19.74%

Mixed on a heated magnetic stirrer, in glass jars. This may mix for 20 minutes to an hour depending upon flavors. From here it will go into a ultrasonic cleaner for 30 to 60 minutes. Then will sit for a couple of days and go back through the same process as above. Sometimes I will test the flavors right after making just to see what the difference is and compare after several days. From these mixes a final batch will be made, or test batch in a 8ml vial and placed back in the ultrasonic cleaner from 30 to 90 minutes. Some of this may be a little of an overkill, but want to make sure all is mixed and steeped well to bring out the best flavor. Flavor...there is a big difference to me between a plain cartomizer like the Iclear 16 (dual coil) and the Russian 91% with the Russian 91% having the best taste and vape.
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