Nicotine Believed Not to be Addictive

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 25, 2009
I have had this discussion with many people. People say, "im not addicted to the nicotine, I am just addicted the the motions". It's like people are affraid to admit they are addicted or dependant on nicotine! Why? It doesn't make us weak, or stupid. People need to stop thinking of addiction as a bad thing, not to say all addictions are not bad, because we all know there are many that are bad. some addictions are bad because they impede on the liberty of those around them, but nicotine delivered by vapor does not infringe on anyones pursit of their constitutional rights! When I smoked cigarettes I went out doors when there were people around who were nonsmokers because I felt it was wrong to force the stink and air polution onto them, but vapor can be almost unnoticable. no stench, no pollution.
What I tell them is that they do not realize what they are addicted to. They thin they are addicted to the motions because those are the simuli they seek when they want their nicotine.
Everytime you smoke a cigarette you are instantaneously rewarded with a positive reinforcer (the nicotine)!
But without the niccotine (positive reinforcer), you wouldn't be addicted to the motions as you call them. Just admit it, you and I are addicted to niccotine.
It is basic psychology, proven by many Doctors of the mind.
That is why I think I am able to stay away from analogs so easily. because my nicotine solution I use for vaping provides a better reinforcer that those stinky analogs. I get a clearer euphoric sensation the first few vapes, and now that I have reached my plateau, I am going to keep on vaping and cigarettes are a thing if the past. When I want my addiction quelled, I reach for my PV, not a .....


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 25, 2009
'Chippers' Challenge Concepts Of Smoking Addiction : NPR

I am not so lucky. When I smoked, I kept open packs of cigarettes along with a lighter and ashtray in stratigic locations throughout the house. I'm more like the people discussed in the following articles.

I don't care for the word "addicted" because it is judgmental. I have the will-power to do without nicotine. I have done so in the past. But when I make that choice, I sacrifice my cognitive and emotional health.

I consider myself "medically dependant" on nicotine. I could switch my dependancy to a chemical soup of anti-depressants, anti-anxety medication, an ADHD treatment such as Ritalin, and a medication for memory impairment such as Aricept. I believe that nicotine (absent the hazards found in tobacco smoke) carries a much lower risk of adverse effects than such a combination.

Here are some articles on depression, anxiety, and other conditions as they relate to nicotine. In one of these, Glassman talks about a study he conducted where 9 people had such serious relapses in their depression they were advised to go back to smoking! Five subjects were receiving the treatment (clonidine) and 4 were receiving placebo.

Nicotine Addiction and Other Psychiatric Disorders - Psychiatric Times
February 1, 2001
Psychiatric Times. Vol. 18 No. 2
"Nicotine Addiction and Other Psychiatric Disorders"

Tony P. George, M.D., and Jennifer C. Vessicchio, M.S.W.

Amering M, Bankier B, Berger P et al. (1999), Panic disorder and cigarette smoking behavior. Compr Psychiatry 40(1):35-38.

Anda RF, Williamson DF, Escobedo LG et al. (1990), Depression and the dynamics of smoking. A national perspective. JAMA 264(12):1541-1545

Glassman AH (1993), Cigarette smoking: implications for psychiatric illness. Am J Psychiatry 150(4):546-553

Glassman AH, Helzer JE, Covey LS et al. (1990), Smoking, smoking cessation, and major depression. JAMA 264(12):1546-1549

Gonzalez-Pinto A, Gutierrez M, Ezcurra J et al. (1998), Tobacco smoking and bipolar disorder. J Clin Psychiatry 59(5):225-228.
I think there is nothing wrong with an addiction to nicotine, I wish people could just say it aloud. To me medically dependant is addicted. being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming- sound familiar?? Dont sugar coat it for us, we are with you. I am addicted to niccotine, and I love it. lol Thats why I switched to vaporizing, it is definately safer than analog smoking, and I like chosing flavors. It was easy to switch over because the condition stimulus (smoking) is the same action as vaping and vaping still gives my my positive reinforcer (nicotine)! This is great! :D
PS: I know plenty of smokers who are depressed, obviously nicotine is not the best "medical" solution to the problem. Also, Depression is horrible, I know from person experience, but I recognize it as a part of life. Alll my emotions can't be good all the time right? I find a few movies and meals go good with a cig or two to pick my spirits up.
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Full Member
Nov 27, 2009
I just started vaping about a week ago, and the first thing I noticed was how quickly and completely it replaced "analogs." After having the e-cig and 18mg loads, my analog smoking went from a full pack a day to 10 in one day. The next day it went to 5, then to 3, then to 1, and finally to none. The two biggest problems I am having are (1) being out of refill juice (anyone know of a place to just go and buy it in northern Colorado?) and (2) breaking the cigarette-related activities that went along with my previous use of analogs. I have 2 or 3 drops left and am frankly p.o.'d that I will very likely pick up the analogs again when I run out. I've ordered some, but it probably won't be here until Wednesday, which will be 3 full days without. Where O Where to get my nic fix until then? Obvious, and most annoying. I will be disappointed, my wife will be disappointed, all the excited talk I've made to friends and family about being off cigarettes will go for naught. I know I will drop the nasty analogs again when I get the resupply, but it's still like having won the lottery only to find out the ticket is no good. I desperately need a local e-cig source of supply. Anyone?


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 7, 2009
Charleston, SC
You have my deepest sympathy. I didn't know to order liquid when I ordered my starter kit either! Also, I could not find a local supplier in my city, Charleston, SC. I ended up ordering from They offer overnight shipping. It was expensive, but well worth it.

Of course, the minute I got the liquid--and an extra battery!--I stopped the analogs altogether. I am only on day nine, but so far, so good.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 27, 2009
Republic of Boulder
bfisherco, I sympathise. To my knowledge, the closest supplier to you is down in Broomfield, at Wyzardd's Personal Vaporizers - Pipes and Cigarettes - nicotine without smoke (Wyzzard's Gifts.) Unfortunately, selection's a little sketchy. You might try emailing the vendor directly to see if you can pick up something.

I'm in Boulder County, and no, there really aren't any local brick and mortar vendors. (You'd think one of the various tobacciana shops would have got the message, but no...) My best solution is to gauge your consumption and order 125% of your fortnightly/monthly consumption at a time.

Depending on what you use, pm me and I might be able to toss you a bottle.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Aug 14, 2009
Wilmington, NC
I dunno- I *could go without alot of things, but I LOVE my nicotine! :) I was down to 8mg and found myself wanting something more. I wasnt going crazy or anything, but when I uped to 24mg again, I was getting somewhere, then when i got some 48mg and tried it wout mixing as suggested, it felt right at home. But thhen again, I vape like a steam train....better than all that chain smoking I used to do tho.....;)
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