Nicotine not addictive? Yeah right!

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Vaping Master
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Jul 15, 2014
Must be different for everyone. Was told to start off with 24mg or 18mg as a newbie on the forum.......found out that made me sick so I dropped immediately to 12mg and was able to quit smoking in a week. Never had any withdrawal symptoms at all and I smoked for 20 years....
I would say the delivery system is as much (or even more) important than the level of nicotine. Back in the day of ego t atomizers, anything less than 36mg in the morning wouldn't stop my cravings like an analog would.

With a kayfun or erlprinz, 18mg is more than enough. Usually 16mg will do the trick. The CE4 atomizers would work nice too and 24mg was enough to beat the turkey in the morning.

My two cents


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Altaire Versailles

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I'd stack my opinion up with whatever scientific opinion is currently around and take my chances in any debate / discussion. Fairly confident, I'd be victorious.

ok youd be victorious in your OPINION that a deadly product that people only ingest because theyre addicted to and has been demonstrated in numerous tests and case studies to be addictive actually isnt, because you say so. OK, you can believe that if you want just like you deny evidence of climate change agreed upon by the scientists that actually study these things for a living because, again, your opinion. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:


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Oct 1, 2013
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Sep 27, 2014
If you believe nicotine by itself is so addictive, perhaps you could explain why patches and gum don't work.

That question seems to have no valid answer other than the "habit" and "rituals" are extremely important in the "addiction" equation.
Or that various other things found in tobacco lend themselves to increased addiction potential.

Or maybe it's both.
Yeah, probably.

This is where it gets interesting for me because, at first, I thought I was addicted to nicotine. Then, later on, I discovered there were a gazillion other chemicals involved in the burning of a cigarette. So, when I started vaping, I began to observe myself and the habits I had acquired when I was smoking.

For me, I don't think it's the nicotine that I am addicted to as much as some other chemical in the cigarettes. This was more clear to me when I added WTA to my juice. For me, I also think ritual and habit has a big part in it also. I enjoyed getting up from my desk and getting away to another part of the facility. I like the factor of sometimes being alone with the hand to mouth routine and letting my thoughts go where they will while I watch the smoke come out of my mouth. Even when I'm not drawing on the vape, I find myself sitting there with the device in hand. I may even have the tip in my mouth without inhaling. It's like being with an old friend who accepts whatever I'm thinking or feeling without judging me for it.


Vaping Master
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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
a deadly product

You didn't say whether you were referring to cigarettes or to nicotine. If the former I agree, if the latter not so much.

In what way is nicotine deadly? If it is I would sure like to know, but I haven't seen anything to this effect, other than a reference to it being dodgy for people with certain heart conditions. And it has been cleared for use in patches and gum, I assume by the FDA.


Vaping Master
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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
For me, I also think ritual and habit has a big part in it also. I enjoyed getting up from my desk and getting away to another part of the facility. I like the factor of sometimes being alone with the hand to mouth routine and letting my thoughts go where they will while I watch the smoke come out of my mouth. Even when I'm not drawing on the vape, I find myself sitting there with the device in hand. I may even have the tip in my mouth without inhaling. It's like being with an old friend who accepts whatever I'm thinking or feeling without judging me for it.

Nice one Rotowoman, that rings so many bells.

I'll add: the ritual of making coils, sniffing the bottles to see if they are ready, the sheer fun of getting more stuff in the mail. I could go on but it's getting late.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 15, 2013
ok youd be victorious in your OPINION that a deadly product that people only ingest because theyre addicted to and has been demonstrated in numerous tests and case studies to be addictive actually isnt, because you say so.

Show me these tests and case studies. Let us all see how credible they are.

OK, you can believe that if you want just like you deny evidence of climate change agreed upon by the scientists that actually study these things for a living because, again, your opinion. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Show me a substance that is not addictive. Oh, that's right, you can't.


Moved On
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2013
6992 kilometers from home...
You didn't say whether you were referring to cigarettes or to nicotine. If the former I agree, if the latter not so much.

In what way is nicotine deadly? If it is I would sure like to know, but I haven't seen anything to this effect, other than a reference to it being dodgy for people with certain heart conditions. And it has been cleared for use in patches and gum, I assume by the FDA.

You don't really think something is safe, just because the FDA has approved it, do you? What about Chantix; or every other prescription medication which has been approved, but has been known to have adverse side effects?

Altaire Versailles

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Mar 17, 2013
Detroit MI
beckdg:14852598 said:
people only ingest because theyre addicted to


has been demonstrated in numerous tests and case studies to be addictive

Nicotine? Isolated? Not tobacco which consists of more than just nicotine. Are you positive?

Sent from my device.

No he was talking about cigarettes. He says cigarettes aren't addictive and he can defend his opinion against any scientific evidence to the contrary. And youre right, that's not the only reason people smoke.

Altaire Versailles

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Mar 17, 2013
Detroit MI
Jman8:14853915 said:
ok youd be victorious in your OPINION that a deadly product that people only ingest because theyre addicted to and has been demonstrated in numerous tests and case studies to be addictive actually isnt, because you say so.

Show me these tests and case studies. Let us all see how credible they are.

OK, you can believe that if you want just like you deny evidence of climate change agreed upon by the scientists that actually study these things for a living because, again, your opinion. :facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

Show me a substance that is not addictive. Oh, that's right, you can't.

Tests and studies that show cigarettes are addictive? Why would that even be necessary? Youre the only person I've even heard claim that they aren't, why would it be my responsibility to prove YOU wrong?

And depending on the definition of addiction youre right, any substance, any activity, anything could be referred to as being addictive. I was speaking in terms of the definition I posted earlier.


Vaping Master
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Sep 25, 2014
Naptown, Indiana
You don't really think something is safe, just because the FDA has approved it, do you?

Fair enough. That doesn't prove it's safe. Pretty much all medications have side effects, sometimes serious and sometimes way worse than the beneficial effects. Sometimes the FDA identifies negative effects, sometimes they miss them completely. And some negative effects are impossible to identify because they don't surface for many years, or are extremely rare for example. They do try though, and I would guess they are mostly in the right ballpark. Some negative effects are listed against the nicotine patch.

I do think FDA approval of nicotine can reasonably be used as part of an argument against an unsupported assertion that nicotine is a deadly substance. Alongside, for example, the research that has been done into the possible benefits of nicotine in the area of dementia. None of this is conclusive, but it adds up, and I haven't seen anything at all to support the contrary argument.


Moved On
Aug 31, 2014
Some just want so badly to convince everyone that vaping isn't addictive or harmful so they hitched their wagon to the nicotine isn't addictive slogan which is just silly.

They will keep insisting nicotine by itself (raw nicotine) isn't addictive and blah, blah, blah. Who freaking cares?? No one is using raw nicotine in a real world sense. The mass majority are using nicotine in either tobacco form or vaping it and by all means are addicted to it, which is why they keep doing it and have back ups of back ups incase their rig dies. The very fact that all these ex smokers choose to vape nicotine instead of smoking proves that point, along with all those who say if they cant vape nicotine then they will return to smoking. I'm so tired of hearing some stupid study about never smokers. Who cares?? They where never smokers and are not relevant in a tobacco vaping nicotine addiction discussion. Some just need to twist the facts to suit their own opinion and agenda.

Go to the smoke shop or vape shop the highest nic e juice always sells out first and the zero nic is always in stock and sells very slowly. The only ones who mostly use zero nic e liquid are cloud chasers and most of those zero nic users are your famous never smokers LOL, its fun and games for them, a hobby and nothing more.

Real ex smokers who have switched from smoking and choose to vape almost all of them use some level of nicotine. Some will start at a high level and drop down to where their comfortable and some will drip their e liquid and because of the potency of dripping they use a lower nic level. So lets not pretend here. Just about everyone seeking out nicotine from smoking or vaping is most likely addicted to it and to try to convince people otherwise is complete nonsense.

Also many people are addicted to nicotine patches and nicotine gum (I just don't know where some of you get your facts) and both of those have helped many quit, not everyone who uses those products quits, but some do. Lets not forget quitting any product you like to use takes will power. If your dedicated to quitting you will do it, but you have to really want to. Fact is most don't really want to quit and are trying to quit for the wrong reasons, in other words not for themselves, their not really committed to quitting.

Why does vaping make it so much easier for a smoker to quit?? The answer is easy. Its a delivery that most smokers are familiar with, it contains Nicotine, it tastes good, and mimics smoking. Take a smokers tobacco away completely and give them a zero nic e liquid and tell them to quit smoking, LOL, isn't gonna happen because the smoker is addicted to Nicotine, duh.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Oct 8, 2014
They will keep insisting nicotine by itself (raw nicotine) isn't addictive and blah, blah, blah. Who freaking cares??

I freaking care. It is fascinating that nicotine is not addictive or not very addictive unless ingested by combustion tobacco. You can have any opinion you wish but the evidence is showing that. This result shows that we know little about smoking addiction, the more we understand smoking addiction the better the chance of developing effective treatments or less harmful methods.

So yeah I freaking care, I endeavor to understand things beyond what popular opinion states.


Moved On
Aug 31, 2014
I understand your post but I was relating to raw nicotine and because almost no one uses raw nicotine that study is pointless to the people who ingest nicotine by smoking or vaping because that study used never smokers using raw nicotine, LOL, it means nothing except people have no desire to use raw nicotine. There's a whole lot of people addicted to nicotine from vaping Most of not everyone understands smoking is addictive, and its a choice to smoke, so I'm not real clear on what you need to understand about smoking that's not already known. Its harmful and addictive and so are lots of things when you do it to much.
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