NJOY 2N1 Refill with ejuice

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New Member
Nov 24, 2010
Tampa, FL
I am very new to the e-cig community.
I have purchased NJOY 2N1 (Nov 2010) batteries and carts and, so it seems, managed to refill the carts (with the vaporizor inside the cart) with ejuice.
It seems that either these carts are very new (?) or my google skills are just bad! I could not find any info on refilling these type of carts with ejuice.
I created a PDF on how I did it and I'd love to share it with the community.. or if anybody knows the best way to refill these type of carts can you please post to this thread. Thanks!


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2010
You can refill the Njoy carto's with the condom method, or you can use a syringe to stick in the little mouth piece hole with the syringe method you want the juice to go to the side of the carto not straight down or it will leak.

Also you can buy empty replacment carto's with soft rubber mouth piece ends that come off where you just put drips from the juice bottle directly onto the filler, Good Prophets and AZSmokefree sell them, the Good Prophets ones are pretty good quality they are listed as RN4081 Cartomizers, the njoy is a RN4081 type e cig so you can buy any accessories or batteries of that type and they will work with the stuff you already have.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 10, 2010
Denver, CO
Foam filled cartos are dead!!! I mean this with the utmost respect to the vets who still have tons sitting in reserve or the guys who aren't using E2s yet but at 3.7v E2s work and have no filling or glues. I don't get why anyone is still using these things. Use one for two hours listen to it pop and make weird noises. Then actually cut it open and look at all the black burnt crap in there. This is a rapidly changing technology and I got into this to feel healthier not breath burnt plastic. Keep up... spend the 9 bucks on E2 revision 4 cartos where you put juice into a ceramic reservoir instead of overheating foam wadding. I don't want to offend anyone but why still use those things.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 6, 2010
Foam filled cartos are dead!!! I mean this with the utmost respect to the vets who still have tons sitting in reserve or the guys who aren't using E2s yet but at 3.7v E2s work and have no filling or glues. I don't get why anyone is still using these things. Use one for two hours listen to it pop and make weird noises. Then actually cut it open and look at all the black burnt crap in there. This is a rapidly changing technology and I got into this to feel healthier not breath burnt plastic. Keep up... spend the 9 bucks on E2 revision 4 cartos where you put juice into a ceramic reservoir instead of overheating foam wadding. I don't want to offend anyone but why still use those things.

I only use CE2's with my 510 stuff point me at a US supplier with CE2 4081's and I'll be ordering a few packs.
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