[noob:] eGO, heads, Clearomizer, DCT, confusion, differences?

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New Member
Nov 8, 2014

I'm a complete noob and don't get what to buy.

When I look at cheap eGOs like this (6.40$):
These seem to contain these cheap Clearomizers (1.80$):

1) These Clearomizers contain some threads. Is this usable or cheap sh#t? What are the threads for? To get the liquid to the heat source, or is power going through the threads?

And there is stuff like this DCT Atomizer (7.40$):

2) Is this much better? What is the difference to "normal Clearomizers"? Are there other types I should consider, is there a list of "head" types? What are the differences?

3) What is best (but still cheap)? I don't want to be smoking plastic or threads.

4) How often do I have to change these parts?

5) What do I have to watch out for if I want to buy it cheap? (Many cheap shops in my country just resell that Chinese stuff, so I thought why not buy in china myself, especially since ecigs are a Chinese invention)

Thanks and regards


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Oct 2, 2013
Sharon, ND, USA
First, there are multiple internet sources. I've never heard of the one you put the addresses in for. Fasttech FastTech - Gadgets and Electronics is one that people from a lot of locations use, and they have a lot of variety.

1) If it is showing "long threads" they are probably wicks for a top coil clearomizer. Which leads us to

2) Top coils are just that. They have the heating coil at the top. They produce a warmer vape, frequently require turning to wick the liquid and should usually also be kept close to horizontal. There are also bottom coil, bottom coil changeable (bcc), bottom dual coil (bdc) and the newer bottom vertical coil (bvc). These, obviously have the coil on the bottom, and have much shorter wicks. Most wicks on commercial coils are silica, not cotton. There also cartomizers (cartos) which are tubes with filler around the wicks that can be used either alone or with/in tanks.

3) Generally you are better off getting clearomizers (or cartos, but I don't use them so will let a fan explain more) that have changeable coils. Then you can get a better clearomizer. Glass/Pyrex will handle all liquids. Polycarbonate can"crack" or melt with some liquids.) I prefer bottom coils, either single (bcc) or vertical (bvc) But there are also lots of fans for dual. And a note here that while a cheap ego is a good place to start you may want to at least check out one with variable voltage and/or wattage. A little extra money can get way better results, and broaden your options.

4) The atomizers (coils) are what needs to be replaced. How often on what liquids you use, how you, personally, vape, and on the quality of the coils. Generally anywhere from a couple of days to a couple of weeks. I'm getting 3-4 weeks with non-sweet clear liquids, and about 1 week with the only dark, sweet liquid I use. Generally BVCs are reported to last longer, but they cost more.

5) Generally, like almost anything, you get what you pay for. Pick a supplier with a good reputation (Fasttech is affectionately known as "slowtech" but they do have good customer service - once you actually get the product) and preferably an ECF listed supplier. You didn't say what country you are in (that's why it is helpful to list that in your profile) but there may be a national sub-forum with people you can ask for your location.


Ultra Member
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Oct 2, 2013
Sharon, ND, USA
And despite writing the long explanation above I did forget something. There are two main methods of connecting the topper to the battery. Ego, and 510. You can usually attach a 510 to an Ego, though it will look odd (exposed threads) without a beauty ring. If a device only has a 510 connection you will have to have an adapter to use an ego threaded topper on it. Many 510 toppers come with the beauty ring, and many 510 only batteries include the adapter. Both the beauty rings and the adapters are cheap if they aren't included.


Super Member
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Apr 11, 2014
Lansdale, PA, USA
Welcome to the forums.

My recommendation for those wishing to quit smoking is to get their first kit at a brick and morter store with a helpful staff to get you started.

1. The threads are wicks that get the juice up to the coil (a coil of wire that gets hot and vaproizes the juice). They run through the coil and are probably made of sillica.

2. There are many different clearomizers from many diferent manufacturers. Kanger and Aspire, along with others, are the big players. They do their own designs and have a reputation to uphold. Some you throw out the entire thing when it gets old and some have "heads" that contain the coil and some wick material that you can replace. Most heads are unique and you can not replace a Kanger with an Aspire.

They also differ in where the heads are located, top or bottom. Single or dual coils. Vertical or horizontal coils. The electrical resistance of the coil.

3. This is going to be a personal thing and it will depend on what you want. How important is simple? How important is flavor? How important is the amount of vapor? As far as I know they are about all the same as far as what you are smoking.

One thing is that some juices, citrus and cinnamon especially, will interact with the plastic used and cause it to crack. There are some glass or metal tanks that have to be used with them.

4. A coil will last a normal smoker about 2-3 weeks. Throw away the entire thing or replace the coil. When it is time to change you will taste it and have les vapor production. Some juices kill coils faster than others and using higher voltages with coils shortens the life.

5. There are HUGE discussions about this here. It is almost a religious war. I try to buy from companies I can identify because they will have some sort of reputation they need to protect. If you do not know the manufacturer there is no way of telling anything about the quality.


New Member
Nov 8, 2014
Thanks a lot for the answers. I have a lot to learn...

I just met a ecig smoker. He prefers variable voltage and the simple Clearomizers to the DCT ones (he assumed there is cotton in the cheap DCT one I showed, so I better get sillica threads).
A lot seems to depend on personal taste, so I probably have to check out multiple of them...

Is there some wiki or page about the different heads/coil types?
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