October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

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Happy Jack

Unregistered Supplier
ECF Veteran
Fellow Happy Vapers!

As you may or may not know, HawtAngel has approached the Canadian vendors and asked that we contribute to the cause.

We will be donating the following amounts to the Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation for all purchases containing these pink products during the month of October:

.50 for each pink drip tip
1.00 for each pink 510 atty
2.00 for each pink eGo Mega/T atty
2.00 for each pink eGo atomizer cover
2.00 for each pink 510 battery
2.50 for each pink 510 passthrough
3.00 for each pink eGo battery (650, 900 or 1000mAh)
5.00 for each pink 510 kit
8.00 for each pink eGo kit

Thanks to HawtAngel for making us aware and giving us an opportunity to contribute!

All the best and Happy vaping!
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