Oh those D'oh Moments......

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Do you ever have e-cig moments? I got up this morning had a quick vape to clear the lungs lol, then proceeded to hit the shower... there I am about to hop into aforementioned shower, and the nicotine and throat hit were still with me... ALARM BELLS go off in my head .... OH CRAP ... I DONT REMEMBER BUTTING THAT CIGGIE OUT !!!!
Get halfway to the lounge then the penny drops :oops:

Who said this is pretend smoking??? LMAO

( I might not be smart but I can lift heavy fings ..... )

Do you guys have D'oh Moments too???


Full Member
Dec 24, 2008
Trying not to... Caught myself with a lighter... almost stubbing it out in the ash tray... flicking ashes out the car window... Unconscious smoking habits picked up from 30 years of smoking real fire-sticks. Catch myself smoking 2 e-cigs sometimes - like lighting up when there's still a lit one in the ash tray.

Guess the most infuriating habit is still patting myself down for that old pack of smokes. When I realize what I'm doing, I always look around to see if anyone was watching me! Gads, someone's gonna put me on You-Tube for that one! That look of utter panic on my mug must be something to behold.

I'm still too chicken to puff away in a public place. "But-but-but, officer! It's not real!" Most awkward moment - when a buddy asked me for a cig the other day, I absent mindedly said "Sure... (pat, pat pat) Ummm... " Let's all say it together - DOH!

OK, time to move on and make a fool of myself on a different thread... :)


Full Member
Nov 9, 2008
Hawaii - US
Like trying to light up the end of your e-cig with a lighter - not once, but so often that the lighter has to be put away in a deep cupboard on a high shelf, just to not automatically grab it together with your e-cig? Naahhh... never had those moments! :D

Or when you can't find the lighter? Searching the bag, pockets, desk, car, etc. gonna have a fit until you realize you don't need a lighter :D
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