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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Dec 7, 2009
Walla Walla
I guess we will have to repost our stories so new people will know something about us. I have really enjoyed our discussions and getting to know everyone. Hopefully this one will continue. I guarantee I won't ever close it even if I drop out. I was very sorry to see all the stories lost for no reason but that is life.

I am 71 and smoked for over 50 years. I inhaled my first cigarette at age 10 and by the time I was 15 I was addicted. Discovering vaping has been a great thing for me and no doubt extended my life a little longer. I was diagnosed with COPD about seven years ago and was really going downhill fast until I started vaping almost 2 1/2 years ago. My health improved 100% almost immediately.
I am retired and spent 30 years in telecommunications. After getting my daughter off to college and finding myself single I decided to fulfill a life long desire to work on a fishing boat. Even though I was 50 I was in good shape so my son and I bought a one way ticket to Alaska and we got a job on a fishing trawler. I spent the last ten years of my working days working on the Northern Jaeger in the Bering Sea out of Dutch Harbor in the same places the Deadliest Catch fish. I was on a bigger boat though but it was still very exciting and fun for me even though it was very hard work with very long grueling hours. I was very glad I did it and have some great stories to tell and remember.
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
This is a new thread for us mature folks to post. I hope everyone shows up and will retell their stories for the new folks that join.:2cool:

Thanks Tex. It's a shame the drama caused the OP to close the original thread. There was good 'sharing' of info taking place. Hopefully folks will find their way here.

For archival purpose:

1st Post of Original Thread:

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Uncle Willie

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May 27, 2011
Meet Me in St Louie Louie
Sorry, I did not know .. my post #53 from the original thread ...

I decided to quit telling my age some time ago, and would quit birthdays as well if folks around me did not just have to remind me .. suffice to say, I qualify to post on this thread ..

40+ years / at least a PAD / believed the word "Light" actually meant they were not as bad for you .. it was the cool thing to do when I started .. no health facts were well known .. and that first smoke about made me cough up a lung .. but I hung in there ... gas was about 20 cents a gallon in my neck of the woods and when I joined the Military, smokes were around 25 cents a pack ..

Heart attack and 2 stents about 3 years ago .. first thing I did when I got home from the Hospital was, guess what .. ?? Light up a Marlboro .. sadly, true .. the power of addiction ..

One day, maybe a year after the heart attack, I saw an expensive e-cig in the local smoke shop .. paid over $100.00 for it, used it for a month, maybe .. put it away, back to the analogs .. about a year ago, I broke it out and decided to give it a try again .. nosed around the Web for supplies and accidentally stumbled on ECF .. read / read and read some more .. ordered a proper PV kit and some liquid ..

In the last year, I'll admit to having 3 analogs .. each time at a family function, each time as Jack Daniels had losened my resolve ..

Now, I need to start the "Battle of the Bulge" and try and shed those extra pounds I've put on due to my inability to resist cuisine that now makes even a Big Mac taste like gourmet ..
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Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Dec 7, 2009
Walla Walla
Thanks Tex. It's a shame the drama caused the OP to close the original thread. There was good 'sharing' of info taking place. Hopefully folks will find their way here.

For archival purpose:

1st Post of Original Thread:

Last Post of Original Thread:

Good ideal Mike and glad you found us. I thought I would keep the same name so those that only visit once in a while could find it ok.



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ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2012
You Betccha Uncle Willie.

The Granny Smith Apple is for the Beatles, I'm still a big fan after all these years.

I was a Math Major in college and have been in I.T. for 30+ years, so I'm a bit of a techno-geek, therefore the PI.

My wife makes a killer Apple Pie.

My daughter designed it for me, I thought it was very appropriate.


Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
I'll help re-prime the pump. This was my story posted in the original thread.

Guess it's time to come out from behind the bushes, say Hi all, and introduce myself. Ran across this place a few nights ago and have been wandering back each day since. Feels like a comfortable place to be.

I'm Mike, my wife's Janet. We started vaping Sep. 2011. Both now ex-smokers after 45 years of sucking the ugly burning stick. Janet stopped analogs the day she took her 1st vape. It took me about a month longer. The 1st month I went from 2 ppd to 1/2 ppd which was remarkable for me. The 2nd month I discovered WTA juice from Ethan at Vapelicious. The day I tried his juice was the last day I smoked an analog - been free of 'em since last Oct. 14, 2011. On Nov. 14th I was analog free for a month on my son's birthday - he said with a huge grin - "Pop that's the best birthday present you could give me." That's been a big inspiration for me to stay off the ugly sticks.

We both started on basic slim e-cigs. Janet went for the 808's and I started w/ Joye 510's. Being brand new to the sport of e-cigs we thought we'd each try a different brand to see if one was better than the other. Her 808's lasted longer between charges as she vapes less than me and the batts are a bit stronger. Me - I had one of the multi-charger's for the Joye 510's and was charging ten of 'em at a time to get through a day. One would last me 2 hrs if I was lucky. I moved quickly to the Joye eGo. This was much better, I could get through the day with 2 of them, maybe 2+. This was so much better, way less fuss and muss over constantly recharging the basic 510. Janet thought the eGo was BIG. But within a week or so, she saw how much more convenient they were because of the battery life. Yup, she switched to eGo's too. She's got 1/2 doz in assorted colors plus my few black ones.

She's in love with her eGo's and see's no change in the future to needing anything else. Me - well bigger is better right. When I passed my eGo's to her it was because I bought my 1st ProVari. What can I say about a ProVari other than it's a black chrome w/ blue led and it's awesome. Did I say I bought my 1st ProVari - that implies I have more than one. Yep - the black chrome is beautiful but I treat it like a newborn because I'm afraid to scratch it. It spend 90% of it's life in a carbon fiber sleeve to avoid accidentally scratching it. But then I don't get the satisfying visual and tactile feedback when vaping with it in the sleeve. Sooo, when the black satin ProVari came out - yep - I got one of those w/ the blue led option. I'm a happy person!

In the begining like everyone we tried lots of juice vendors and different carto's and tanks, etc. We settled down a lot and our primary juice is from Vapelicious, BWB, and Sweet-Vapes. I'm a dripper using IKV IO6 2.5 ohm or 3.5 ohm atty's. Janet keeps two of her eGo's topped with Stardusts, which she really likes, for easy refilling, vape and taste but prefers the vape and flavor of dripping - so 2 more eGo's are topped w/ IKV IO6 2.5 ohm atty's.

Whoa! 'nuf said for now. Didn't realize how wordy I got.

Best regards all,


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Feb 8, 2012
Florida Space Coast
Good Eye,'s good to be back among friends again and welcome to Uncle Willie. Really glad you made the big turnaround....quite a success story. Here's mine again....

"After 60 years (started smoking age 5) I switched to an e-cig (Joye 510) on 01/06/2012. Wife (also 60+ year smoker) wanted to try it so I gave her my backup 510. Next day both batts went dead and I fired up a Camel while recharging and driving back to the e-cig store to buy another starter kit for her. About a week later I smoked another straight Camel just to try and figure out what the big deal was with analogs that had hooked me for so long....hated it.

Couple of weeks later, got tired of cartridges getting weak, seemingly constant battery charges....bought two more batteries, juice and 510 atomizers and tanks for myself. Last week I stepped up to Boge VEC and am now content with good, strong, consistent hits....of course, had to buy one for the wife. So, that's where we're at now. I've smoked two analogs in the past month; wife dropped them completely the first day, and we're loving the e-cigs. We're doing 26mg USA Mix ("Marlboro") and both immediately discovered we enjoy the taste much more than we ever did our cigarettes.

I'm still in experimental mode due to the search for an ever-better hit and any tips/advice will be greatly appreciated. Wife assumed I'm spending too much money but I showed her the receipts....half of what we'd have spent on analogs over the past month. Benefits: Air smells fresher, food tastes better, no more daily hacking spells, and no more whistling/rattling when we breathe."

Thanks for the thread and think I'll hang for awhile. Regards to all....



Vaping Master
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Aug 23, 2011
Skippack, PA
Playing with the Provari this morning, still trying to figure out what the best combination of Single/Dual Coil, Low/Standard Resistance, and Voltage settings work best for which juice. Not having much luck yet, but I'm having fun trying to figure it all out.

Tiny - I pulled this over from the other thread.

Here's what I settled into with a ProVari. I use 2.5ohm atty's at 4.2 volts or 3.5 ohm attys at 4.8 volts. Each of those settings gets me about 7 watts of output. I find most of my juice tastes best around 7 watts, so i just try to dial that in based on the ohms of what's screwed on. Tobacco flavors I like a little warmer so I add .1-.2 volts. Fruit flavors for me don't taste as 'fresh' with a warmer vape.

I don't like Dual Coils or even LR single coils so much on the ProVari. DC's and LR's are really meant for lower rated non-VV voltage batteries. It's a way to raise the output watts if your batt is limited to 3.4-3.7 volts. You're free of that now with the ProVari, just click/click/click/click/click the button and raise the volts. :laugh:


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ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2012
The short version of my story.

I'm 56 and 1/2 years old (remember when the half was important) and been married to my best friend for 32 years, we've raised two terrific daughters.

Smoked for 40+ years and was never able to quit for more than 2 weeks. Went through every imaginable smoking cessation method that come along in the last 30 years with nothing but bad results, I had given up on ever quitting. I stopped by an e-cig store here in town to see if maybe that might help me cut down on my smoking, I bought some gear on a Saturday and smoked my last one the next morning. I still cannot believe it! You can classify me as one of those smokers who accidentally quit because of vaping.

Being in a technical field for all these years you would think I would have picked up on all the vaping gear lingo and options but it just befuddles me. Maybe I've had to deal with so many acronyms and technical issues over the years that my brain is full. The gear I have works and it's keeping me away from the cigarettes, so I am happy and so is Mrs. Tiny.

You all Take Care and Keep on Vaping!


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Dec 7, 2009
Walla Walla
I'm just hoping that whatever crap caused the shutdown of the original thread does not migrate over here ..

I'm sure it won't and I hope most everyone will join us. I was shocked the OP decided to close it being as the thread is all of the peoples input not just one individuals.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 24, 2012
Tiny - I pulled this over from the other thread.

Here's what I settled into with a ProVari. I use 2.5ohm atty's at 4.2 volts or 3.5 ohm attys at 4.8 volts. Each of those settings gets me about 7 watts of output. I find most of my juice tastes best around 7 watts, so i just try to dial that in based on the ohms of what's screwed on. Tobacco flavors I like a little warmer so I add .1-.2 volts. Fruit flavors for me don't taste as 'fresh' with a warmer vape.

I don't like Dual Coils or even LR single coils so much on the ProVari. DC's and LR's are really meant for lower rated non-VV voltage batteries. It's a way to raise the output watts if your batt is limited to 3.4-3.7 volts. You're free of that now with the ProVari, just click/click/click/click/click the button and raise the volts. :laugh:

Thanks for the good info Mike!

I'm also finding that there's not an advantage to LRs and Dual Coil cartomizers on the ProVari. I'm going to have to get a fresh set of Single Coil SRs to really experiment.

I have a hard time believing that some people run the LRs at 5 volts, maybe it's because I've only used cartomizers on mine so far. I got an atomizer and a carto tank with the ProVari that I haven't tried yet. Maybe the tank and some dripping will bring different results.

Overall I like it so far, for the LRs that I have I just turn down the voltage a bit and I get a nice vape.

Back to the real world for a while, catch you all later!
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