One Year Anniversary - A Tale of Dauphin Island

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Aug 2, 2011
Clinton, MS
One year ago today I smoked my last cigarette. I had been a 1.5+ PAD smoker for over 20 years. I tried everything to quit; gum, cold turkey, patch, chantix (twice)..Just couldn't stick it out. The longest I could ever stay quit was 2 weeks. Then on July 6 of last year I was hanging on the beach at Dauphin Island and kept noticing this guy in a cowboy hat hitting (what I know now was) a box mod. He came over and explained what it was to the 4 of us and mentioned some web sites, including ECF, and vendors. We all listened politely but skeptically. Over the next several weeks I became intrigued. Two weeks later I ordered my first kit (standard 510). Then I found the wonderful community here at ECF. Two weeks after that I ordered my second. Less than 2 months later I had put down a 20 year habit. I feel so much better. I don't hack up a lung in the morning. I can smell now. I put on 20 lbs. because everything tastes so much better:). I lost 10+ of it because I've started running. I've since converted 2 to vaping, though neither have completely given up the stinkies. I'm helping a 3rd pick out gear today.

I don't know if I'll ever find you, but to the cowboy hat wearing, box mod vaping dude that I met on Dauphin Island last July...THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! YOU CHANGED MY LIFE!!!!
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jul 8, 2010
Hc Svnt Dracones - USA EST
I love these stories. Congratulations!



Senior Member
ECF Veteran
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May 1, 2012
Gautier, MS
I was the guy wearing the cowboy hat, and you're welcome :) (just kidding lol). I work at the IP casino in biloxi and I head over to dauphin island quite a bit. I vaped back in late 2009 to early 2010 but quit because It just didn't cut it for me at the time(I vaped a joye 510, throat hit just didn't do it for me). I started back vaping in april of this year and haven't had a cigarette since then, been vaping a provari with boge 3.0's since may and am totally convinced I've had my last cigarette ever. The technology and throat hit is so much better than it was just a couple years ago. I get asked almost everyday what I'm "smoking" when I whip out my provari with my customized phiniac tank with the stainless steel ming drip tip lol, I've explained it countless times to the smokers outside on smoke breaks but I've only just recently actually got one person to switch and one other to get his wife to switch, 99% of the smokers there are the "bah humbug.. not real smoking.. not for me" but every once in awhile someone open minded enough will give it a go, and to me that is very rewarding.
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