OOH AHHH ... I could well be a criminal !!!

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38 minutes ago I was a law abiding Citizen of Australia... now I am possibly a lawbreaker as I am in posession of a prohibited substance that wasnt one wellllllll......... 38 minutes ago !!!

I am putting the kettle on and getting the bikkies out .... I wonder if the feds will give us the same 14 hours warning when they raid my house as they gave us before including it on the banned list???... nevertheless it would be rude not to have a cuppa brewing when they kick the front door in :mad:

Bake for me Foxy Bake bake LOL

Gabby , the jury is out on that one , I am technically breaking the law by having quantities of a class 7 poison ... however it was legal for me to buy it an hour ago. If I were to buy it now or sell it to someone, I am DEFINATELY breaking the law...the media has reported that supply , possession, of nicotine and the articles used to dispense nicotine for human consumption are illegal unless they are approved by the Therapeutic Drug Act ( which e-cigs aren't) This has not been confirmed by the Minister , and yes I have asked him , but I feel he might conveniently take a month or two to answer.

new advertising slogan ..... "AUSTRALIA... COME ON DOWN , WE HAVE YOUR STALAG MADE UP FOR YOU :) "
Remains to be seen Lu , but it may well turn out the actual "law" is simply against the retail of nicotine and paraphernalia in our country .... interesting aside, on a whim I was getting some stuff from deal extreme before Xmas and i decided to get them to throw in one of their cigars just to see how it looked and performed ( not expecting much at all I add ).... its taken them 9 days to get it ready to ship... and you guessed it , its leaving china today :rolleyes: So I guess I might be one of the first to see what happens at customs when it arrives.... not hopeful, apparently Dodomark from Melb has had USD$9000 dollars of stock tested and seized judging by his posts:cry:

It may well be that importation without the intention to resell may be allowed.... someone I know has had that conversation with customs , and they have said a non commercial quantity is OK... but that was yesterday, when it would not have appeared on any banned for sale lists that customs have.... I think it might be a case of try and lets see... I have heard o mention of penalties but they are likely to be harsh....
Gabby , our customs are pretty good at finding the nasty stuff LOL... however they have also been ok on letting " minor infringements " slip... not so this I fear as it now falls into the schedule 7 category of being a Dangerous poison ( mental note I wonder what a safe poison is ??? )

Coffee... I actually considered your question as the law states specifically " For human consumption".... the drawback with this , is if they can prove you knew it was, and it was labelled otherwise when intercepted ... you are in about 70 gazillion more tons of poo !!!! concealing a shipment is akin to drug running
Lu they send you a delightful note which tells you you have been naughty and you may choose to have them destroy it for you :-/

Frankie You are right they dont open every package... but they pretty much fluoroscope ( organic x-ray ) the vast majority which pass their way

In the inclusion of nicotine as a regulated section 7 drug it puts nic in the same ballpark as arsenic,strychnine, metallic cyanides and various other nasties.... its not like importing a mexican ...... lol ... they can all be used in small amounts to kill people in nasty ways :-(


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Jan 13, 2008
Port Charlotte, FL USA
Deception won't work. It will only make worse trouble. You've got your head on straight, Trumpy. Your letter was very good and I hope you keep us posted on any reply you get.

At least you're not wasting brain power on how you can thwart the intent of the new law. You need to work within it, if that's at all possible. And we all need to find a way to extract and measure nicotine we can get from loose tobacco. A Gold Medal goes to anyone who finds a way that doesn't require a Dow Chemical laboratory.
Thanks Bob !
Yep deception will only hurt the legitimate arguments that I hope are coming for the future of e-cigs... one thing I dont really want to see happening is the hey its happened to them it might happen to us mentality I think governments rely on this to isolate communities and steamroller them... this will become a GLOBAL problem I think , but yes it will happen piece by piece... I'd rather see people now coalesce and think about what they can do worldwide to ensure the future of vaping .... its simply numbers ... each country realistically only has a very small percentage of vapers, and has been ably demonstrated here , they will wreck businesses with 14 hours notice,make their own citizens outlaws with the same amount of notice --- NOW is the time for suppliers, consumers, distributors,retailers and customers to band together worldwide to perhaps lobby the manufacturers or our juices and equipment to get behind us , as we have them , and start putting into practice compliances and certification in the countries they sell to , to ensure the survival of their business and products, and to actually prove what we are doing can be done resposibly and safely and actually demonstrate that our choices are a valid and vastly improved avenue when compared to the tobacco industry???
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