Philip Morris to introduce smokefree tobacco/nicotine aerosol products by 2117

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Bill Godshall

Executive Director<br/> Smokefree Pennsylvania
ECF Veteran
Apr 2, 2009
Philip Morris to introduce smokefree tobacco/nicotine aerosol products by 2117
Philip Morris to Introduce Lower-Risk Cigarettes by 2017 - Bloomberg

I've spoken to several folks at PM about these products, which appear to utilize similar technology as e-cigarettes, and the company reps believe their new aerosol products will appeal to even more smokers than e-cigarettes.


Tootie Puffer
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 21, 2009
San Diego
Something is goofy here. Why such a long timeline? And why signal to potential competitors so far in advance?
Sounds like they are shooting for that elusive "modified risk tobacco product" category.

By they time they bring this to market, though, there may not be a bus anymore.
It will either have become a tank, or a bicycle.


Resting In Peace
ECF Veteran
Oct 14, 2009
Outside of the Philadelphia Burbs, NJ & Fla
Pretty funny, but a company of this size or any size to reveal what there plans are to the public for 2017 would be increably stupid to do, plus the Chinese would then copy it and beat them to market before 2017 if this was there plan with releasing this info at this time. I dont buy into one dam thing Big Tobacco puts out there, and this aresol thing isnt the first communication they have made about this product either.

I would also bet they have an R&D Room filled with Ecigs that are also pretty dam good by now that there engineers have come up with too, just a matter of time till they go after market share as well. Big tobacco is going to get every last dime they can out of regular cigarettes before they ever change, and continue to sell them to everyone they can as much as they can, its there bread and butter, Big Tobacco and Big Pharma have the FDA in there back pocket, it's who the FDA works for in my opinion. It's all about the ole Mighty Dollar, follow the Dollar and you see he who holds all the gold and makes the rules and sets the standards = Big Tobacco & Big Pharma do they make there own :rules::rules: then the FDA makes it look like they regulate them.:glare:

Placebo Effect

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Sep 19, 2008
Something is goofy here. Why such a long timeline? And why signal to potential competitors so far in advance?

I fear that PM may be enlisting the support of FDA on this, with the obvious goal of throwing e-cigs under the bus (along with competitor Lorillard).

PM will likely be seeking Modified Risk Tobacco Product classification for these products. FDA regulations covering MRTPs probably won't be finalized for another year, possibly longer, and then there is the long time period where it's going to take for FDA to approve or deny PM's application. Once PM has put in the application, expect the groups that co-authored the Tobacco Control Act (and thus implicitly endorsed the MRTP process) to kick the fearmongering into high gear to try to convince the FDA not to approve their applications.

Lorillard has no reason to throw e-cigs under the bus.

These products are announced early because that's just what publicly traded companies tend to do. Investors seeing continuing declines in cigarette sales will now be less likely to give up on PM's future earning potential.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 12, 2011
PM will likely be seeking Modified Risk Tobacco Product classification for these products. FDA regulations covering MRTPs probably won't be finalized for another year, possibly longer, and then there is the long time period where it's going to take for FDA to approve or deny PM's application. Once PM has put in the application, expect the groups that co-authored the Tobacco Control Act (and thus implicitly endorsed the MRTP process) to kick the fearmongering into high gear to try to convince the FDA not to approve their applications.

Lorillard has no reason to throw e-cigs under the bus.

These products are announced early because that's just what publicly traded companies tend to do. Investors seeing continuing declines in cigarette sales will now be less likely to give up on PM's future earning potential.

Lorillard isn't going to do the throwing. What I see happening here is that FDA is in a bad spot, having lost in court already. FDA desperately wants to suppress e-cigs, but lacks the authority and, increasingly, is on the wrong side of things, politically, because they appear to be against harm reduction.

Along comes PM to the rescue, with a product that is (1) not an e-cig, and (2) provides an avenue for FDA to promote harm reduction under the umbrella of existing law.

Once FDA has a government-approved harm reduction product to get behind, e-cigs are in great peril.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 19, 2010
Knoxville, TN
Just remember that any design that was not around in 2007 could fall under not being grand-fathered in....New things being developed will certainly be under the scrutiny of the FDA more than others. Of course PM has the funds to do this... Not sure where things will fall but in my opinion, if it is truly a less harmful way and it helps people, great!! I'm sure we'll still have our battles but vaping is here to stay- it's just too large now. So, my opinion is that more non-smoking products out there, the better- more choices!! Who knows, I might even like what PM comes up with....
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Dec 19, 2010
Knoxville, TN
I can't imagine going back to exclusive tobacco flavors which I'd expect PM to produce as they work with the FDA to ban flavors (cynical me).

Right- that's one of the issues (misconception that kids are attracted to tobacco because of flavors), and the other big one is nicotine in a concentration that can't be controlled.
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