Plaque build up from E-cig?

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Feb 27, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Been getting this as well, but only certain dessert vapes that are especially sweet it seems. Usually happens after chain vaping on the couch for a while. Not sure if it is actually plaque, or just a thin residue from the vapor. I'd be curious is anyone has actual data regarding this and what it actually is.


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Apr 12, 2014
At the risk of sounding like a smart-a, do you need a study to tell you brush you're teeth? If I ever feel like my mouth is nasty and full of plaque, ill give it that extra brushing without over thinking it.

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That's not my point though AveryW, I want to see a study that determines if it's the e-cig causing plaque/residue build up. I'm fully capable of brushing my teeth... But I'd like to know if the e-cig is causing the build up.


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Apr 12, 2014
Plaque is caused by bacteria, which takes some time to develop. I'm pretty sure it can't happen over the course of a day... Floss...

Brushed my teeth twice so far, used mouth wash, and flossed my teeth. Maybe it's because I've been chain vaping all day non stop? I went through 18ml of liquid in two days.


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Jan 26, 2014
That's not my point though AveryW, I want to see a study that determines if it's the e-cig causing plaque/residue build up. I'm fully capable of brushing my teeth... But I'd like to know if the e-cig is causing the build up.

My apologies, I see now what you meant in the original post. I took that as you wanting studies to know if you needed to brush your teeth more often or not, I don't what my brain was thinking. I will say from other threads I've read, people who vape a higher percentage of VG say they'll get a slight film in their mouth from it. What's your PG/VG ratio?

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May 10, 2013
6992 kilometers from home...
Brushed my teeth twice so far, used mouth wash, and flossed my teeth. Maybe it's because I've been chain vaping all day non stop? I went through 18ml of liquid in two days.

You may be getting a sugar buildup, depending upon what you are drinking while you vape. I've tried using a regular toothbrush while on vacation, but my teeth always felt dirty after brushing. An electric is really the way to go...


Senior Member
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Feb 27, 2014
Atlanta, GA
At the risk of sounding like a smart-a, do you need a study to tell you brush you're teeth? If I ever feel like my mouth is nasty and full of plaque, ill give it that extra brushing without over thinking it.

Sent from my GS3

I'm constantly curious of what types of residues are being left from vaping, both on my teeth as well as in my lungs. To me, this is no different than drinking a sugary soda or eating candy, and yes, I just brush afterwards. The difference is that from those I know that it is a sugar residue, and is one of the main reasons our dentists tell us all to brush. I am more than anything curious which of the flavorings is the cause so I can tell myself "ohh, that's just x" exactly the same way I do with the sugar.
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