Please vet through these numbers

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Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 31, 2009
Hi all

I plan on using an xhaler at 5v, and a chuck at 6v

I will use up my regular (2.5ohms) attys at 5v at 10 watts. Will probably fry them quick but no worries, I have a bunch of 4.5ohms HV attys coming in the mail.

once that happens, i'll use 4.5ohms at 5v (xhaler)and 6v(chuck)(at 5.6 and 8 watts respectively) for the rest of the time. My reasoning is that I want to hit the sweet spot of around 8 watts. I know at 5v i'm only at 5.6v but we'll see. xhaler allows me to change to 6v so no biggy.

on to my question:

I read that the blue foam, poly fill, and fluval all give a burning taste at higher wattage. Has everyone doing HV experienced this with their HV setup?

Thus if this is so, what are my options? ZFM? I read ALL 49 PAGES (sheesh) and the number of differing opinions is staggering! please help, thanks!


Moved On
Sep 9, 2009
Macomb MI
My findings currently is that, theres currently nothing out there you would want to use for a cart using HV or you'll go threw attys within a few mins each! Nothing yet wicks fast enough to keep a HV atty happy. Dripping is the only thing for me so far.

ZFM (Silocone) and SYF (Made out of Amazing Putty) plugs both may be the answer though i'm sure you'll kill a ton of attys finding how to make one wick fast enough.

Since your planing on using up your stock of regular 510 attys before you get your HV attys.. have at it!

I'm sure whatever the answer is, the plug should be on the edge of leaking to get it to wick good enough.

The trick is to also find something that will hold up to those crazy temps without melting it as well.

Oh... the HV atty will run alot cooler and i beleive i was able to use one at around 8 watts (5.2ohm atty with 2x 3v batteries in the Xhaler) with my HV slug (inverted blue foam slug). It wicked good and did not burn.. atty survived.
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