Polosa and Farsalinos respond to BMJ article claiming safety of e-cigs needs to be proved

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[h=2]Scientific evidence clearly indicates e-cigarettes are considerably less harmful than tobacco cigarettes[/h]
We were dismayed by the approach of Valentine and Nicholson to the issue of e-cigarettes [1]. Of course, unexpected health consequences may occur in the medical profession as it has been also the case with several medications, such as thalidomide, cerivastatin and rofecoxib to name a few. But this cannot be used as a valid argument to oppose e-cigarettes. They suggest e-cigarettes should be quarantined until results from long-term studies are available, while in reality this is not a requirement for any other product approved for human consumption. Even for medications, no regulatory agency is asking for long-term safety data before being approved for use. Although some problems have emerged, such as the recent story with olmesartan [2], this cannot justify a request to provide long-term studies before approval of medications; it will just be impossible for anyone to cope with the financial cost, while at the same time evolution of new medications will become very slow.

Read more: http://www.bmj.com/content/349/bmj.g4597/rr/760890

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mod: Please correct spelling for Dr. Farsalinos in Post title. Thanks
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Vaping Master
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Jul 23, 2009
Green Lane, Pa
If you hit the tab button at the top of the page that says "rapid response" there is a great response written by a Emeritus Professor Robert Lewin............very good..............you can also like that one.
Also there is one from Clive Bates:)

There are three great responses and one other which has exactly 0 likes.
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