Poor juice got stabbed in the back by an evil clearo

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Moved On
Dec 6, 2013
I recently reviewed a tobacco flavored 100% VG juice called "Tabac 1975" from VDLV, found it so-so at best, and wrote as much. Truth is, it was so so-so that I set the clearo aside and forgot about it.

Today, I figured I'd clean the clearo to reuse it with a better liquid. But it still had some juice in it, and I hate wasting juice. So I decided to vape the rest of it and then fill up the tank with something else.

I took a couple of drags and found the taste was still decidedly strange - vapeable but strange. And then I thought to myself: I can't believe I find a juice that got such rave reviews on other sites so unconvincing. So on a whim, I popped the top of the clearo, took a brand new one (same brand, same model: an Innokin iClear 10S), and transfered the content into it.

As soon as I vaped from the fresh clearo, a rich, gorgeous tobacco flavor came out of it. Wow! It tastes nothing like the vapor from the old one. And that's the *very same juice*, not even from the same bottle that could have aged differently. So it's 100% certain that the old clearo was faulty.

Out of curiosity, I took the old clearo apart, but there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it: the coils look good and properly wound, the wicks aren't burnt, the tank's plastic and gaskets look intact. It's never vaped any other juice, and it put out about the same amount of vapor at the same power as the new clearo. I'm completely at a loss to explain why it murders the flavor like that.

So anyway, I'm ashamed to admit that I bashed that juice somewhat, when in fact it's a great juice. All that because of a stupid clearo.

If you try out a juice you don't like, my advice is, try it in another device. You may be surprised.


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ECF Veteran
Oct 21, 2009
Wichita, KS USA
Reviewing juice flavor in a pre-built clearomizer is probably a mistake to begin with - so many variables involved that you don't control, it's about as far removed from a valid testing process as one can get which, aside from the ever present "taste is subjective", is why I rarely - well, never - listen to juice reviews.

Good advice, though.


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
May 22, 2013
Riverside, California, USA
Most test on a dripper don't they??

People use different devices. For me, the important thing is that juice reviewers use the same device for all of their reviews. Drippers are popular to review with though because you aren't stuck with a tank of a liquid, you can put a few drops in vape, and then switch flavors. Oh and a lot of people (myself included) like the flavor you get from dripping atomizers more than other atomizers.


Moved On
Dec 6, 2013
Reviewing juice flavor in a pre-built clearomizer is probably a mistake to begin with - so many variables involved that you don't control, it's about as far removed from a valid testing process as one can get which, aside from the ever present "taste is subjective", is why I rarely - well, never - listen to juice reviews.

Well, clearos is all I have. In my defense though, I do try to use a fresh clearo (or one that I've cleaned thoroughly in Everclear), and more importantly, vape the liquid I'm testing for a day or two, to eliminate the novelty factor, and see if the flavor evolves settles over time as I get used to it.

But I agree, juice reviews aren't terribly useful. It's like food critics: they may write that this-or-that recipe is good, at the end of the day, tastes are so personal that one man's delight is another man's distaste. But I think what you can take out of juice reviews is whether a juice is worth sampling, and whether the supplier seems serious about flavor quality.

Most test on a dripper don't they??

Since most vapers vape with devices that use wicks, assuming a wick changes the flavor, your comment raises the question of whether reviewing a juice with a dripper is relevant at all to most people, doesn't it?


Full Member
Jan 10, 2014
Spring, TX
That's kind of a tricky question considering that you use wicks in a dripper also. The purpose of them in a dripper is as more of a reservoir though. Drippers tend to give the most realistic flavor of the juice in my experience, but as mentioned above it's all in the person. A flavor I love you may abhor for no other reason than us having different taste preferences. Clearos that are pre made do tend to be too inconsistent for actual reviewing of flavors though when a simple upgrade to say a protank would give you more consistency throughout your trip down flavor lane. Again, and especially, for someone doing reviews for other people.
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