Positive Response from Utah

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CASAA Activist
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From: "Evan Vickers" evickers@utah.gov
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 2010 20:19:42 -0600
To: "Ekeller" ekeller@casaa.org
Subject: Re: HB0071-S02

FYI, we plan to amend this bill to exclude the ban on electronic cigarettes when it comes up for a vote this week. A number of us on the HHS committee have discussed this and the sponsor seems to be on board with that idea.

I hope this helps.

Rep. Evan Vickers

-----Original message-----
>>> Ekeller 2/5/2010 4:18 PM >>>

MY STORY: I am 64 years old. I smoked for 45 of those years. Products and methods that I used over the years in unsuccessful quitting attempts include FDA-approved nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, and nasal inhaler; Bupropion; American Lung Association smoking cessation class; Nicotine Anonymous; and hypnosis. The problem underlying these multiple failures is the fact that nicotine abstinence triggers memory, attention, and mood impairments that persist until I resume taking in adequate amounts of nicotine. Obviously, medicinal nicotine provides inadequate amounts.

I used to lie in bed at night, being kept awake by my wheezing and pray that God would send me something that would allow me to stop smoking without forcing me to sacrifice my cognitive and emotional health. E-cigarettes were the answer to that prayer.

On March 27, 2009 I began using an electronic cigarette and stopped inhaling the thousands of toxins and carcinogens in tobacco smoke. The wheezing is gone. I no longer cough up a nasty chunk of phlegm in the morning. I can laugh out loud without triggering a coughing jag. My BP is down and so is my cholesterol.

Tell me please, why do you want to "fix" this situation for me? Why do you want to "protect" e-cigarette users by forcing them to resume tobacco smoking? Why do you want to "protect" continuing smokers from the most effective quitting method the world has ever seen?

Elaine Keller
Member, Board of Directors
The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association
CASAA | The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-Free Alternatives Association
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