Prodigy and attys???

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Brian S

Super Member
ECF Veteran
Jul 17, 2008
The atty that came with the prodigy was dead on arrivial, no big deal right?? So I found 5 attys on sale at totally wicked, I got 2 packs so 10 attys, those shipped 9-20-09, the last one burned out yesterday, 2 out of the 10 did not even make a puff of smoke. These are 801 attys,,,,, are other people burning thru this many this fast? 11 attys under 2 months, I have 20 ordered thru bestcig, but I will be without for days maybe weeks, as my shipment only got sent like 5 days ago.

I have tried everything, putting one drained battery with a fresh charged one,, making sure the atty is soaked. When working I am dripping 5-6 drops all the time, like 30ml in about a week and half.

Is this all normal?:confused:

My first BE112 lasted three months. I'm on the second and it has been over a month and still going strong. Not all attys are created equal.

Almost a full month on one single atty, use all day everyday. Totally wicked might have a cool sticker but the quality is horrid. The BE112 works like a champ, and it did not even burn out, I just took it off to soak it in some mouthwash to clean it, as it was getting kinda icky in there. I figure a few weeks cleaning. The juice is also lasting a little longer and is way more consistent in flavor. These are the only attys that should be on the prodigy. :)
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