Question about an on-the-go setup

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Im looking to get my first non-cigalike e-cig and i want vv and something that i can keep in my pocket at work and when im out of the house. I hear mostly good things about the protanks but heard they tend to leak. Is there a setup that is more durable for carrying in a pocket? I have a feeling I'm gonna need to get 2 setups, one for home and one for on the go. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Jazzi Mike

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Jun 3, 2013
I use my Smoktech E Pipe mod when I am on the go. It technically is a mechanical mod, so that is not what you are looking for, but I do have some insight for you to consider. You can definitely pick up an Ego Twist or Spinner. With that, you will have VV. when you take it to work, it probably is a good idea to bring a charger with you, just in case. A smaller one will definitely fit in your pocket.

I have Protanks that are pretty much solely for bringing to work. I have never had a leak before. Usually, I bring two filled up, just in case something goes wrong or if i just want to vape another flavor.


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Jul 20, 2013
Illinois, USA
I have both a Protank and EVODs and I really like them both. Personally I think for an on-the-go setup on a battery like an eGo Twist or an iTaste VV V3 the EVOD is a little better. It does only hold 1.5ml of eliquid, but it's light and isn't going to shatter if it falls out of your pocket.

With thinner eliquids I have experienced some leaking with both, but it's been very minimal; sometimes when I remove the tank from my mod to refill it I find a very small amount of moisture on the battery connection, but considering the vape quality I get from both it doesn't bother me.


Full Member
Jul 26, 2013
I have both a Protank and EVODs and I really like them both. Personally I think for an on-the-go setup on a battery like an eGo Twist or an iTaste VV V3 the EVOD is a little better. It does only hold 1.5ml of eliquid, but it's light and isn't going to shatter if it falls out of your pocket.

With thinner eliquids I have experienced some leaking with both, but it's been very minimal; sometimes when I remove the tank from my mod to refill it I find a very small amount of moisture on the battery connection, but considering the vape quality I get from both it doesn't bother me.
I agree, but I have not yet experienced any leaking with EVOD. I use a Protank Mini which again I have not had any issues with leaking.
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