Question about clearomizers...

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Full Member
Oct 12, 2012
First off, hello. I've been vaping for about 11 days now after 20+ years of analogs. After much research, I decided to try clearomizers with my Ego-T. The difference in taste is night & day compared to the original atty+cart. My question is, when switching to a different e-juice, do I need to clean out the clearomizer so I get the full flavor of the new e-juice? Thanks in advance.


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May 23, 2012
Matamata, New Zealand
Welcome to ECF and congratulations on 11 days smoke free :)

Yes clean them if you are changing juices as it will stay on the wicks, (unless juice flavor is similar). A good clean out every 2 days or so will also prolong the life of your clearomizers from my experience. I wash mine out with warm water and leave them to air dry. There are a few U Tube videos on cleaning most types of clearomizers.


Vaping Master
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Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand
Well.... ideally yes. I have just changed juices and vaped them, but initially I always get a mixed flavor. I wouldn't want to try a weird combination. But ideally, yes, give it a clean before putting another juice it so you get the true flavor of the juice. Clearos need to be cleaned anyway or they get clogged up.
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