Question about the vision Grande 5ml. . . question pertains to . . . leaking?

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Full Member
Sep 24, 2010
First off I wanna say that this thing, like it's smaller siblings, is generally in an all together better tier of cartomizer than it's competitors.

I've used the Extreme, mini, and the Stone. They are all beastly and represent an evolutionary step forward for carto design.

That said, I feel that I'm missing something with my Grande. . . the question:

"Should there be a silicone stopper in the mouthpiece like the one in the mouthpiece of the Extreme and the mini? Did mine get shipped incomplete? It seems unlikely. So if it's not incomplete what's to stop juice from free-flowing out the top whenever I set down my PV?"

Before I went to work today I unscrewed the Grande and as carefully as I could stood it upright on my table. When I got home it had tipped over and poured juice everywhere. . .

I've got the one stopper it has on right. Swear to Jebus. . . There's just nothing in the design, that I can see, that can stop juice coming out the top. Am I missing something?

Any help would be great. As it stands now I'll have to finish vaping this tank and then shelve it for fear of wasting more juice.

I looked for a similar thread to this and couldn't find one, sorry if this is a re-post.
Come to think of it, mine must have shipped incomplete because this isn't the kind of thing nobody else would have written about.

***Edited by poster on 2/8/2012 (the next day)***

My grande was NOT leaking out the top. The center air-flow tube is held on at the bottom with a silicone collar. I had unwittingly loosened it, which caused juice to flow out the bottom.
Lesson: Never mess with the inside of this or any bigger Vision without first hooking them up to a battery. Being seated in a battery ensures that the tube cannot get pushed through it's silicone collar.
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Vaping Master
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Mar 22, 2010
The ArmPit of Texas

This is what the inside of mine looks like. I filled it up and held it upside down with no mouth piece on it. And it isn't leaking. Where does yours seem to have leaked from. On mine, the silicone fits tightly enough that none is coming through the nipple, and the full holes are too small for the juice to put back out, I had to full it with a luer lock needle bottle.
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Full Member
Sep 24, 2010
Thanks for the pic. Yeah, that's what mine looks like too. It leaked all over though. I assumed through the holes. Maybe the plug wasn't really seated properly. . . Though I could swear it is/was.

I just played with it again and accidentally found the problem. I was putting the plug back in and pushed the tube and cup straight through the bottom. There was nothing holding it together! (or very little) That would totally explain the leaking eh? I swore. Then I tried to push it back together. Then I tried to syringe the juice back off the table. Then I put it all back together. Then I thought about how the drive to the gas station to get cigarettes didn't seem so long anymore. Then I tried to vape it and found it no longer works. I have no idea why. It looks like the wires are still in tact.

I've wasted $10. It may have been my fault. I wish there was an instruction manual. Then it definitely would have been my fault. . .

What's up with it just popping out the bottom? Is that normal? Is it normally fatal? What can I try? Should I throw it out and never go near the Grande again?

This is painful as it was sweet when it worked.


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Mar 22, 2010
The ArmPit of Texas
Well, I'm not the electrical expert here, but what I can tell you is that I only ever push the plugs of ANY of the visions back in when they are on the battery. I learned my lesson there with the giantomizer, lol. If you dig through the grande thread, I do believe briar did the same thing with one of hers, but I can't remember what the result was. If the wires look well connected, it may be you pushed it back in too far and it no longer touches the battery contact? Or you might want to test it with a meter?


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Mar 22, 2010
The ArmPit of Texas
Okay, so I searched through and briar's didn't stop working, just the leaking thing, which adrena explains how to fix.

I think the tighter and more leak proof you make a seal, the more force that is needed to get that seal back in place. It's just the unfortunate trade off in these types of equipment.

I'm sorry I can't be more help. You might find someone in the modding forum who might be able to help fix the wires? If thats what it is...


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Dec 21, 2011
Panama City, FL
Thanks for the pic. Yeah, that's what mine looks like too. It leaked all over though. I assumed through the holes. Maybe the plug wasn't really seated properly. . . Though I could swear it is/was.

I just played with it again and accidentally found the problem. I was putting the plug back in and pushed the tube and cup straight through the bottom. There was nothing holding it together! (or very little) That would totally explain the leaking eh? I swore. Then I tried to push it back together. Then I tried to syringe the juice back off the table. Then I put it all back together. Then I thought about how the drive to the gas station to get cigarettes didn't seem so long anymore. Then I tried to vape it and found it no longer works. I have no idea why. It looks like the wires are still in tact.

I've wasted $10. It may have been my fault. I wish there was an instruction manual. Then it definitely would have been my fault. . .

What's up with it just popping out the bottom? Is that normal? Is it normally fatal? What can I try? Should I throw it out and never go near the Grande again?

This is painful as it was sweet when it worked.
If it makes you feel any better, I did the same thing to my Stone right out of the box. :cry: I guess we just have to get a little more experience with these things under our belt.

One thing is for sure... I will never push on one that is disconnected from a battery again.


Full Member
Sep 24, 2010
Yup. Looked at it closer and while less angry. Found out:
1. The negative wire is loose and dangling.
2. There is only a silicone collar holding the tube in place.

I had a look about and I see that you're right, all the vision share this design. I've just never noticed before because I've never had to jam a big piece of silicone down into them and have thus never had occasion to unseat them.

While I do feel now that all this was my fault, here's some suggestions to the folks putting these together.

1. A schematic printed onto a little piece of paper with a warning about only touching them while attached to the battery would have saved $10 here and I feel that it'd be nice to include with the unit. Espescially with the Grande as the silicone stopper is so much bigger and touches the cup so much more. Also, keeping the carto on the battery is a bit counter-intuitive as all instruction in the past about attys and cartos and whatnot was always to "remove from battery when not in use".

2. Why not drop the less solid looking Grande and instead offer optional innards for the stone that would have four wicks? Heck, it could/should have a range of options.

3. Maybe it's not cost-effective, but couldn't something more stable hold the tube together? like threads or something?

okay, that's all on this then.

Thanks for your responses!

Lesson learned.
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Vaping Master
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Mar 22, 2010
The ArmPit of Texas
Yup. Looked at it closer and while less angry. Found out:
1. The negative wire is loose and dangling.
2. There is only a silicone collar holding the tube in place.

I had a look about and I see that you're right, all the vision share this design. I've just never noticed before because I've never had to jam a big piece of silicone down into them and have thus never had occasion to unseat them.

While I do feel now that all this was my fault, here's some suggestions to the folks putting these together.

1. A schematic printed onto a little piece of paper with a warning about only touching them while attached to the battery would have saved $10 here and I feel that it'd be nice to include with the unit. Espescially with the Grande as the silicone stopper is so much bigger and touches the cup so much more. Also, keeping the carto on the battery is a bit counter-intuitive as all instruction in the past about attys and cartos and whatnot was always to "remove from battery when not in use".

2. Why not drop the less solid looking Grande and instead offer optional innards for the stone that would have four wicks? Heck, it could/should have a range of options.

3. Maybe it's not cost-effective, but couldn't something more stable hold the tube together? like threads or something?

okay, that's all on this then.

Thanks for your responses!

Lesson learned.

Glad you figured out what the thing was. As for the whole take it off when not in use thing, that is because leaking into batteries is bad for batteries. Ecigs have a big ...., lol, and when you move to cover one cheek, the other one is exposed ;)

Some people, instead of putting it on a battery, keep it firmly pressed against a hard surface...


Vaping Master
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Mar 22, 2010
The ArmPit of Texas

2. Why not drop the less solid looking Grande and instead offer optional innards for the stone that would have four wicks? Heck, it could/should have a range of options.

3. Maybe it's not cost-effective, but couldn't something more stable hold the tube together? like threads or something?

okay, that's all on this then.

Thanks for your responses!

Lesson learned.

Different strokes for different folks. I don't think the grande is any less "solid" though it does have a different feel, IYKWIM. The more I use it the more I am preferring it over my stone TBH. It doesn't feel as heavy or bulky, but no less solid. Gosh, I am explaining this poorly....


Full Member
Sep 24, 2010
Actually, I know what you mean.

BTW if fixed it.

To fix a dangling negative wire I:
1. Removed the outer tank by gently wiggling it.
2. Got the loose end of the wire out.
3. Put a 90 degree bend in it and put the exposed wire against the outer rim of the base (the bit with threads) just above the silicone O-ring.
4. Put the tank back on over the whole deal so that it pressed the wire firmly against the metal base.

It's back to vaping like a champ.

Also, for other's sake. After I got it all back together, I noticed that the draw was way tight. Turns out that the silicone collar that holds the tube in place ( at the base ) had somehow managed to wiggle down over the air flow holes (located just above the threads that go into the battery). dag nabbit. I couldn't figure out quite how to push it back up to it's "correct" position short of disassembling all over again, but was able to nudge it up with the tip of a syringe. Hope that helps someone out there who runs into the same hiccup.

I get what you mean about it being lighter and in some ways preferable to the stone.

I suppose suggesting that the grande being eliminated from the line up is less what I meant. That it'd be cool to see the quad wicks on the stone is more what I meant. Not complaining, just throwing ideas around. It seems like not a huge stretch to me.

On the not a huge stretch note (and this is entirely off topic of broken grands) the moment I looked in the cup I thought, "heck, you could fit two coils in that and marry the best two models into one super carto really easily"
It's an ingenious step in that direction whether intentional or not.

On a final note, after re-reading all this:
If you're thinking about buying a grand and read this (good research) and are now thinking it sounds like a pain, please understand: my little adventure will never happen to you now that you read this. The grand is actually pretty sweet and I recommend it. All this expalnation makes it sound complicated, but really I'm impressed that it's survived all my tinkering and is pretty simple and straightforward. Def try one out.

Thanks again for the help guys.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Mar 22, 2010
The ArmPit of Texas
Actually, I know what you mean.

BTW if fixed it.

To fix a dangling negative wire I:
1. Removed the outer tank by gently wiggling it.
2. Got the loose end of the wire out.
3. Put a 90 degree bend in it and put the exposed wire against the outer rim of the base (the bit with threads) just above the silicone O-ring.
4. Put the tank back on over the whole deal so that it pressed the wire firmly against the metal base.

It's back to vaping like a champ.

Also, for other's sake. After I got it all back together, I noticed that the draw was way tight. Turns out that the silicone collar that holds the tube in place ( at the base ) had somehow managed to wiggle down over the air flow holes (located just above the threads that go into the battery). dag nabbit. I couldn't figure out quite how to push it back up to it's "correct" position short of disassembling all over again, but was able to nudge it up with the tip of a syringe. Hope that helps someone out there who runs into the same hiccup.

I get what you mean about it being lighter and in some ways preferable to the stone.

I suppose suggesting that the grande being eliminated from the line up is less what I meant. That it'd be cool to see the quad wicks on the stone is more what I meant. Not complaining, just throwing ideas around. It seems like not a huge stretch to me.

On the not a huge stretch note (and this is entirely off topic of broken grands) the moment I looked in the cup I thought, "heck, you could fit two coils in that and marry the best two models into one super carto really easily"
It's an ingenious step in that direction whether intentional or not.

On a final note, after re-reading all this:
If you're thinking about buying a grand and read this (good research) and are now thinking it sounds like a pain, please understand: my little adventure will never happen to you now that you read this. The grand is actually pretty sweet and I recommend it. All this expalnation makes it sound complicated, but really I'm impressed that it's survived all my tinkering and is pretty simple and straightforward. Def try one out.

Thanks again for the help guys.

You spiralus totally rock. Way to troubleshoot !!! I'm glad you got it working. The collar seal thing is how briars was leaking, btw. It got pushed down and out when the air tube and I think someone explained she could use a pin or needle to move it.

On the four wick stone innards, I do believe that bad says that was on the table. I agree, it sounds like sn excellent plan. I worry about the dual coil though, it just feels like more to go wrong, IYSWIM.


Vaping Master
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Mar 22, 2010
The ArmPit of Texas
Mine leaks too, but I have a Provari, and it sits nicely on the flat bottom. Not very car friendly, but I dont want to mess with it yet because it vapes very well!

Leaking out the top? Man hows that happening? Only two things I can think of, so when you decide to fool with it, you might try the following. One is through the fill hole, in which case look through the forum, there is a thread about a different cartos cap that will fit, and it looks like it goes all the way down to the plug seal, so I would imagine it covers the fill holes. Or two, the plug seal isn't seated firmly enough, in which case, ON THE BATTERY AND ONLY WHILE IT IS ON THE BATTERY (sorry for yelling I want to make sure you notices this part) push the plug seal down a scootch.
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