questions on smoktech clear dual coils; are they different from other clear dual coils? What should I do to clean it then?

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Full Member
May 27, 2011
I realized that many vendors sell smoktech's clear dual coil cartomizers.
However, I bought mine from nhaler, which was mighty expensive $3.50 each.
I looked up a way to clean these cartomizers and one vid said to remove the plastic see-through tube to directly clean the poly filler under water. However, these tubes do not come off. It's from nhaler and they absolutely will not come off. The nhaler's and avidvapers clear dual coils seem to be different from smoktech's. even though many people use the smoktech clear dual coils. How do I clean them now? I tried the 60cc syringe method but it leaves a nasty taste from the juice before it.
Another question is: is the nhaler's and avidvaper's clear dual coils better than smoktechs?
its more expensive and there is a difference in that the tube will not come off.
And also, if I decide to buy the clear smoktech cartomizers from hoosierecigsupply, will I be able to get one that does not have the blue/red/black font on the base of the cartomizer?

The main thing I want to know is, is the cartomizers from nhaler better quality than smoktechs?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 7, 2011
Hmmm...I can't say if Nhaler's DCs are Smoketech or not, I buy mine from Hoosierecigsupply. I find the clear DCs are super easy to clean. I run the tap water till it gets really hot, hold my carto in a pair of tongs and let the water run through one side, then the other, blow through one side, then the other, and repeat till I'm happy with the clean. It just takes a few mins. I find that strong flavored juices (Boba's Bounty, Gorilla Juice, etc.) don't come out completely, but that's no problem as I reserve that carto for that flavor. I only use cartos and the clear DCs are the best.

Hope this helps!


Full Member
May 27, 2011
thanks alot! idk why but while reading your response I got a hint that your a sweet person. haha isnt that kinda weird? lol.
btw, where do you buy your boba's bounty and gorilla juice? I know that many vendors use the same name for certain flavors, like many people use the tobacco name 555 and many different vendors have their own 555's to sell. The only place I know that sells boba's bounty is alien visions. Is that where you buy yours? Alien visions is a vendor I stay away from because pure vg or alot of vg will most definitely stain my clear dual coils with its smell and color. I also don't like pure/mostly vg liquids.. The hit is kind of off to me compared to stocked pg. Oh yeah, and could you tell me what boba's bounty tastes like? I'm kinda still on the weird side about vaping fruits and desserts. lol. Boba's bounty is a juice I hear over and over again. Wonder what it tastes like.
Oh and where else do you buy your liquids from? Sorry for bombarding you with questions but they all just hit me while I type. haha. have a great day. :)


Super Member
ECF Veteran
May 7, 2011
thanks alot! idk why but while reading your response I got a hint that your a sweet person. haha isnt that kinda weird? lol.
btw, where do you buy your boba's bounty and gorilla juice? I know that many vendors use the same name for certain flavors, like many people use the tobacco name 555 and many different vendors have their own 555's to sell. The only place I know that sells boba's bounty is alien visions. Is that where you buy yours? Alien visions is a vendor I stay away from because pure vg or alot of vg will most definitely stain my clear dual coils with its smell and color. I also don't like pure/mostly vg liquids.. The hit is kind of off to me compared to stocked pg. Oh yeah, and could you tell me what boba's bounty tastes like? I'm kinda still on the weird side about vaping fruits and desserts. lol. Boba's bounty is a juice I hear over and over again. Wonder what it tastes like.
Oh and where else do you buy your liquids from? Sorry for bombarding you with questions but they all just hit me while I type. haha. have a great day. :)

Hi! Thanks for the compliment, that was very nice. Yes, I buy Boba's Bounty and Gorilla Juice from Alien Visions and B4DJ1N64N is right that Boba's and Gorilla Juice are only sold by Alien Visions. The clear dual coils are amazing, even when they get all black and nasty from vaping thick dark juices they come mostly clean. However, there will be some residue and taste from juices like Boba's, but that's ok for me because I'll just fill that clean carto back up with Boba's :)

Boba's Bounty is a strange juice. It's a tobacco flavor, but it has a different taste each time you vape a few mls of it. When I first got it I thought it was good, but kind of bland. As I kept on vaping it I grew to really like it and the flavor really starts to pop the more you vape it. Sometimes it tastes like tobacco mixed with vanilla and maple, other times like a really robust cigar, other times graham crackers, and on. It's really amazing juice. Nitelite Vapor sell a juice I really like called Bounty Hunter. It is kind of like Boba's except lighter in color, I think it's 65% PG (though they do make 100% VG also), and isn't as complex as Boba's, but still very good (I'm vaping Bounty Hunter now).

No problem with questions...that's why we're here. Have a great day and happy vaping :)
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