quit smoking program from work

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Ultra Member
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Oct 3, 2013
Houston, TX
today i had my first call with them. my company said if i did not go through the program then i could not qualify for the non smokers discount for insurance. a little about me. i have been smoking since i was 12 and i am 43 now. i have tried to quit smoking many times in the past. patch, welbutrin, gum and of course cold turkey. about 6 years ago i finally got diagnoised with adhd. let me tell you that explaind a lot. during the time i took medication is when i tried to quit cold turkey. ya that did not work out so well. after about 5 weeks of not smoking i was about 2 hours away from checking into a mental hospital. a friend at work handed me a cigarette and said go for it. that my mental health was not worth not smoking. of course i went to see my dr and she agreed. i eventually stopped my drugs for the adhd because again a gun in my mouth just did not seem appealing to me. the drugs had me so depressed and out of sorts i was starting to run out of options. so fast forward to todays call. i explained all of this to this very sweet young girl on the other end of the line. she was dumb founded. she had no idea what to say or how to deal with me. she even said she thought i was outside of her scope. i told her of my success from analogs with my e cig and she did not understand then why i was contacting them. i explaind that my company wanted us not only tabacco free but nicotine free was well. which of course makes me wonder if they took the nicotine out of cigaretts would they still be ok with us smoking? so she suggested i get with my md and see if they could write me a note about how i need the nicotine in order to function. she told me to keep smoking my ecig but try not to do it when i was bored just use it to control my adhd. she also suggested i call some mental help line and get them to work with us on my situation. not that i see that i have one mind you but i have to go through their dog and pony show so i can afford to live and have insurance too. i mean our govenment is only forcing this on us. if my wife did not need surgery next year i would tell them where to stick it. i did tell this lady that in the end i am sure the hand mouth action did have something to do with how the ecig was sucessful in my case and that at the end of the day i might get myself down to zero nicotine but i doubt that i will ever quit vaping. i love it and it helps me. i know none of this is a medical knowledge but i do know this is the first time in 31 years that i have not had a tabacco cigarette. that is all that truly matters to me even if our goverment and inurance does not see it that way. so next week when i am home on vacation i will be making a trip to my dr and spend some time there talking all this over with them. see if there is a note i can get stating that i need my nicotine and that me not having it could cause me to loose my life sooner than the nicotine will take it from me. i am sure that an insurance company would really not want the lawsuit my family will put on them for forcing me to quit taking a drug that in all entensive purposes keeps me alive. i know how dramatic that sounds but i do feel that way. well anyways thanks for reading. hope everyone is having a great day. i know i am knowing i freaked out this lady. lol

Rabbit Chaser

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 16, 2013
San Jose, CA
Great for you and congrats on your new vaping life. I gave up analogs first 13 years ago and then again about a month ago. I love vaping and am disgusted with analogs - what do they have to offer me? I posted a story last week about my trip to my shrink (I have PTSD, bipolar and pure obsessive disorder since I was in my teens and then after an abusive marriage). Anyway, my shrink asked me how I was doing not smoking. I said, "well, I am not smoking cigarettes..." He asked with raised brows, "oh, what ARE you smoking?" I laughed and told him about vaping. He is old and never heard about it and went about writing my response. No lecture, no frown. I took that as approval since I know the guy would voice his opinion if he had one. I feel great and am proud for kicking 4000+ chemicals.

Vape on, my friend.

I am happy vaping, feel great and i


Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
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Oct 3, 2013
Houston, TX
that is awesome. i had to go to the dr with my wife a while back (for some reason they do not listen to her but when i go the ears are on alert lol) she starting telling the dr and his staff about how she and i had both quit with vaping and they wanted to know more so they could tell friends and family about it. i really think my dr will have the same opinion. i am glad to hear you are doing well and dont let anyone steal your sunshine.
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