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ECF Veteran
May 31, 2010
I made it about 3 months without a cigarette. Then I would occasionally take a drag from a friend's analog now and then. Then about a month ago I was at a friend's party. Sitting by the bonfire, I had smoke blowing right in my face. I said "screw it" and lit up an analog. Now I'm smoking analogs again. But instead of a pack and a half a day, thanks to my PV, I'm at about a pack and a half a week. I already have plans to quit again in January. And you know something? I'm not stressed about it at all. I'll continue to smoke my 3-4 analogs a day and now I know I can say goodbye to them and not feel stressed. Now all I have to do is stock up on plenty of cartos and some tasty liquids.


Full Member
May 19, 2010
I was in the same shoes but don't worry you'll get there if you really want to. I bumped into crap liquids and since everyone has been smoking around me it wasn't hard to give in to temptation. I started with 1-5 analogs and it soon became a pack a day especially when I ran out of juice. It went for a couple of days only but like I felt I was torturing myself with the cigs and soon started coughing again. I blamed myself not buying liquid on time... I replaced my old DSE 901 to EGo which is way stronger with much more vapour and also got my liquids. I didn't have a single analog since. If you are hesitant treat yourself with a new e-cig or liquid. It helped me out of the loop.


Ultra Member
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Sep 23, 2010
Rochester NY
Oh hell...even if someone were to smoke one less cigarette a day that's still a success. That would be 365 cigarettes not smoked in a year.

There is a difference between a smoking habit and simply enjoying a tobacco product occasionally. I may have quit cigarettes but I'll probably still have a cigar or two this holiday season.
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