Real world experience of box mods w/ battery cover screws?

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May 27, 2013
Hey, so this is kind of a petty post, but my indecision is killing me. ;)

Basically, I'd like to hear peoples' opinions on their real world experience with removing/putting back in the screws of high wattage box mod battery covers constantly. I am ready to pull the trigger on a box mod (because I want to buy an Aspire Atlantis) but I am really put off by having to take out screws every day to switch batteries. It seems like such a pain! (I know most devices have a USB port but I would highly prefer to charge batteries on my external charger and just toss fresh batts in the mod.)

I've been trying to shop around, and the only devices that seem to not NEED screws are:

- Sigelei 100 Watt: still has screw holes, and uses 2 batteries which is totally unnecessary for me (I will only use this mod at home)
- Sigelei 100 Watt Plus: no screw holes, but still 2 batteries, and why did they have to put those darn shiny curved lines on it? :p
- Vapor Shark rDNA 40: $190 :( and takes 30 days to ship
- Cloupor T8: no screw holes, nice plain look, but 2 batteries and... not exactly a highly trusted company. heh
- Sigelei 50 Watt: love the swivel magnetic door, but it seems this device was discontinued...

So nothing perfectly meets what I'm searching for. Am I missing anything? Should I just suck it up and use a screwdriver? The iPV2S doesn't look bad, because the screws are hex.


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Oct 29, 2014
Central Coast California
If you have a USB charge port then it isn't such a big deal.

That's pretty much my thinking as well. For mods that require screws, I plan on dedicating a battery to that device only and treating it like an internal battery mod. I know if kind of defeats the purpose of being able to change batteries, but I have enough devices and batteries that I always have something fully charged. If such a device was my only mod I'd perhaps feel a bit differently.


Vaping Master
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Aug 20, 2013
Stockholm, Sweden
I have a Hana clone on which I installed magnets instead of the screws. It was more of an experiment than being annoyed with the screws, but it's definitely nice not needing to whip out a screwdriver every time I want to change batteries (I don't use the USB for charging, takes forever to fully charge a battery).


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May 27, 2013
Huh, after doing a little more searching, I just discovered the Sigelei 150 watt box has no screw holes. I didn't realize that. Plus it doesn't have the curved line design that the 100W Plus has. I may have just found my new mod. 101vape is looking pretty hot. I could get the Sig 150 watt, Atlantis, coil heads, backup 35 amp batteries, and Fusion Vapor juice all at the same place. Nice. (I've ordered from there before once, but it was over a year ago.)

Then again... if the 100 watt magnets are strong enough to work without the screws, buying a 150 box would be pretty much throwing $30 in the toilet just for aesthetics. :unsure:

Anyway, thanks again!
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