Red Dragon vs Vapor King (V4L)

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Guys, seriously. I just got the Vapor King from Vapor4Life. I had the Red Dragon previously. The comparison is just crazy. On every measure the Vapor King comes out ahead. Let's compare:

Cartomizers: Red dragon's filter material does not last very long. Same with the atomizers. I found that I could not get more than a couple refills out of the cartomizer before it would stop producing any vapor and become impossible to draw through (a really hard pull). The Vapor King hasa better pull right out of the box (you want a light pull!). It produces the same amount of vapor. More importantly, the flavors! I got their berry sampler pack, and not a single one is bad. They all taste like they're supposed to, and I found that blueberry cobbler is my favorite. Each has a robust, distinctive flavor. Here the Red Dragon doesn't compare at all. I tried a number of different cartomizers and each seemed to have the same hum drum flavor with minor variations.

Price: I bought my Red Dragon for about $80, which included two batteries and five cartomizers. I bought the Vapor King for $70, which included two batteries, a passthrough, and five cartomizers. What's more, the V4L guy(s) gave me three bonus cartomizers. Just excellent. The comparison in terms of price is obvious: The Vapor King is much better.

Battery quality: The Red Dragon has a short cut-off (3 seconds). That means that when you're inhaling you've got about three seconds to get a sufficient amount of vapor or you have to do another primer puff. That might not seem like much, but it gets to be really annoying after a period of time. The Vapor King has a much longer cutoff (10 seconds). That means you can inhale just about as long as you like without the device stopping you. This is a serious benefit!

I can't say whether the battery life is much better (haven't had the Vapor King long enough), but I can say that the Red Dragon has pretty poor battery life. I found that a good hour and a half of puffing occasionally would drain my battery. I've used the Vapor King for about three hours now with (if anything) a higher frequency of use, and it's still going.

Overall, there is absolutely no reason to go with the Red Dragon. In fact, when I see the quality I've gotten with the Vapor King I'm annoyed I purchased the Red Dragon in the first place. If only I'd stumbled on this forum earlier! Compared to the Vapor King the Red Dragon is a scam.

Just a note: I'm a real person and am not affiliated with Vapor King in any way. I live in College Station, TX and go to Texas A&M.


Full Member
Aug 15, 2010
United States
I originally bought a mall kiosk pos. But it was so cool, and so accessible. Then I found the forum and read and read and read. And I was all about affordability and ease of use, because at the time I didn't realize that with vaping, even complicated stuff is fun. I, too, went with V4L. It truly is awesome and I've had great service from them. I love the battery choices, both color and size, and was quickly hooked on their Nuport flavor. I had a battery die within a week of purchase and they quickly sent me a replacement. They have awesome sales too.

Now that you are into their products, here's a recommendation: Buy their blank coolcarts and branch out to other juice vendors. Not to knock V4L's juice, but there is such a huge variety of flavors from soooo many vendors, and you can customize them a bit more through some of them. You choose the flavor, nicotine amount, TH, VG or PG or combo in different percentages.

And if you haven't purchased a PT yet, make that your next move if you spend any time in front of your 'puter.

Most of all, enjoy the journey!
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