Regulated devices and resistances

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Super Member
ECF Veteran
Apr 5, 2014
Green bay, Wisconsin
With higher watts i wouldn't worry about subohm to much. There are plenty of cloudheads that will say its better, but surface area is key with proper airflow and wicking. That being said standard microcoil a standard ohm (like 1.2 for example) could give more vapor then a .3ohm microcoil as their is more surface area. As long as you have enough airflow to accommodate the extra vapor being produced.
When you get into the fancy twisted clapton hurricanes blahblah stuff then can't really say as i preffer micros so far.

State O' Flux

Vaping Master
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Jul 17, 2013
With all of the high powered regulated mods now, is it better to subohm and use high wattage or build high and use less wattage? What's a good resistance to shoot for on a dripper?
There is no "good resistance", only what you're knowledgeable, skilled and safe enough to build to.

The thicker the wire used (typically to obtain sub-ohm resistances) the more wire net surface area you have. The more wire surface area, assuming you have the wattage to support it in parity or more... the more dense and larger vapor volume you produce.


Do you even squonk, bro?
ECF Veteran
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Jul 19, 2014
What a lot of folks don't consider are the limitations of the device. When using a regulated, variable wattage device your coil resistance determines the device's output current and output voltage. On many of the big power devices, like the Sigelei 150 for example, it is mandatory to use sub-ohm builds if you desire to achieve the upper power ranges. Using higher resistance builds limits the potential power output due to output voltage limitations. Similarly, the lower resistance your build is, the higher the device's output current will be, potentially limiting power due to output current limits. You'll need to know the limitations of your device and build according to your desired power settings and the operating parameters of the mod.

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