Returning to the fold.

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Full Member
Apr 7, 2013
Savannah GA.
Been a while since I posted here, or kept up with new trends in vaping.

I have been carrying along with my REO rebuilding at .8 over and over again and now that I have time to spare im wanting to get back into the fun of modding and experimenting. Im looking at getting the Segelei 100w so I can have something with a bit more control than the mechs but my reo is going nowhere (still love it and the RM2 after a year.)

Only recently have I delved into dual coil builds on this RM2 and am pleased to say my first dual coil mod came out nicely to .6 with no hotspots. Perhaps chock that up to luck. Looking forward to having my account reactivated so I can take part in the other forums again. I have a few questions involving builds and which of the few RDAs im looking at I should get first. Also looking foward to what innovations have been made in the past year. New coil types new info new designs and all these new high wattage variables.



Just Vaping
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Nov 14, 2013
Weimar, TX
Welcome back! Wow, a whole lot has been going on the last year. Lots of innovations in mods, more so with attys. You have to hurry and get to where you can jump around and start soaking in some of the stuff. And don't forget to stop by the Reo lounge and say hello as soon as you are able. To much going on to even give any kind of recap here. Glad you came back!:)


ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
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Mar 12, 2014
Mpls/St.Paul, MN
Hello and welcome back to the forum. Glad to have you back here!:)

Lots of changes in Reoville over the past year. Many bottom feeding drippers are being sold on the Reosmods site (for the LP Reo) and all new Reos now have sub-ohm contacts installed.

I've only been using a Reo since June so there may be many more changes I am unaware of. When you get a chance come on over to the Reosmods Forum and browse around. Lots of information and lots of very friendly members to help you if you have any questions.

Almost forgot -- Catfish atty mods is having a "Christmas Blowout Sale" until 1/1/15.
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ECF Guru
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Apr 16, 2013
North Carolina
back to ecf Bolt-Horsie. So many wonderful threads on modding. What a great hobby it would be. I need to learn a lot more but since I'm using the reo. . . I'm just so happy vaping and can't imagine it getting any better. Good luck to you and I look forward to reading and seeing what you are doing. Have fun.
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