Riva 510, Yuck, Yuck, Yuck! sorry vaping fans :P

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Feb 16, 2012
Okay, to help you, I need to know what the bad taste is like. Is it just a normal taste that doesn't bode with you well? Is it extremely bitter? Does it taste like burning paper? Does it taste like motor oil? Or does it taste like you'd expect sodered metal to taste?

If the taste, is just a normal flavor, you might just not like it, I've gotten juices that I can't stand. The solution here may be to let the liquid sit for a while. Some liquids don't taste very good factory fresh. If you're getting an overwhelming bitter flavor, you've got too much nicotine in your juice. Drop your levels. If you're getting a burnt paper taste, you're probably using cartomizers (a tube with polyfill and a atty in it), you've probably burnt it by not adding enough juice. If this is the case, ditch it, and pop out a new one. Fill until the poly looks completely saturated. Don't be afraid to overfill, if you happen to, just blow the excess juice out. Not hard. If it tastes like motor oil or sodered metal, you're likely using some sort of set up with a separate atomizer (atty) and some sort of juice delivery system (dripping, 3 piece set ups, etc). If you're getting a motor oil taste, your atty is factory fresh primed. This is no good. The flavor will fade with time, but in my experience, the best way to deal with this is to give the atty a nice hot water soak. You want it to be almost boiling; let it soak for about 20 minutes. Then shake it off, and leave it to dry overnight thread side down. The metal taste is much easier to remedy, you're just not getting enough juice on the atty. If you're dripping, just add more juice. If you're using any other system, you probably have some sort of faulty delivery mechanism. Or you might just need to prime the atty, that is, drip a few drops directly onto the atty. Be cautious with an automatic battery; you might flood.


Full Member
Mar 12, 2012
Okay, to help you, I need to know what the bad taste is like. Is it just a normal taste that doesn't bode with you well? Is it extremely bitter? Does it taste like burning paper? Does it taste like motor oil? Or does it taste like you'd expect sodered metal to taste?

If the taste, is just a normal flavor, you might just not like it, I've gotten juices that I can't stand. The solution here may be to let the liquid sit for a while. Some liquids don't taste very good factory fresh. If you're getting an overwhelming bitter flavor, you've got too much nicotine in your juice. Drop your levels. If you're getting a burnt paper taste, you're probably using cartomizers (a tube with polyfill and a atty in it), you've probably burnt it by not adding enough juice. If this is the case, ditch it, and pop out a new one. Fill until the poly looks completely saturated. Don't be afraid to overfill, if you happen to, just blow the excess juice out. Not hard. If it tastes like motor oil or sodered metal, you're likely using some sort of set up with a separate atomizer (atty) and some sort of juice delivery system (dripping, 3 piece set ups, etc). If you're getting a motor oil taste, your atty is factory fresh primed. This is no good. The flavor will fade with time, but in my experience, the best way to deal with this is to give the atty a nice hot water soak. You want it to be almost boiling; let it soak for about 20 minutes. Then shake it off, and leave it to dry overnight thread side down. The metal taste is much easier to remedy, you're just not getting enough juice on the atty. If you're dripping, just add more juice. If you're using any other system, you probably have some sort of faulty delivery mechanism.

Its non of the bad tastes you described Forek, i think its the flavour of the e-juices that i dont like, they just seem to sweet for me almost sickly. thanks for your reply


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Feb 16, 2012
Its non of the bad tastes you described Forek, i think its the flavour of the e-juices that i dont like, they just seem to sweet for me almost sickly. thanks for your reply

Oh, well in that case you just need a new juice, no big deal. In my experience, the espresso flavored liquids are some of the least sweet I've tried. But you do need to realize that because of the nature of PG and VG, all liquid is sweet to a point. Some is just sweeter than others. There are vendors that do sell liquids with no extra sweetener added too. To be honest, I found the sweet flavor odd at first, but now I kinda like it.

Another route might be to try a flavor that's supposed to be sweet, like a dessert flavor. Then it might seem more normal.


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Jan 9, 2012
Colorado Springs, CO
That system is my backup-backup. It works very well. A rule of thumb for me is never inhale the first 3 long draws on any atty/carto. Prime the atty with 3-4 drops, puncture the tank before filling, fill the tank and place onto the atty as far as it will go (important to keep it from leaking). Draw the system into your mouth before inhaling. Your new to this and it takes a bit to get used to a new way of getting your nic fix. Keep at it and keep asking questions.


Vaping Master
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Jun 5, 2010
Podunk, FLA
Mr. Rollie, I have a feeling that your using too hig nic. level. If you're feeling sick from it, that's a clue. You might not like the taste, but it shouldn't make you sick.

How many analogs did you smoke. If you were used to less than about 2 packs a day, 24mg might be a bit strong.

RocketRod is right about the technique. Don't "smoke" it. In fact, you can bypass your lungs entirely and smoke it like you would a pipe or cigar. As much nicotine is absorbed into the membranes in your head as in your lungs, maybe even more.

So, take slower pulls, hold in your mouth first. Inhale slower and less deeply. Try not inhaling much at all and mostly exhale through your nose.


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Dec 28, 2011
Michigan, USA
I got the Firefly 510-T system from Liberty Flights, and I'd bet that the 510-T portion of these two kits are the same.

Mine worked well out of the box, but I did have a couple of problems with the tanks before I figured out how to deal with them properly.

The one thing that I did not like about these was that the cartridges tasted and smelled very strongly of rubber/plastic. I found that washing them with dish soap and/or alcohol before use helped with that.

My carts have a D-shaped silicone plug in the bottom, which pulls out easily. It's best to pre-punch the plug by inserting it onto the atty while in the tank. I fill them by removing the plug, being careful to leave a bit or air space in there (about 1/8".) That helps them to feed properly. You should see small air bubbles occasionally make their way from the atty spike (which holds the wick) up to this air space as you vape.

When inserting the plug back into the cart, be careful that it doesn't get pushed in too far. The lip should be sitting on the top edge all the way around it.

Now, when you insert the tank (cart) onto the atomizer, what I learned is to slowly push it on while rotating the cart. Otherwise, the spike may not go right into the center hole of the plug, and the plug gets pushed into the cart too far by the atty spike, which can cause leaking and/or extremely poor wicking. Rotating it a bit while fully inserted can help to make sure that a flap of the silicone is not obstructing the wick, too.

They work pretty well once you learn the few little problems that you can run into.


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Jul 31, 2011
I agree w/ sailorman - the nic level is probably too high for what you're used to and dizziness is a sign of too much nic. Also, if you JUST went to vaping after smoking analogs, your taste buds are not quite up to par so stick w/ getting small samples of flavors you think you might like and try just dripping them on the atty first, just to experiment w/ the different flavors.
Remember - you do not drag on a vaporizer like an analog! It's a much slower, easier pull on the hit. Plus, you fill your mouth w/ the vapor and THEN inhale.
It's tricky and it takes a lot of experimenting, but I know you can do it. This is the best place to come back to for any questions you may have. I absolutely ADORE this forum and the patience the people have on here. (must be the nic, lol)
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