RN4081/DSE103 cartomizers and adapters

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Full Member
Nov 15, 2010
Seems that RN4081/DSE accessories and parts are pretty scarce. I've only found about a handful of suppliers out of those I've tried about three and I'm not really that satisfied with them as they seem to be either airy or just not put together well. Anywho, I am down to my last two cartos and I am in need of inexpensive 4081 cartomizers until my new 510 kit arrives.

Also, does anyone know if the "510 to 4081 adapter" supports the 4081 battery to 510 cartomizer or the 510 battery to RN4081 cartomizer? Does this one adapter work both ways? The adapter option might work best for me as I have boat loads of 510 cartomizers that I would love to use with my RN4081 batteries.


Full Member
Nov 15, 2010
Actually, unrealcigarettes was my first e-cig carto purchase and now that I think about it, compared to the others they were pretty good. The cartos were very sturdy and the vapor production was ok. My only pet peeve is that their cartos are $11.99 for a five pack with $5 shipping that averages to about $3.40 per carto. Maybe I am just being a cheapskate but that seemed like an awful lot as they didn't really last as long as any of the others. I decided to go with aquavaporcig and I haven't gotten my order yet. I guess I will be wearing a patch for a few days.


Full Member
Nov 15, 2010
Vaporsetc also has 4081 cartomizers and they are out of new york too. Dont know how good their cartomizers are, but i will find out soon as i am waiting on my first order from them. They have a sale going on right now. Not sure if they have any adapters.

Wish I had've known about vaporetc before I ordered. Their accessories are priced very reasonable. I think I'll just order some cartos from them too. Thanks.
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