Roar!!! Contest time! Vaping Lifestyle.

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Sep 2, 2011
How has vaping Changed my life?...Ohhh let me count thy ways!

I have been a slave to smoking for the greater portion of my life. Believe it or not I had my first drag of a ciggy when I was 4. Yep, my parents partied and at that point in life the only way to get positive attention from my mother was to join the party and they all would say "oooooh how cute!" By the time I was in Jr. High I had to get a job to support my habit as kyping a few from Mom would have been waaay too noticeable since I was already at a pack a day.

I have suffered from PTSD and was smoking upwards of 5pks a day most days 2pks on a good day! I also used a nebulizer. I no longer use an inhaler or nebulizer at all! My doctor is extremely happy that I am vaping and says my lungs are showing an incredible difference. I have a gauge at home I blow into that helps you know if it is ER time. In the last 5yrs I have always been in the red...which had my son very concerned. Recently I used my gauge after 2 months of vaping and I am at the bottom of the green area for the first time! My doctor also wants me to get back surgery, but told me I have to quit smoking in order for that to be an option. So vaping has not only improved my breathing but may allow me to become more mobile so I can chase my baby girl around once she gets mobile. I am also sensitive to the cold a rare condition and now I don't have to have hives and itch and spend hours in the bathtub getting warm from going outside constantly!

Vaping has also allowed me to taste food and enjoy it more, enjoy my hand-to-mouth pacifying addiction in a more enjoyable and much tastier way, I can smell (sometimes I am not sure this is a good thing though), I no longer have to clean walls and ceilings to remove all the gunk that cigarettes produce.

However, all in all one of the greatest ways vaping has changed my life is I can now spend more time with people. Due to my PTSD I can not seem to function well without my pacifier. Between that and non-smokers treating me like a common criminal for being a smoker I began to spend less and less time with other people. Vaping has allowed me to hang out with non-smokers as none of them seem to mind and even allow me to do it in their homes and cars. I can now handle shopping at places like walmart when the anxiety hits I just vape away and all is good! I no longer have to miss out at any social function to go outside to smoke unless I choose too.

Thank You to all the people who make vaping possible!


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May 16, 2010
Well let's see. Vapeing helped me kick a habit that I have had since I was 10 years old. I am now 26 and I have been trying to quit since January after my mini stroke in November of last year. I quit as a new years resolution and picked up again in April. It helped improve my health and got my blood pressure back down but it was a tedious task and I couldn't afford to experiment. I have now quit again and I am smoke free for 3 weeks after buying 500 prefilled cartridges for 100$ on clearance just to make it easier to use. Once again I have a temporary solution and my wife will not let me buy any more supplies. She does not understand what it's like. This thing has helped change my life. They say 3rd times a charm so I hope I can keep with it for good this time.


Vaping Master
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May 24, 2010

No remarkable story here, just hoping to win a kit for a friend. :)


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May 30, 2011
Eagle Rock, Los Angeles
My grandfather died of a heart attack while in his 40s. Both he and his wife, who is a diabetic and has undergone several bi-pass surgeries and strokes but is thankfully still with us, smoked. His son, my father, was diagnosed with CFIDS 22 years ago and went through heart surgery only 5 years ago. Both my parents have been smokers just over 30 years and all three of their children smoked. My sister smoked despite having asthma (no doubt a result of my parents' habit). My habit was approaching 20 yrs of on/off smoking, 15+yrs of 1/2-1 pack per day, and accepted/fueled by a spouse who also smoked. My father in law passed away last year of cancer, and he had quit smoking about 30 yrs prior. My mother in law recently started to socially smoke again and found herself buying packs. DH's sister was now also occasionally smoking, though she kept it away (out of sight) from her daughter.

I had tried everything under the sun to quit smoking except prescribed drugs, and there were 2 reasons preventing this:
1) I couldn't afford them and
2) the side effects scared me

My father was now on Chantix in attempt to stop smoking. My mother has and never had any interest in quitting. My brother occasionally smokes socially, but is generally a non-smoker.
My sister quit cold turkey a week before discovering she was pregnant and she's been smoke free for over a year now. I definitely could not afford having a kid at this time even if I wanted children and thought this was not the route for me. At this point ecigs were only cheap gadgets that were starting to pop up in the 711s and I had only heard bad results of them.

After 6+ years working in/out of the medical field I obtained a new position on a telemetry floor and I knew I had to change something NOW. At the end of May my husband and I began a research campaign of PVs, E-cigarettes, and mods including this forum, quit smoking forums, review videos, mass marketed junk, and social media networks. 72 hrs later we placed our 1st order for buffet style kits, and a week later placed our 1st juice order.

I found something that has worked, and is working for many in the above mentioned post and several very close friends. It is not for everyone, but I find that 75% is my going conversion success thus far. Of that 75% each and every one have been satisfied/happy enough to be cigarette/tobacco free, 3 are vaping at 0mg nicotine, and I know 1, possibly 2 are actively cutting down nicotine dose.

So, how has vaping changed MY life?
My parents can see their grand children without exposing them to second hand smoke. My sister no longer has to worry about leaving her new baby in their care with this in the back of her mind. My niece and nephew are not as endangered, and may not be enticed by big tobacco. My parents may be alive to see each of them graduate high school, college and/or married off, possibly even see great grand children be born and raised.

I can look my patients in the eye and honestly say that I *do* know what they are going through. I can work my 12 hr shifts without nic-fitting or any anxiety on our tobacco free campus and never leave my unit while always being cool, calm and collected.
I can taste better, smell better, and see things in a different perspective. I don't have withdrawal and was never the quit *itch. I enjoy vaping, have shed a few pounds, and I can breath.
And I've given all these feelings and benefits to my friends and family in the form of an e-cig.

Life is good.
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 14, 2011
western north carolina
After smoking 50 yrs, I quit in January at the request of my daughter. She is special needs and I could not keep on after the way she asked me! I just got back from the VA and the DR. was very pleased after I showed my PV to her and she asked where I got it and where could she send other smokers to so they to could get one! I told her about this forum and we should start seeing more converts soon!


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I started smoking at 12 years old because I had an older friend who did it and I wanted to be cool like him... 25 years later I was diagnosed with Emphysema at the age of 37. The doctor told me I needed to quit smoking or I was going to end up on an oxygen tank by the time I was 40. Turns out it would have been sooner than that. 12 months after my initial diagnosis of Stage 1 Emphysema, I had progressed to Stage 3 Emphysema and was down to 42% lung capacity. I couldn't breathe. When I would get up to go to the bathroom in the morning or the middle of the night, the 20 foot rush to the bathroom would make me so winded and lightheaded, I would have to do my business sitting down for fear of passing out... I was at the bottom of bad. The doctor said it would only be 6 months before I was in need of full time oxygen. Here I am at age 38, taking 2 different types of inhalers and a few pills and trying every supposed cessation tool on the market to quit and I can't put the stupid death sticks down!

Then I found a guy on YouTube with some videos of how he'd quit with Electronic Cigarettes. He explained the psychological advantage of the hand to mouth tick most smokers have satiated by an E-Cig. He also explained how the nicotine can be stepped down till you don't even need that anymore... if you choose to go that route. One could simply continue the habit of hand to mouth for comfort. That is what I enjoyed anyway. The having something to do with my hands part. The psychological need to have my hands busy and my lungs inhaling something. I'd been hospitalized before and never had a craving while in the hospital. I figured it's because I knew I wasn't allowed to smoke so I didn't have a craving to smoke. I gave E-Cigs a shot...

That was 43 days ago. For the first 3 days, I still had an analog cigarette in the morning, at dinner and before bedtime. On August 21st, as I put out the last analog cigarette I had in my pack, I stated that as of the 22nd, I was going to be "Smoke Free!" I haven't lit up or puffed a regular analog cigarette since that night. A mere 18 days after stopping smoking I had an appointment with my Cardio-pulmonologist. The results were outstanding! My lung capacity increased from 42% to 72% in just 18 days! I was re-classified as Stage 1 Emphysema. My doctor even seems to think that within 6 months, I will have no further need for any of my medications! She is totally convinced this is all because of Electronic Cigarettes. So much so, that she took my E-Cig and showed her colleague and then asked for more info on them.

6 months ago I was almost on full-time oxygen. 43 days into being an E-Cig user, I am not only breathing better, but feeling better as well! I have now gotten my Mother, a 52 year smoker, using E-Cigs and she loves them! That is my success story. I hope you enjoyed it.


Resting In Peace
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Jun 15, 2011
Sorry - No Picture/s to enter and the story on how vaping has changed [my] life, is really not that special. And would actually be a "novella" that would take too long to write by the time this contest is going to be over . . .

SO the - plain & simple version is - because I have started "vaping" - instead of "analogs" controling my Life - I have started to take back my "LIFE" and control of the what, where, when, and how I now do things . . .

For "Me" . . . "Vaping" - It's A New Beginning . . . :)

Please Note: If my entry should be lucky enough to be chosen - or my post picked via the random drawing . . . I would appreciate very much if any possible prize awarded "Me" was passsed on to Ms. "spacekitty" . . . Thank YOU ! ! ! View attachment 55810


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May 17, 2011
new york
well how has vaping changed my life.
i quit smoking 2 years ago with chewing nicorette gum but always still wanted a cig and keep on chewing 5 to 10 peices a day cost a lot of money. I was fighting the feel for a smoke all the time then a few months ago a friend let me try his ecig now i vape no chewing anymore no wanting a cig (i fell of the wagon a few times and had to quit again) i love vaping
thanks for reading
Wellp, vaping has more than changed my life. I got hooked into smoking analogs much younger than anybody should, all the while convincing myself I wasn't addicted. It took 4-5 years and a few quitting attempts to make me realize I was addicted. Not having a cigarette for an hour turned me into a nervous wreck, and even the thought of not having access to cigarettes at all times was enough to get me pacing around a room. I just flat out decided I couldn't quit, and couldn't even begin to imagine my life without cigarettes. Having asthma, smoking took it's toll on my health pretty fast. Every year up to the 5 year mark, it seemed like I was getting sicker more frequently and with worse conditions, to the point where I was getting either pneumonia or bronchitis at least 2-3 times a year. It took another terrible round of asthmatic bronchitis and watching as another loved one received a terrifying diagnoses (I'm sure we can all guess) for me to finally decide I was done. Did a little (limited) research and got myself an e-cigarette a few weeks ago and haven't really looked back since. Even if I am trading one addiction for another, vaping is genuinely enjoyable and lifted a huge strain on my body. I don't smell anymore, my lung capacity has returned to a point I didn't even know it could, I am sleeping better, and my teeth are definitely whiter :p.

Since researching a bit more (ie finding this forum), I'm interested in getting myself a better set up, as well as helping my mom get off the analogs (I'm lucky to have gotten out at five years, she's got quite a few more on me to say the least and still going strong). Anyways, vaping is a wonderful thing.
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Ultra Member
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May 7, 2011
N. California
Aside from the usual changes like not stinking, breathing better, saving money (maybe... sort of), there is one change that stands out for me. I'm the father of a 5 yr. old son and a 7 month old son. I'm happy to no longer carry guilty feelings about doing something self destructive, something that could make my sons lose their father early.


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Sep 14, 2011
Mt. Juliet TN
How has it changed my life? Well for the last 3 years I've lied to my wife on a daily basis-- She hates smoking with such passion it's not even funny. I never smoked around her, or in my car or even out drinking. Just at work, she always would say you smell like smoke, I always denied it to save from a argument but she knew. When she would get really ...... she would LMK she knew lol. I thought I'd give vaping a shot, I liked it then I told her - loving wife that is & she was all for the idea. Not smelling smokey as she would call me has made things at the home front a little easier. Plus I've made some new friends in the process.


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I started vaping on 12/1/2010. I smoked for 35 years. I did manage to quit once for 9 years but went back the year my mother passed away and my husband left me.

I am not a gadget person so I just stick with my ego's and the ego mega carto's - even though they are very frustrating - I am determined to not pick up another cigarette again (this is still hard after all these months).

Since starting vaping -
I feel better
I can go into a meeting at work and people don't move away from me because I smell like an ashtray.
I am a better roll model for my sons.
I went from 36mg to 6mg :) i may forever be in this spot.
My family is so proud of me and are very supportive.
I know i've added years to my life.

Vaping is the best thing that has happened to me and my family.
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