Same VG/PG Ratio, MG/ML Mixing Flavors?

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My -0^10 = Nothing at All*
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Apr 16, 2010
If i have 2 different flavor e-liquids and both have the same VG/PG ratio and 6mg/ml nicotine, can i mix the flavors?


And since the 2 e-Liquids have the Same PG|VG Ratios and are both 6mg/ml, what you will End Up with will be 6mg/ml and the Same PG|VG Ration no matter what proportions you use.
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Moved On
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May 30, 2017
I think a tester tankful is a great idea, but yes you can mix them (at whatever proportion tastes good to you) even if it's 1/4 to 3/4.... You will still have the same amount of nicotine and PG/VG.

I did this a lot with simple DIY mixes to figure out what flavor profiles I liked--- mixed up different flavors and combined in my tank.... It's a great way to start figuring out flavor profiles that you like.

Have fun. :)



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Nov 14, 2014
Unless you are adding a PG based flavor concentrate you will remain at the same ratio. Mixing premade juices that have the same profiles only combines the flavor profiles. It would be no different than dripping more juice onto your coils in your RDA it doesn't increase your nicotine PG or VG it merely makes the wick more saturated with liquid. Now if you mixed 20/80 with 30/70 then you might end up with 25/75 as it would split the extra 10% of PG. And the only way your nicotine will increase is if you were to mix equal parts of say 6mg with 9mg then you will end up with like 7.5 MG juice as it will split the difference of the 3% increase in nicotine. Hope this helped
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Mar 2, 2012
If i have 2 different flavor e-liquids and both have the same VG/PG ratio and 6mg/ml nicotine, can i mix the flavors?

You can, and you'll wind up with the same PG/VG ratio and the same nic. Unless you know what you're doing it might taste like Donkey Anus, but aside from that it will be essentially the same juice.
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