Science vs. "science"

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On the River, GA


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"Vert De Ferk"
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May 6, 2016
Can I beat them down (I almost typed "off") with my old, broken Provaris?

Oh, wait. DAYUM! They haven't broken yet. :facepalm:

"Break, Provis - BREAK!!!"

Just mount a tank base on with the coil exposed and use your Provari like a stun gun. Granted, a weak stun gun, and you'll probably be zombie chow in no time, but at least you'll go out still grasping your fave mod.


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  • Jul 6, 2015
    Pennsylvania, USA
    LOL, I didn't mean to start a major clusterattack.

    Nah Anna, you are fine by me ..... I TOTALLY understand the point you are driving at and I commend you for it.... You think for yourself instead of relying on others to think for you..... Yes, science can be flawed in so many ways, especially when it concerns the complex human body/mind as well as pharmaceuticals.


    I'm still here on ECF... sort of. ;)
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    Jan 25, 2011
    Texticide! Oh I LIKE that one!!!

    Can I beat them down (I almost typed "off") with my old, broken Provaris?

    Oh, wait. DAYUM! They haven't broken yet. :facepalm:

    "Break, Provis - BREAK!!!"

    Oh darlink..... mechs don't break. ;)

    Just mount a tank base on with the coil exposed and use your Provari like a stun gun. Granted, a weak stun gun, and you'll probably be zombie chow in no time, but at least you'll go out still grasping your fave mod.

    But but BUT!!!!!! Is that a safe temp for the Zombz??


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    Apr 21, 2015

    I'm just going to leave those for now, @stols001 , as there are truly hundreds (at the very least). In addition to A Billion Lives, here are some names should you wish to do more self-induced research:

    • Prof. Peter Hayak (from the videos)
    • Dr. Konstantinos Farsalinos
    • Prof. Michael Siegel
    • Bill Godshall

    I know I'm forgetting a bunch right now, but those should keep you busy for a short while. :)

    You did well by joining CASAA as they'll lead you down some good pathways. Good luck with your pursuit of information, and more importantly, with your vape. :thumbs:

    keep in mind these are all provaping reseachers, which i follow closely and respect. But provaping researchers have an agenda like the anti vaping community. Everybody has an agenda sadly. So who are we to believe? If i go to a democrat website i am going to hear what i want if i am a democrat, if i go to a republican website once again i am gonna hear what i want to hear. It's all the same TO A POINT. The provapor research is gonna find all the good and the antivapor research is looking for all the bad. Let's not forget that. Perhaps there is something of truth in them both, depends on what side of the fence your on and whether your open minded enough to see it and know the difference. Me i chose to vape on, not by studies from either side but what my health tells me. I read all the studies from both sides, but i know both sides have an agenda to serve so i serve neither in my choices. I know i feel better because i am not inhaling tar and god only knows how many other chemicals, but thus far i am feeling nothing negative since i have started vaping. Doesn't mean vaping doesn't hold long term health effects, if it does, then hell guess time will tell. Until it does i will continue following findings from both sides of research and take it into consideration and adjust my vaping practices. Right now and what vaping has taught me from my own experiences, i will vape on. It's all we have folks and that's our own witness to how vaping has impacted our lives and health.


    "Vert De Ferk"
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    Dec 17, 2011
    keep in mind these are all provaping reseachers, which i follow closely and respect. But provaping researchers have an agenda like the anti vaping community. Everybody has an agenda sadly. So who are we to believe? If i go to a democrat website i am going to hear what i want if i am a democrat, if i go to a republican website once again i am gonna hear what i want to hear. It's all the same TO A POINT. The provapor research is gonna find all the good and the antivapor research is looking for all the bad. Let's not forget that. Perhaps there is something of truth in them both, depends on what side of the fence your on and whether your open minded enough to see it and know the difference. Me i chose to vape on, not by studies from either side but what my health tells me. I read all the studies from both sides, but i know both sides have an agenda to serve so i serve neither in my choices. I know i feel better because i am not inhaling tar and god only knows how many other chemicals, but thus far i am feeling nothing negative since i have started vaping. Doesn't mean vaping doesn't hold long term health effects, if it does, then hell guess time will tell. Until it does i will continue following findings from both sides of research and take it into consideration and adjust my vaping practices. Right now and what vaping has taught me from my own experiences, i will vape on. It's all we have folks and that's our own witness to how vaping has impacted our lives and health.

    All very true. I too fully embrace the Occam's Razor approach where vaping is concerned.

    The OP called for something more than anecdotal, and I just wanted her to know that there was a lot of research out there, and we're well past the point of simply anecdotal. Yes - you can find studies that would counter the positive ones, but we know that they did things no vaper would ever do to achieve the results (such as continuously burning coils).

    To your point though, yes, one can find studies supporting the ANTZ' position. I just don't care to post them, because I believe they're all garbage (and not just because I vape). :)


    ECF Guru
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    May 6, 2016
    keep in mind these are all provaping reseachers, which i follow closely and respect. But provaping researchers have an agenda like the anti vaping community. Everybody has an agenda sadly. So who are we to believe? If i go to a democrat website i am going to hear what i want if i am a democrat, if i go to a republican website once again i am gonna hear what i want to hear. It's all the same TO A POINT. The provapor research is gonna find all the good and the antivapor research is looking for all the bad. Let's not forget that. Perhaps there is something of truth in them both, depends on what side of the fence your on and whether your open minded enough to see it and know the difference. Me i chose to vape on, not by studies from either side but what my health tells me. I read all the studies from both sides, but i know both sides have an agenda to serve so i serve neither in my choices. I know i feel better because i am not inhaling tar and god only knows how many other chemicals, but thus far i am feeling nothing negative since i have started vaping. Doesn't mean vaping doesn't hold long term health effects, if it does, then hell guess time will tell. Until it does i will continue following findings from both sides of research and take it into consideration and adjust my vaping practices. Right now and what vaping has taught me from my own experiences, i will vape on. It's all we have folks and that's our own witness to how vaping has impacted our lives and health.

    You are correct. Information will be tainted by the prejudice of the source. That's why it is important to read what both sides have to say (really on any issue, not just vaping), then using your own intelligence and decide for yourself which way things are going. Look for the holes in the arguments and recognize the valid data to help you make your own informed judgement. Never rely on a single vantage point, otherwise you'll only see a small part of the picture, and only the part you prefer to look at.


    Moved On
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    May 30, 2017
    Well I started out with Carl Phillips.... Two points spring to mind.

    a) I wish that guy had been my stats 2 professor, I would have learned more and had way more fun. Anyone who uses phrases like a "dadaesque tribute" is fine by me. I love the way he's taking some of the FDA stuff and deconstructing it. Also, I love his thoughts on health science research being degraded, he says it way better than *I*.

    b) I'm really upset and glad I took up vaping when I did, given some of the stuff the FDA is doing, that I can stock up, but I feel really bad for vapers to come (yes, I know it's not quite game over..... But, if even SOME of this "harm reduction" goes through, I feel awful for potential vapers coming down the pike.) Were it not for some variables, such as the fact that DJT likely doesn't enjoy an offer of grabbing, it's less fun if it's consensual, and I'm probably not his type, I barely wear makeup let alone plastic *anything* and too old, I would totally let DJT grab my *****, if only it might assist him in *not* taking a look at the reasearch (c'mon he's not a research guy) but just telling the FDA to GET LOST. Oh, I would take one for the team on that one, I'm not proud, I would totally do that for the vaping community.

    LOL, probably for the best that I'm many miles away, my sis clerks for a Federal judge in a secret program that is so secret, she (AND EVERY family member) had to be investigated by the FBI, and she can't say what she does... I don't want to mess things up for her and also, my husband was not always the most upstanding gentleman in the universe, he is one of the reasons that ATMs have cameras.... Well, I can't say too much about it other than our family has been on the watch list for some time.... You sorta have to get used to it.

    But, were I young and a DD cup, I would *so* do it. I don't have pride in this matter.... This is not going to get countered with logic, not even the tiniest bit.



    ECF Guru
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    May 6, 2016
    LOL, probably for the best that I'm many miles away, my sis clerks for a Federal judge in a secret program that is so secret, she (AND EVERY family member) had to be investigated by the FBI, and she can't say what she does... I don't want to mess things up for her and also, my husband was not always the most upstanding gentleman in the universe, he is one of the reasons that ATMs have cameras.... Well, I can't say too much about it other than our family has been on the watch list for some time.... You sorta have to get used to it.


    Well if she's in DC, it's probably a FICA judge and court. Oops. Does that mean I let the secret leak?:cry:
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