Should I gert a Vamo?

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ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
When I got into vaping it started with an el-cheapo gas station e-cig that got juice in my mouth and could only be vaped for 2 hours before needing to be recharged for 3 1/2 hours. It was just terribly yucky.

Instead of rejecting the whole idea of vaping I just had to improve on this. I knew there had to be something better, and of course there was. I ran into a guy at a booth at a flea market, got a much better rig, and was happy...for a little while... well for about 4 days.

Next I got a Vision 1300 MaH battery, then a Kanger Protank, then started rebuilding the coils for it, then started mixing my own juice, knowing all along I was moving down the road to a mod and an RBA at a pretty good clip, even on my limited budget. 2 months into vaping I'm not slowing down one bit.

So this morning I am faced with the decision, do I buy the Vamo? I had planned to get a second Vision spinner so I could always have one charged and ready, but gosh, VaporBreak has the Vamo for $24.99, and the kit with charger and batteries for $32.99. This is the entry level mod as far as I can tell, and I'm not going to get one for less.

I've not seen any bad reviews of the Vamo yet, though one mentioned that the finish wasn't all that good and scratches easily, but I'm going to make a denim sheath for it anyway. What does give me pause is the charger that comes with the kit from VB, which Vapor Lady on YouTube warns us to be watching and not to let it overcharge the batteries.

Okay, I don't want a charger I have to watch and set a timer on and worry about exploding batteries with. Also, it comes with 2 18350 batteries, which seem small to me. More is better, and too much is just about right, so will this Vamo accomodate a 2200 MaH 18650?

Is there a bigger battery with more MaH I can stuff in there? Can I somehow rig it up as a passthrough? Can I hook it up to a car battery? Just kidding...

Most of all I need to know where I can get a charger that shuts off when the batteries are charged, and which charges batteries independently from each other. Anyone know where to get one?
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Jim Diamond

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Jul 21, 2013
North Texas
I have the stainless steel version of the Vamo V2. Get Stainless steel if you go with the Vamo, either the V2 or the V3, then the finish wont come off. The Vamo will accomodate the 2200 mAh and even higher mA'hs. My best right now are Efest 2600 mAh and they are great. I have just ordered some 3400 mAh's from Fasttech. Fasttech says the maximum supported battery length for the Vamo is 70mm. Not sure about the width. JD
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Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Apr 5, 2013
Los Angeles
yes i still don't believe there is a piece of hardware that's cheaper and more functionally useful than an ss vamo....
it will take pretty much any 18650 battery...i suggest a good panasonic, mnke, aw....something that can handle high current..
also the stainless steel finish is fine, it's the chrome and black that have problems....
oh, and get a nitecore intellicharge, from amazon or ebay or money you will ever invest in a charger imho.....there are indicators as to how far a battery has charged and they stop blinking when its done, don't waste money on cheap chargers, just get one good one. those are probably equally important to your vamo.....
good luck!
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Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
Okay, I should have known there would be a burn and and catch somewhere here, VaporBreak will only ship it via DHL or EMS, and DHL will cost me $35 to ship a $25 product to me!!!! What a rip off!!!! EMS shipping will cost me $21.19!!! I am NOT PAYING THAT KIND OF MONEY FOR A SHIPPING RIP-OFF!!!!

Everything else I've ordered online for vaping was sent to me USPS ground, and cheaply shipped. I'm obviously not buying my Vamo from these guys, that really really sucks that they do that!!! At first they list my order, and state total shipping at $4.27, then present me with the DHL EMS choice, and will not let me continue until I choose one of them! I can't find a phone number on their site to call them either.

I'm really angry here.
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Nov 28, 2012
Swartz Creek, MI

I have had that kit for a couple months now and still think it is one of the best deals you can get on an mod ATM. Its comes with a good charger, and good 2250mah battery's that last me all day. Plus if you decide to upgrade to a better mod later you can still use that charger and battery. That kit is a no brainer IMHO.

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
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Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
Ditto on Bill's note about VaporBreak.

Also, that's the Vamo V2, which has had some issues.

You want the V3.

And, as soon as you buy it, they'll come out with the V4, which will have a few more bells and whistles.

It's life in the Tech Fast Lane. A few months after I got my Samsung Galaxy SIII, the SIV came out.


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Jul 14, 2013
Omaha, NE

I have had that kit for a couple months now and still think it is one of the best deals you can get on an mod ATM. Its comes with a good charger, and good 2250mah battery's that last me all day. Plus if you decide to upgrade to a better mod later you can still use that charger and battery. That kit is a no brainer IMHO.

This right here is the kit I purchased. It works great, and Fasttech's shipping is free and pretty darn quick. It shipped on a Wednesday and I had it the following Monday. The batteries seem to last a decent amount of time, also.


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
Okay, I decided to order it from Fastech instead, which offers free shipping worldwide. I input my order, went to review the order before placing it, and a loading icon came up, and the screen froze up on me. There was a link that said "cancel and return to Fastech," but that didn't work either and it just hung there frozen for 15 - 20 minutes or so, and I finally just close the tab out of my browser. I'm not having much luck getting my Vamo, perhaps it's just not meant to be. Seems like someone up there is trying to tell me something... like don't buy that Vamo....
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Super Member
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Apr 9, 2013
Buford, Ga

I have had that kit for a couple months now and still think it is one of the best deals you can get on an mod ATM. Its comes with a good charger, and good 2250mah battery's that last me all day. Plus if you decide to upgrade to a better mod later you can still use that charger and battery. That kit is a no brainer IMHO.

If I were going to buy a VAMO, I'd also start with that kit and get an xtar charger, keeping the nitecore charger as a backup. Good batteries and a good charger can make a big difference in longevity.

I'm happy with my vision spinners right now. They're a little larger than I'd like for out-and-about use, but they're not so large I won't carry them. My next battery will be a 400mah spinner, and then I'm planning on picking up a mod for home use.


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 27, 2013
I love my Vamo! And, that is a great deal. I wouldn't go out of my head worrying about the battery issue, but maybe look to upgrade battery/charger options as you look ahead. The 18350s are not going to give you the battery life you're probably used to, you'll have to swap it out of the charger once or twice per day. The only real complaint I've heard about the Vamo is that the fire button sometimes has issues, and indeed, mine sometimes acts wonky, but the performance is well worth it. Now, when I have to switch back to an eGo for whatever reason, you can really notice the dropoff in performance. Also, if you're rebuilding, the Vamo will give you a way to check resistance if you don't already have one. I wouldn't hesitate for one second at that price.


Account closed on request
ECF Veteran
Jul 5, 2013
Ditto on Bill's note about VaporBreak.

Also, that's the Vamo V2, which has had some issues.

You want the V3.

And, as soon as you buy it, they'll come out with the V4, which will have a few more bells and whistles.

It's life in the Tech Fast Lane. A few months after I got my Samsung Galaxy SIII, the SIV came out.

Wish I'd seen his post before I tried to order from Vapor Break, I cancelled out of that order when it became clear it was going to cost me a fortune. Then I tried Fastech, and my order froze up on me. No phone number to call them at, it's Saturday so no one there to do live chat service, bummer. I looked all over the web for a place to get it at a comparable price, but no luck at all, the rest of them want over $50 for it.

I'm not rich by any means, I really need to get that deal on it or I can't afford it.

This is really not going well at all for me, and I might just forget about that Vamo for a while. I'm so very bummed...

Coastal Cowboy

This aggression will not stand, man!
ECF Veteran
Verified Member
Jun 13, 2013
Alabama Gulf Coast
Wish I'd seen his post before I tried to order from Vapor Break, I cancelled out of that order when it became clear it was going to cost me a fortune. Then I tried Fastech, and my order froze up on me. No phone number to call them at, it's Saturday so no one there to do live chat service, bummer. I looked all over the web for a place to get it at a comparable price, but no luck at all, the rest of them want over $50 for it.

I'm not rich by any means, I really need to get that deal on it or I can't afford it.

This is really not going well at all for me, and I might just forget about that Vamo for a while. I'm so very bummed...

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