Sleep issues

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Hello all, I'm having sleep issues since giving up the analogs and starting the e cig about nine days ago. Wondering if anyone else is experiencing these issues. I was smoking a little over a pack of full strength cigarettes and am now vaping 24 mg. drops.

Have had a few nights where I awaken a few times every hour and have had a few nights where I just can't seem to fall asleep.
Never had any difficulty sleeping prior. Wondering if anyone has experienced this and maybe what they did as a solution.

I almost compare it to when I quit three years ago using the patch, very similar symptoms.


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Nov 23, 2012
Raleigh NC
If I vape before bed, it takes me an extra hour to fall asleep. I also tend to wake up earlier.

Seemingly if I stop vaping 2 hours before bed, I don't have the same issue and sleep as per normal.

Vaping is fun. Sleep is more fun.

(we just had our second child this week. I'm getting killed by the lack of good, continuous sleep.)

Typed on my mobile. Please excuse typos.


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Shamong NJ
Agree. I vape 18 all day/night and if i vape right before bed (a half hour before ish) i find myself either waking up or not falling asleep.

With that said, you are going through withdraw from many things, not just smoking habits. The chemicals, the smoke, carbons and other stuff in cigs. Your lungs are repairing and your body is getting healthier by the second. You should find, at least i did, that i had much more energy than when i was a smoker. After 3+ years, i can run up and down the stairs and not feel like Mike Tyson just punched me in the lungs.

Its a learning curve atm. just find out what works for you. cheers


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Mar 26, 2011
United States
I had a hard time falling asleep when I first switched to vaping. It eventually went away. I can vape 36mg before bed without an issue now. Not sure if the nicotine causes it or if it is withdrawal from cigarettes. Try lowering your nic like others have suggested. If that doesn't work, perhaps you just need a little time to adjust.


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Oct 21, 2012
San Antonio, Texas
I've had it go both ways.. When I started at the end of Sept, I was doing my little cigars and vaping 36mg.. I almost couldn't stay awake for about 3 weeks. In Oct I went tobacco free and varied from 24 to 36 mg in my juice.. slept fine. Nov came and I stayed mostly to the 24mg and had many nights of not sleeping. Dec has been a strange month for me, 18mg for the most part but my sleep cycle is screwed so if I stay up later, I sleep better, even if it's only for 3 or so hours. I have tried both, vaping before bed and not vaping for 2 hours before. Doesn't seem to make a difference.

Sorry, I know that's not much help, just showing you aren't the only one.
I will say the first night was the worst and it has seemingly gradually gotten a little bit better, but I'm still not sleeping anywhere near as well as I was with the analogs. The poor sleeping happens for most of the night so I'm having a tough time putting my arms around the stop vaping an hour or so before bed. I will try it tonight, and hope for the best.

I'm currently vaping around 1.5 -2 ml. per day, that's not out of the ordinary is it?


Vaping Master
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Aug 12, 2012
Watertown, NY
Is one hour sufficient, or should it be longer?

One or two hours should be about right. You'll just have to try and see. You should think about getting some lower nic for night time since you vape at such a high level. When I vaped 24mg I ended up with severe anxiety attacks and sleep? What's that? But once I dropped down some, the sleep thing sorted itself out and the anxiety went away.


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Oct 30, 2012
Clayton, NC
I will say the first night was the worst and it has seemingly gradually gotten a little bit better, but I'm still not sleeping anywhere near as well as I was with the analogs. The poor sleeping happens for most of the night so I'm having a tough time putting my arms around the stop vaping an hour or so before bed. I will try it tonight, and hope for the best.

I'm currently vaping around 1.5 -2 ml. per day, that's not out of the ordinary is it?

When did you quit smoking?

Depends on your definition of ordinary, I'm minimum of 5ml/day @24mg. I was toning it down to 18mg but was vaping more, more dehydrated and getting panic attacks, upped it back to 24mg and it evened me out.

I usually vape right before I go to bed, just like when I smoked; if I don't I'll have cravings and it keeps me up.

After quitting there were lots of things that changed for me, just takes time to get over it, if that is what the problem is.

Good luck.


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Dec 28, 2012
The Huge State Of Rhode Island
i didn't even know this was possible i have always smoked 12-16mg juices and only like 1ml a day .... didn't know nicotine was a stimulant lol maybe i should get some high level stuff for when i'm studying for my college exams =P

(i'm kidding of course, i know it would only make my dependency that much worse.)


ECF Guru
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Oct 28, 2012
Madeira beach, Fla
actually if your still kind of new, you will find the dependency you had was more towards other things in the cig, and not so much for the nic as we all believe when switching, this is part of the reason vaping doesnt seem to help everyone just drop cigs.
i used to light a smoke before my eyes would focus upon waking. now i find hours go by sometimes before i realize "i need a vape"


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
Nov 23, 2011
Northern California
I didn't smoke much during the hours before sleeping for the same reason. Nicotine will keep you awake whether smoked, vaped or absorbed by the skin.

If it helps, the "half life" of nicotine in the body is about two hours. If you stop using nicotine it takes two hours for the nicotine level to be reduced by half.
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