So what should i buy?

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Full Member
ECF Veteran
Dec 10, 2009
I bought some of the Blu ecigs a while back and they broke 1 week after i bought them. batteries just died. One would flash like it needed a charge but no matter how long i left it charging it would not work. So I sent them back and got 2 new batteries. They died the next day so i sent the whole thing back and got my money back. they seemed like basically garbage. I like the idea of an ecig and would like to try again but I need to know what is a robust best ecig product out there that wont break within a week for a heavy smoker like myself. Whats the best?


Moved On
ECF Veteran
Nov 9, 2009
Denver, CO, USA
What brand of beer should I drink. :)

Do some reading, and you will find the top three or four models that community members recommend. Will also find out which models are the "dogs" to stay clear of.

After that, narrow down by if you want a 2 piece or 3 piece unit.

Regardless, get plenty of extra supplies, carts, Atty's (or cartomisers for 2 piece), juice (or pre-filled carts based on which way you are going), batteries, usb pass-thru, etc. etc. etc.

Madame Psychosis

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ECF Veteran
Nov 18, 2009
East Coast Gypsy
You asked in another thread on the same forum, and really, people can tell you their preferred model, but it needs to be said:
The "best" is really subjective.

There are a lot of good models out there (510, KR808, 901, 801, M401...I could go on...and then there are the mods...) and each person has their preference. Check out The Wonderful World of Vaping as an intro if you haven't already as it has pictures and descriptions of many models.

But if you really insist on a specific answer to get going right away...
A common model to begin with (and the one a lot of people stick with, too) is the 510, and one of the things people recommend most is the no-box $35 kit from Cignot. Grab a bunch of juices while you're at it, and just see what you think, and ask questions/search for topics here.
The 510 is a three-piece unit: cartridge, atomizer, and battery.

But not everybody likes fiddling with cleaning the atomizer and filling the cartridge, etc. So some people prefer two-piece models like the KR808 (the Vapor4Life model keyzygirl mentioned), which has a disposable "cartomizer" (a long lasting unit that holds a lot of juice). They're great too.

That's just the two models I am familiar with. Other people have their opinions based on their needs. Once you take the plunge, you'll either find you're happy, or you need to switch -- but you gotta start somewhere, right?


Super Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 11, 2009
Independence, KY USA
I'm about a month and a half into e-smoking and am in love with my new joye 510. my first model was a super mini Envy and while it was pretty it just didn't have the horsepower i wanted(although it was not bad for what it was).

the 510s sealed manual battery is pretty much worry free and since it's a manual i can "cook" the atomizer for about a second before i hit it and get really nice drags from it.

my hardware problems are solved and now i can concentrate on finding my fav liquids and strengths


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2009
I'm about a month and a half into e-smoking and am in love with my new joye 510. my first model was a super mini Envy and while it was pretty it just didn't have the horsepower i wanted(although it was not bad for what it was).

the 510s sealed manual battery is pretty much worry free and since it's a manual i can "cook" the atomizer for about a second before i hit it and get really nice drags from it.

my hardware problems are solved and now i can concentrate on finding my fav liquids and strengths

River pointed out something that I'd like to elaborate on. I have the M40X series (I have manual 401 batts and auto 402 batts) and the 510. When I started vaping all I had was the 402 batts. The M40X are not sealed batteries. Being a newbie, I had no idea about overfilling carts, flooding attys, etc. I somehow, miraculously, managed not to blow a single batt from the overfilling. Others may not be as lucky.

That's the main reason that I'd recommend the 510 manual kits for newbies. The batteries don't seem to last as long as my M401s, and the flavor output of the vapor seems weak in comparison, but they have an easy draw, good vapor production and seem as durable as you could wish for.

I also only recently got a passthrough. I wish I would have gotten one from the get go. The battery savings of using a passthrough makes them worth their weight in e-juice. I used to go through at least four batts a day, constantly swapping them from use to charging, now I use maybe two.

To sum it up: I'd recommend starting with a 510 kit and passthrough. In the future, when you're more comfortable with the whole process behind vaping and filling carts and all the fun stuff you can branch out to other models.

Hellen A. Handbasket

Vaping Master
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Verified Member
Feb 26, 2009
San Tan Valley, Arizona
This is the set up I'll recommend for anyone, especially someone new. Chameleon comes with a battery unit (no more fiddly short life stock batteries!) a charger and two 16340 batteries (2), 3 adapters for the 801, 901 and 510 and all three of those atomizers.

Then, when you get it, YOU get to choose what your favorite is (I use both the 510 and 801 off and on all day). Brilliant all in one kit (or buy just the battery unit/adapters). Info is here:

A quick review I did for my social group is here:


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 5, 2009
This is the set up I'll recommend for anyone, especially someone new. Chameleon comes with a battery unit (no more fiddly short life stock batteries!) a charger and two 16340 batteries (2), 3 adapters for the 801, 901 and 510 and all three of those atomizers.

Then, when you get it, YOU get to choose what your favorite is (I use both the 510 and 801 off and on all day). Brilliant all in one kit (or buy just the battery unit/adapters). Info is here:

A quick review I did for my social group is here:

I have two questions for you Helen:

Is there a model or mod you don't own?


Want to spread the vaping wealth my way? I'd be happy to take your Chuck off your hands. :lol: (I still haven't gotten to order mine yet :(.)
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