RDA Some rambling about RDA's

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May 6, 2015
Well ... started building some coils and what not in order to save some money, not sure that's happening as it's becoming more of a hobby now ;) and I'm certainly going through more juice with experimenting.

Anyhow, I started with a simple IGO-W and a Vision Eternity. At first I really liked the eternity, however I currently only have 28 ga wire and that makes rebuilding it nearly impossible. So, in the meantime I've been contemplating getting an A7, that appears similar to the eternity but with the more normal post holes and screws to attach the coil. However, I've now gotten quite a bit better at coil building and am really starting to enjoy the IGO-W. I drilled out one of the holes to 1/16" (and taped off the other), which does make it more to my liking. I'm a mouth to lung vaporer so don't want too easy of a draw.

Well, now I'm thinking of just getting another IGO-W or two, so I have some spares to rotate, or the IGO-T has caught my eye as well. Does anyone know if the IGO-T has the same size air holes as the W? I definitely don't want them any bigger as I can drill them out if needed. But, I seem to like the looks of the T better and read that a smaller chamber is actually a good thing so might go that route.

So, besides just trying it for the experience, can anyone talk me into getting an A7 as well? I guess an alternative would be to get some 32 or 34 ga. wire and just give the eternity another go... but gosh, for simplicity and easy builds it seems the IGO's are hard to beat. The L might be nice too, but single coil only which though that is all I am using now, it might be nice to have the option to upgrade should I ever get the urge. Oh, also looking at the IGO-W7 though one review I quickly caught said because of the dual air hole it wouldn't work with a single coil, not sure about that though as all the other IGO's appear to have 2 holes as well. The adjustable airflow does sound nice but I also wonder if they leak much as the holes are pretty close to the well and I want to be able to carry mine around at work and such where it will spend much of it's time sideways, upside down, or however it situates itself in my little case ...

Well, enough rambling for now, guess I'll just look at what else I can spend my money on, ha ha


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Oct 22, 2014
Ayrshire, Scotland, UK
My first dripper was an IGO W6 and although it wasn't to bad, flavour wise, it was a bit of a ..... to build on (for me being a newbie) having a central positive and 4 negative posts, meant for dual and quad set-ups. I'm afraid I'll not be much help with your decision, I tend to watch reviews and the forums until, on occasion, something catches my eye and then it's a case of - GOT TO HAVE THIS.
Best of luck with your choice


Full Member
Mar 9, 2015
I have an Igo -w7. Not my favorite.The build deck is set for mainly vertical coils,but i have ran horizontal coils with not much difference.Air control is real loose.
All this said,it is still a nice atty,but I wouldn't purchase it again if something happened to this one.
I actually repurposed the top cap to sit on my aga t2 genny.Perfect fit,and now have a genny tank with dual coils and adjustable airflow.

Bimini Twist

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Dec 27, 2012
Redneck Riviera
Wow, I had to double check the date of your OP. I started rebuilding drippers with the same atties about two years ago. Well, it wasn't until later that I learned that the Saturn Venus I started with was a knock-off of the Vision Eternity. They were great learnin' atties for me.

Since then, I've moved onto several different tanks and drippers. My favorite drippers are bottom fed drippers, Nuppin' and Odin. They have the same great taste without the hassle of dripping. And they won't leak when turned on their side since the juice flows back into the bottle inside the mod. But you would need to get a new mod to take advantage of them. Reo is the most common BF mod out there.

IME, the Veritas is the most leak resistant top-fed dripper. It holds a lot of juice (about 12-15 drops) and tastes fantastic. It can be a little difficult to build and wick at first, but there are videos out there that show how to do it.

My favorite top-fed dripper for flavor is the Magma. Easy to build and it holds even more juice and the air hits the coils from underneath. It can get a little juicy on the outside if it's laid down soon after dripping, though.

There have been many advances since I bought my last top-fed dripper (and years of advances since the IGO-W, Vision Eternity, and A7), so hopefully somebody else will chime in.


Bimini Twist

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Dec 27, 2012
Redneck Riviera
Hmm. I just noticed the Marquis dripper. It seems to be based somewhat on the Veritas, so it's probably resistant to leaking. But it also includes some tools/rods that might make it easier to build on.

Maquis Dripper

And there's one listed in the classifieds section if you're verified.


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Jul 15, 2014
Fontana, CA
Dual air holes are fine with single coils for the most part. Granted I only have a Magma and a Derringer so YMMV, Im not really up to speed on IGO's. It helps if you can adjust them. I run my Derringer with a single coil, and keep both airholes wide open (although lately Ive only been using 2 on each side) and its perfectly fine. It just puts out a hell of a lot more vapor that way. Running it with just one side open never really made any difference in flavor to me so I figure, might as well open both and look like a freight train while vaping it..


Full Member
May 6, 2015
After more fiddling and thought I've decided I definitely want adjustable air flow. And, I really do like how the vision eternity (and A7 for that matter), have the center air flow. What I finally came across and ordered (2 of them, clones from frog in fog), is the Achilles. I'm hoping this will suit me perfectly. It has adjustable air flow and also a very nice design which looks to eliminate or at least minimize any leaking. Plus, it has that center air flow I had been looking for and a nice deep well with relatively easy deck to build on.


Full Member
May 6, 2015
Just thought I would jot down an update in case it might help someone out in the future ;)

As mentioned, I've pretty much given up on the vision eternity, at least until some thinner ga wire arrives. Trying to get the little post snaps on with 28 ga isn't worth the effort and will probably lead to broken posts, (wish they'd recommend a proper gauge when ordering). Anyhow, I also ordered a couple of Achilles which I think will be perfect for me, a mouth to lung hitter who prefers a relatively tight draw.

Yep, it's only been a few weeks since I've turned down the road of RDA's and I'm already acquiring quite a collection of attys, ha ha. As mentioned I've mostly been working with the IGO-W which comes with 2 very tiny holes. I'm only using a single coil, maybe 1.5 to 1.8 ohms and running it with 4.5 to 5 volts or so. I use a tobacco flavor, (from tasty vapor), which though I like, it really seems to gum things up pretty quickly. It wasn't long before I found even the 2 small holes inadequate so I drilled one out to 1/16", my smallest drill bit available and then found that too large, go figure. I had also purchased an IGO-W plus, later learning the plus means it has two very large holes, way to easy of a draw for me though I can get it to work okay by using some tape :) Again, looking forward to the Achilles so I can dial in the draw to just how I like it.
In the meantime, as I hear it can be quite awhile shipping from China, I got an IGO-L, which was less than $10 from tasty vapor and even less with a 20% off Mother's day coupon. Just got it today and I have to say, I am really liking it. For one, the price is awesome and I also like the truncated top, similar to the IGO-T I guess. What else I really like, is it only has a single hole, somewhere between the itty bitty IGO-W's and the 1/16", yahoo I say, it suits me just right! Additionally it doesn't have the post holes, meaning you have to clamp the wire under the srew head but honestly I rather like that. The W's worked there way loose on several occasions, the under the screw method seems more secure to me without the worry of tightening too hard and snapping the coil lead. Plus, it is the same set up that the Achilles uses.
To summarize, the little IGO-L seems like a great starter RDA, especially for under ten bucks, though I am still anxiously awaiting the Achilles arrival.
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Bimini Twist

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Dec 27, 2012
Redneck Riviera
Yea, I have some respect for UD because they aren't afraid to create their own designs and sell them for great prices. I've only had their IGO-W dripper and their AGA-T2 genesis style atomizers and they both worked fine. Although I did, in both cases, purchase after market chamber reducing caps for them.

I was quite happy with the cool temperature vape from the Venus (Eternity) until it went overboard one day. And that airflow from underneath the coil is likely one of the reasons I liked the Kayfun tanks and still like the Magma RDA as well. Adjustable Air Flow Control is the only way for me these days, too.

Though it may be iffy with a clone, I hope you get a lot of satisfaction from that Achilles.
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