Some Really Noobie Questions

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Breaking Free

Full Member
Jul 2, 2011
Hey to all:

As I posted in this thread I am still an analog smoker waiting anxiously to at least try out vaping with a decent starter kit coming in the mail. In the meantime, I would be thankful if any vaping veterans could answer some really noobie questions for me?

a) I ordered the Joye 510 starter kit with some pre-filled cartomizers (10 carts total, I think)...I also ordered about 40ml of liquid, but is it possible to refill the pre-filled carts with liquid when needed? Or should I order some blanks right away for this extra 40ml of liquid? Really confused on this one...Any tips on how to fill a cartomizer would also be a welcome bonus if you have any time :blush:

b) Also, can someone help me to understand what the "510" designation means on kits like the Riva and Joye? These are different kits with the same number, but does it have something to do with battery size? I thought these were "mini's" with 100-120 Miliamp bats? Not sure :?:

I really do appreciate any insights on these questions if you can provide any. I researched around these threads for possible answers to the above questions, but I became overloaded with info lol :confused:. Thank you!

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you can indeed refill 510 carto's just go to you tube and type in refilling a cartomizer, that being said there will be differing opinions and techniques watch a few of the vids there is the "condom" fill method(not entirely what it sounds like) which i generally only use on brand new blanks, there is the needle fill which i never use and there is the top fil which is my prefered method the plastic pieces at the end of the carto's where you put your mouth pry off easily enough with a paper clip or push pin.hope that helped...and congrats on taking the first step to becoming tobacco free


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2011
Portland, OR
a) almost all cartomizers (cartos) are easily refillable (easy depends on several factors though). There are several different methods... I can't tell you what will work best for you, you'll just have to try a few yourself. Youtube has several great tutorials on refilling cartos.

b) "510" itself refers to the connection from the battery to the cartomizer or atty device. Most equipment labeled "510" is interchangeable between other 510 equipment. For example, if you decided to go with an atomizer and cartridges just to see how they compared to cartomizers, you wouldn't have to do anything more than get the atty and carts (personally, I'd stick with the cartos though ;)).

EDIT: Ah, ya beat me to the punch about the carto-refilling, QuasiMoFo, lol
Speaking of which, when I'm using cartos (KR8's), I use the condom-method with a toothpick down the center hole. No waiting for fluid to "settle," they're ready to go instantly and there's very little fluid to blow out beforehand :2cool:
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Breaking Free

Full Member
Jul 2, 2011
Thanks wv, Quasi, and Marb:

My apologies on this but I totally screwed up in my initial description of what I had. I meant to say I have a set of 5 cartridges and a couple of atomizers..I misstated when I said "cartomizers". Shows what an extreme noob I am here!

So my REAL question should have been whether simple catridges are refillable, and, if's just a preference between cartridge refilling and/or dripping directly onto the atty?

And...yay! my kit arrived today...Very intriguing stuff to learn here. Thanks for helping me out with this. Looks exciting to try out, though.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 10, 2011
Houston, Texas
The cartridges are easily refillable by simply dripping more liquid into the cartridge. My suggestion is to go with something different like carto's. I have never used carto's as I have an ego and i use the tanks. I am sure someone with more carto experience and the info on the kit you have will come and give more advice.

Breaking Free

Full Member
Jul 2, 2011
Thanks for your replies, Silverback and Maxine:

Silverback: Yes, I've heard some scattered mentions of using a "tank" and it sounds like advanced material for me at the moment, lol (right up there with mixing liquids). I will need to look into that in the future as I need to keep things simple for now.

Maxine: You're right about blowing out the atty, which I did right after finding this thread Everything you Ever Wanted to Know about your 510

I'm also glad to find out that cartridges are refillable, so now I won't have to order more for a little while, at least. These cartridges are pre-filled with a different flavor than the juice bottles I ordered so it appears I will be forced to allow a temporary mixture with the original filled flavor when I need to top off the cartridge. Live and learn on that one for me...
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Ultra Member
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Jun 27, 2011
North Las Vegas
You might also , want to try cleaning the cartridges first and letting them dry , overnight , before trying to refill . If you don't clean them , you will be mixing whatever flavor , came in them , with whatever liquid you bought . Try blowing out the excess liquid , then When I used them , (Drip now ) I used a squirt bottle ( like catsup and mustard in restaurants ) I just put in , real hot water , from the tap , and squirt inside the cart (several times) it does a pretty good job of cleaning out the old juice . This method also works real well on carto's too . Afterwards , you can blow out the excess liquid , and let dry , overnight . I would do your self a big favor and just use the carts , the n toss em , when their empty . Go online and buy come cart'os and even a drip tube . and use those . Much better than cartridges . IMHO . good luck


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
May 30, 2011
Portland, OR
Hey, we were all noobs at one time or another ;)
(hey wait! Since when did I stop being a noob???!!???)

Lol, anyway....
I started on cartos, so when my ego arrived with a couple atty's and some carts, I was eager to see what the difference would be... I can now say I dislike cart/atty setups now, lol... Pretty much shelved them and kept using my cartos on my pass-through and clearomizers on my egos. Big fan of the clearos now despite the multiple PERSISTENT issues with them....

To each their own, so don't be afraid to try different things - some people just get some equipment to work better for them than others do.


Vaping Master
ECF Veteran
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Mar 11, 2011
Vape Canaveral, FL
Something to remember, although you have some cartoa now that you can indeed refill with new juice, after two or three weeks of refilling them and reusing them, your juice flavor will change/diminish and you will want to switch to a brand new empty carto. It never hurts to have some blanks on order if you're really digging vaping. Best of luck. Stay the course.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Feb 20, 2011
Ortonville, Mi.
Hey BF,
The Joye 510 starter kit is what i got back in Dec. when i switched to vaping. Have finally worn it out and am upgrading to an EGO T.
A couple tips i can provide for you.
1. 10 carts is more than enough. Yes you can refill the carts. The juice that came stock in my carts was nasty, but i smoked it anyways since i payed for it.
2. Make sure when you insert the cart into the atomizer, that you line up the flat sides of the cart to the flat sides of the coil bowl under the bridge. Otherwise you will melt the ends of the carts. I believe there are videos on the alinement. Good Luck!
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