Study: Some E-Cigs Put Out Tobacco-Like Levels of Carcinogens

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ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
Study: Some E-Cigs Put Out tobacco-Like Levels of Carcinogens ht tp://gizm

An upcoming study in the peer-reviewed journal Nicotine and tobacco Research [http ://n tr.oxford] says that some tank-style e-cigarettes emit cancer-causing formaldehyde in their vapor at levels similar to traditional tobacco cigarettes. The New York Times, which revealed the findings [h ttp://www.nytime] ahead of publication, says a second study confirms the results.The problem seems to be that some tank-style e-cigarettes (the larger, refillable style that vaporize liquid nicotine) get so hot, they cause formaldehyde to form in the vapor they put out.
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The finding comes on the heels of the FDA's proposal to regulate e-cigs under the same rules [http ://gizm] as traditional combustible tobacco. However, those proposed rules would focus on the ingredients that go into e-cig juice, not on the chemical makeup of the vapor that comes out. So far, e-cig emissions (the content of the vapor they produce) is an unregulated area.
It's a complicated area of study, in part because there are so many various manufacturers of e-cigs, and the products are largely non-standardized. One of the studies, performed at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, found that levels of carcinogens increased markedly when the battery output of the tank-style e-cigs was boosted from 3.2 volts to 4.8 volts.
Then there's the way that consumers use e-cigs: the higher heat that scientists say creates carcinogens also produces more potent vapor. Many e-cig tinkerers boost the heat output of their devices, or dribble liquid nicotine directly on the heating element for a more intense vapor. The researchers say dripping puts out carcinogen levels that approach the concentration found in old-fashioned cigarettes.
Dr. Alan Shihadeh at the Virginia Commonwealth University's Center for the Study of Tobacco Products, who led one of the studies, acknowledged that while the e-cig study only examined a handful of carcinogens, traditional cigarettes put out dozens of cancer-causing compounds. As he told The New York Times: http://ww w.ny
If I was in a torture chamber and you said I had to puff on something, I'd choose an e-cigarette over a regular cigarette. But if you said I could choose an e-cigarette or clean air, I'd definitely choose clean air. And I definitely wouldn't drip.
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The Food and Drug Administration announced today that it wants to regulate electronic cigarettes. This isn't surprising. But there's… Read…
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The studies will be published beginning May 15th. Until then, maybe you should hold off on the heavy-duty vaping. E-cigs may not be exactly the same as the dead leaves Don Draper smoked, but this particular similarity isn't all that enticing. [NYT htt p://w]

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Discuss if you wish.
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Supporting Member
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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida
This might be an interesting read at this point in time if you haven't read it already :

Actually, the ECF Library is a gold mine of info !

edit to add:

The CASAA Home Page :
New study confirms that chemicals in electronic cigarettes pose minimal health risk - is a wonderful study !

edit again...
I wonder why this study isn't being posted on all these negative articles by readers in the know...
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Ultra Member
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Jun 30, 2010
Face down in the gutter, USA
Riddle me this regarding this study (using the old gem of the fog machine analogy):

If they're talking about these compounds (specifically formaldehyde) forming at higher temperatures inside an e-cig then wouldn't a fog machine that operates at nearly 400 degrees Fahrenheit, much higher than is generally accepted as normal operating temps in an e-cig, essentially be formaldehyde spewing machine?

We're essentially using the same glycols/glycerine, after all.


ECF Guru
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Oct 1, 2013
This might be an interesting read at this point in time if you haven't read it already :

Actually, the ECF Library is a gold mine of info !

edit to add:

The CASAA Home Page :
CASAA - The Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association
New study confirms that chemicals in electronic cigarettes pose minimal health risk - is a wonderful study !

edit again...
I wonder why this study isn't being posted on all these negative articles by readers in the know...

nice! thanks, classwife.

so what i gather here. acrolein is the aldehyde that could possibly be emitted by burning the bejeebus out of glycol (and subsequently the back of your throat if you were inhaling it), yet it's not the same chemically as said formaldehyde that's being suggested by these "reports" or "this study".


Supporting Member
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May 9, 2010
Wesley Chapel, Florida
nice! thanks, classwife.

so what i gather here. acrolein is the aldehyde that could possibly be emitted by burning the bejeebus out of glycol (and subsequently the back of your throat if you were inhaling it), yet it's not the same chemically as said formaldehyde that's being suggested by these "reports" or "this study".

ugh...not knowing what for certain, can't go there with a positive :)
BUT, it is something for all to be aware of.


Ultra Member
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Feb 6, 2014
Boston, MA
Sigh... I don't even know where to go with this.

So now it's dripping that is evil? Or is it cotton wicks? Or is it just anything in the universe that gets burn? Is it because my juice is candy flavored and lures small unsuspecting children to threaten their tiny little lives in my barrels of poison? Is it all juices or just my bakery one this week? Will it be my bacco juices next week?

Is this the first play against mechs and RDAs just in case earlier vollies are restricted to cigalikes and egos?

At least when I smoked I knew why I was a


Vaping Master
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Feb 3, 2011
Florida Suncoast
hysteria is one thing...

..awareness is another

... and definitive 'true' peer reviewed scientific studies are the battles that BP/BT can't win! As to the war, follow the money/influence. Sad, but tragically true...

BUT, if confronting any local/state/national political entity/committee, I'll tell 'em my 'bakky/vaping story and that I'll practice 'civil disobedience' (aka 'black market', if need be).

Hey, I'm an ol' guy that has no respect for liars and bribees (unfortunately, no such word; kinda proud!)... eff 'em! I know what works fer moi and will NOT give up vaping nor supporting it...

ETA: What are they gonna do? Put me on a secret VA waiting list? Don't think they'll send me back to 'Nam...
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Vaping Master
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Jul 14, 2012
New Zealand
I'd like to read both the studies - seems they aren't published yet. Maybe some-one can give a heads up when they are published - I will try and keep an eye out myself.

I know previously studies only showed trace amounts of formaldehyde - insignificant. I'd like to see what equipment was used and how they obtained the data, and then the quantities in these studies.


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 8, 2012
United Kingdom
I'd like to read both the studies - seems they aren't published yet. Maybe some-one can give a heads up when they are published.

It amuses me how it puts the line and the description thing when you said heads

Maybe some-one can give an end fittings such as atomizers, cartomizers and tanks:
up when they are published



Ultra Member
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Feb 6, 2014
Boston, MA
I can't imagine the formaldehyde comes from anywhere other than the wicks but who knows.

Based on these reports I guess I'd be safer smoking cigs :facepalm:. In the end, not sure how much there really is to worry about all in all. If vaping really is terrible for me for some reason I'd like to know about it but I'll be downright dumbfounded if it is more dangerous than smoking.

Maybe the study is just about dangers with burn If that's the case Kanger better lawyer up in a hurry ;-). In the meantime, I'll just make sure I keep my wicks nice in wet in my .4ohm dual coil Sillare build that is hitting like a brick BLEEP house! Boba's never tasted so fine.

If they are going to ban RDAs I highly suggest you try the Stillare, it really is a beast.


Super Member
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Nov 17, 2013
Read my other post too on the first page, see what you think of that idea. I get the feeling that the researchers heated up the coil burning hot, then dripped the juice on. I'm not sure if that's how dripping works, but.

No, that's not how dripping works, and anyone that does it that way is asking for some sort of disaster. First you saturate the wick, then fire the coil(s).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Johnny Phatsaqs

Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Mar 28, 2014
Houston, Texas
WOW! The worst part about this is that I literally just invested $150+ over the weekend on my first mech to start sub-ohming and just a couple of days later I see this damn study. F-MY-LIFE!

I wouldn't fret just yet. We don't now the specifics of the set up. Such as did they soak then fire, or just drop the just on a lit coil


Vaping Master
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Nov 18, 2013
New York, NY
I would imagine that if the chemical composition changed so much that it essentially created formaldahyde, that would be one nasty tasting dry hit. Something tells me that the scientists were not actually doing the vaping themselves, and therefore were unable to gauge the taste of it. Changing chemical composition = burning in my mind, and burning = nasty = lower the voltage when I vape, and that self governing isn't something that I think they're considering.

Also, in the articles I've read on the subject, I find it alarming that cigalikes are being touted as a way to avoid this. Just in time for the public reveal of the FDA ruling that would pretty much eliminate all options BUT the cigalikes offered by Big Tobacco.
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