Surprisingly good Fox News E-Cig Article (Almost)

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Jan 21, 2013


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Dec 4, 2012
My cardiologist was thrilled when I told her I was vaping instead of smoking. She pats me on the back each time I see her now when she asks if I'm still not lighting up. I have had heart disease since I was 30 years old, have had 5 stents placed, suffered 3 severe heart attacks, been in and out of congestive heart failure a half dozen times, had my EF dip down to 17 at it's lowest point, and most recently had my second (ICD) defibrillator/pacer installed. I just turned 40.

All of that and I still just couldn't ever quit smoking tobacco. Not that I have a death wish, but I just really love the act of smoking and it's psychological benefit to me. Since starting, my breathing, endurance, numbness in my extremities, lethargy, and other cardiovascular disease symtoms have dramatically improved.

She is a VERY respected physician and an excellent doctor, and for her to support my use of electronic nicotine use is huge!! Although she is limited to just supporting and encouraging me in my new habit, legally she is not comfortsble actually "recommending" them to patients, but she has told me that several of her patients have found them on their own and are seeing similar success and heath benefits as I am.
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Ultra Member
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Dec 14, 2012
Round Rock, Texas, United States
Was pretty good until this line in the last paragraph "If the data generated support the product, then it may be wise for medical insurance companies to offer electronic cigarettes to smokers"

It should be doctors who recommend and Insurance companies nor BP should have no hand in the e-cig biz.

Just out of curiosity, why not? If it gets people to stop smoking, does it really matter where they come from?


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Feb 3, 2013
Littleton, CO
Was pretty good until this line in the last paragraph "If the data generated support the product, then it may be wise for medical insurance companies to offer electronic cigarettes to smokers"

It should be doctors who recommend and Insurance companies nor BP should have no hand in the e-cig biz.

Frankly I wouldn't care if it were my insurance company or my doctor to put me on the path. Unfortunately it was neither. My work provided insurance makes me take a quiz every year when its open enrollment time. All the questions you'd expect, one being do you smoke and how much. I score better than my per group for everything except smoking. According to their online quiz I'm healthier than my peer/age group but the fact that I smoke DOUBLES my insurance rate. The quiz always asks if I plan to quit and if I want help. I say yes every time and receive zero help.

On two separate occasions I asked for help from my doctor. The first time they told me they would prescribe me welbutrin(sp?) if I took physical first... I thought that was weird to request of a 28 year old so I just skipped it and tried to go cold turkey. The second time I asked for help, 5 years later, I was told that they could prescribe chantix but my insurance would probably not cover it and it could cause liver damage. Their advice for me to quit smoking "go get hypnotized"

Sorry to go on so long but if either had recommended vaping it would not have taken me this long to start. I made the plunge last week and haven't had a cigarette in 8 days with zero issues.
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