Switching Companies.. Advice???

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Jan 13, 2013
Gilbert, AZ
Hey everyone! My name's Rob, I'm fairly new to the vaping world, but I'm slowly getting educated on whats out there. I started vaping with the Blu Cigs and have been using those so far. After I didnt have enough money to buy more carts, I resorted to buying bottles of smoke juice from Johnson Creek Smoke Juice. They sounded well recommended and equipped, so I ordered 2 bottles of 2.4% nicotine. I refilled my used Blu carts that I had lying around and began using those. Unfortunately, I've been very disappointed with the juice so far. It has been very harsh, had little flavour, and overall hasn't been an enjoyable vape at all for both flavours. I actually find it so harsh that I cant bring myself to inhale the vapor to my lungs, which is sad. I'm suspecting that the high nicotine content is the culprit (however I didnt have this problem with the high nicotine Blu carts) so I am going to order light nicotine next time.

Now, with Blu cigs being a great company and I love everything from them so far, they are just flat out too expensive for me. I'm looking to go a more conservative way with my vaporizing and I'm looking for a new company to buy an e-cig from that is designed to be refilled with juice (preferable a cartomizer or something that I dont have to change as often). I will look around for some other companies to buy juice from, but what is a good, reliable company that would be a good switch for me? Keep in mind that I love vaporizing and intend to use it heavily. Any feedback is appreciated, thank you!



Moved On
Nov 8, 2012
Sydney - Australia
Best prices I found was at BestEcig-High quality mini e-cig|e-cigarette|eGo,best e-liquid|e-cigs wholesale

I order all my hardware besides my Lavatube from there.

My everyday - all day - setup is a Lavatube and a Vivi Nova Tank

Drop them 5 times a day and the just last.

I know there is better stuff out there but in my eyes unbeatable at that price.

Fill the Vivi Nova with some juice from www.aliceinvapeland.com www.fancejuice.com or The Plume Room | The best e Liquid & high quality e cigarettes and personal vaporizers. and you are ready to roll!

If you order hardware from the first link get the eGo C or eGo W - both work great

The first link is a Chinese Vendor but the quality is great and shipping lightning fast!

Ray D

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2012
Blu's carts never refilled well for me. Everything would taste burnt. JC does make good juice. If it tastes harsh or burnt, it's the carto, not the juice. :)

But out of curiosity, what juices are you using?

My best advice is to consider stepping up your equipment. You're already willing to refill cartos, so may as well get good ones, and put them on a good battery.

But before we can go further, some questions:

What are you looking to spend?

Is size and/or form important to you? IOWs, do you have to have something that resembles a cigarette, or is something larger ok?

But before even knowing those answers, my immediate impulse is to tell you to get an eGo Twist or eGo Spinner kit. You can use clearomizers, cartos, even drip with them, and they'll serve you well. don't jump to an order yet though. Let this thread evolve for a day or 3 and weigh all the options everyone will suggest.

(I consider Blu to be a substandard company and would point anyone away from them. Just my opinion, and I'm not trying to belittle what you're using. I used them too for a few weeks in the beginning. Once I got away from them, vaping became MUCH better.)


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Jan 13, 2013
Gilbert, AZ
Blu's carts never refilled well for me. Everything would taste burnt. JC does make good juice. If it tastes harsh or burnt, it's the carto, not the juice. :)

But out of curiosity, what juices are you using?

My best advice is to consider stepping up your equipment. You're already willing to refill cartos, so may as well get good ones, and put them on a good battery.

But before we can go further, some questions:

What are you looking to spend?

Is size and/or form important to you? IOWs, do you have to have something that resembles a cigarette, or is something larger ok?

But before even knowing those answers, my immediate impulse is to tell you to get an eGo Twist or eGo Spinner kit. You can use clearomizers, cartos, even drip with them, and they'll serve you well. don't jump to an order yet though. Let this thread evolve for a day or 3 and weigh all the options everyone will suggest.

(I consider Blu to be a substandard company and would point anyone away from them. Just my opinion, and I'm not trying to belittle what you're using. I used them too for a few weeks in the beginning. Once I got away from them, vaping became MUCH better.)

Yeah I taste the burnt flavour as well, but I figured it was just me because when I went to research it in forums I didnt see anyone else with problems refilling the Blu carts.

I ordered their Spiced Apple Cider flavour, which doesnt have the best reviews out of their other flavours but still seemed to attract some buyers. Then the other one was their Valencia flavour, which is actually VG instead of PG like the Spiced Apple Cider. The Valencia flavour is a very popular one and is supposed to make thick vapor as well, but like I mentioned before, I had problems with all these areas. Underneath it though I can taste that it could be a really good flavour.

As for the other questions, I'm not very picky about the initial investment, as long as its worth the money then its alright. However, what I do want is for the long term use to be relatively cheap. I just dont want to have to go back to analogs when I get a craving because I cant support my cravings with the vaporizing (this has been due to the Johnson Creek Juice not working for me in my Blu carts and not having cash to get new ones). I expect that once I have a bottle that is being used to its full extent and eliminate the issues I'm having that the juice will last much longer and the price will be affordable.
Size isn't incredibly important for me, I would like to have one that I can take out with me (in a cigarette form) like the Blu Cigs, but I wouldnt mind having a larger one for home either. Since I already have the Blu Cigs though I'm more inclined to look for one that could be a little larger if needed, maybe for more at home use.

Thanks for the referral! I'll definitely check it out and wait around to see what my options are. I've honestly loved everything about Blu so far and have no complaints, except that I cant afford to keep up with their prices and I know buying juice is a much cheaper alternative. But I'm excited with what you've told me, I cant wait to see what else is out there!
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Ray D

Ultra Member
ECF Veteran
Nov 15, 2012
I have both the Spiced Apple cider and Valencia in my cabinet. I'll pull them out from time to time, but truthfully, neither are favorites as they both seem to be rather light on flavor. Good flavor, but light.

Now, their Autumn Crisp (caramel apple) is amazing and loaded with flavor. Their new one: Vanda is pretty spectacular. I used to love their tobaccos, but aside from Silverthorn, none of them do it for me anymore. So fair warning. Your tastes WILL change over the next couple months. ;)

If you like menthol, Solstice is fantastic. I don't care for menthol at all, and even I like it (if in small doses).

All of that said, JC is actually on the "pricey" side of the spectrum for juice. That's not to say it isn't worth it. You get your juice within 2-3 days from order typically, and it rarely needs much of a steep, if any. So when you need juice quick, they're a good go to shop. But they're far from being the only game in town as well. You'll get a ton of suggestions for other juice companies here and in the e-juice forum too. Some of those companies / juices will blow your mind.

But first things first. We need to step up your equipment so you can truly enjoy those juices.

Oh, one more FYI: If you go to a clearomizer setup, don't use Spiced Apple or Valencia in one. Save those strictly for cartos. they both have cinnamon in them (cinnamon doesn't play well with clearos), and Valencia also has a lot of citrus which can do the same thing. But that's the beauty of whatever new setup you'll get. You can use a lot of various attachments and won't be restricted to just one.

Good luck. I'm off to bed. I'll wager that by tomorrow night, this thread will have your head spinning with info. Be a little patient. An informed decision will save you a ton of grief in the long run (and money).


Senior Member
ECF Veteran
Jan 6, 2013
St Kitts & Nevis
If what you want to do is maintain that cig-alike form factor, then I would suggest that the best way to go is with the Ovale eMini/joyetech eRoll. same product just different brands.

Its just about 5mm longer than a standard cig and definitely shorter than your blue, it also uses tanks as opposed to a cartomizer and also has a PCC. Its also designed to have replaceable atomizer heads and the kit even comes with a few. You can clean your atomizer heads, and why you need to is that there is a wick within the needle of the head that feeds the coil for vaporization. From juice to juice and after some time, roughly about a month or so that wick can get clogged and reduce ur overall vaping efficacy. But changing the head is a 1 second process and they are less than $3 per head.

It using a tank and having a travel of less than 5mm from the needle tip to the coil means you will be getting full flavor too. And less flavor cross when you decide to change flavors while still using the same atomizer.

As for juices, I have only tried apollo e-juices. They work well for me, but I can't give you any sound advice here cause I have nothing to compare it to.

If you liked blue.... then you will absolutely love the eroll/emini click here, I am about to purchase one as my first e-cig was a much bigger but more versatile device. Now I need to get something that will be easy to carry around and put in my pocket.

Unless you want to go bigger, then thats a completely different story.
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Full Member
Jan 4, 2012
I love the original line from JC...especially the Black Cherry & Apple Cider. They're the only vendor I can vape, everyone else I've tried gives me an instant headache and sickness that gets me on the verge of throwing up. As for the carts, I'd suggest getting a simple "tube tank" system for ease and relatively low cost. The tank is about $7 and the replacement carts are only about $2/ea (they last forever). Here's a link to a site I use to buy replacement carts...

DCTank 3.5ml Polished Aluminum Caps (Smoktech)


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Dec 21, 2011
Panama City, FL
I would recommend the Volt kit from Smokeless Image | Only The Best Electronic Cigarette | Smokeless Image Electronic Cigarettes - The Future is in your hands. Get a kit with 2 batts, and if you are out and about a lot maybe go ahead and spring for a pcc for on the go charging. You could add an X2 batt for around the house use... it is similar to an ego. These are all regulated 3.7 volt batts, so they will perform well from fully charged to just before they die. The SI are tried and true, and the most recommended cig a like here.

The e roll is gaining popularity a little, but I would suspect that those little tanks are going to become a problem, just as they did with the ego -t that no one uses any more. Dry hits, leaking, constantly burning atties are the main things I remember from them.


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Jan 13, 2013
Gilbert, AZ
Rechargeable EGO-TS E-Cigarette Electronic Cigarette Set - WorldWide Free Shipping
This is the best place I found for hardware and cheap, can beat the prices, at 10 bucks a pack of cigs and under 30 a kit some under 20 you can't go wrong
For fluid I get my stuff here but I make my own
BlueMist Vaping Supplies

Ok maybe I'm just trippin out, but the prices on that BlueMist website just seem unreal for the smoke juice. Is it really $20 for a 120ml bottle?? And if so do you know anything about the quality/flavour of their juice? This seems too good to be true but I'm hoping that I can score a deal here if this is good liquid haha.
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Ok maybe I'm just trippin out, but the prices on that BlueMist website just seem unreal for the smoke juice. Is it really $20 for a 120ml bottle?? And if so do you know anything about the quality/flavour of their juice? This seems to good to be true but I'm hoping that I can score a deal here if this is good liquid haha.

Ya its really that much, I make my own and at 18mg costs me about 12 for 120ml. I have always made my own from what they have, as far as quality/flavour. the flavour is good, some of the quality of flavours meh, what I say is not bad another vaper tells me they love it so really its hard to say. E-Juice isn't that much money and I do realize alot overcharge for juice. The base they sell seems way better than what I get from a pharmacists, but for me its not practical to have them ship base to me all the time. The good thing about all the flavours except for the chocolate from them is they are clear with a tint of colour depending on the flavour. Orange, Caramel and apple are my fav; You will know if you mix to strong because you get a purfume taste and I find I only need 2-5% when mixing so at most 1.5ml per 30ml bottle. I make fluid for alot of people and they tell me good things and bad things, and what I think it comes down to is personal preference or the part where everyone is different in what they like. they really do like the base from that place though and to this day I am not sure why there base is better than medical USP grade I can get here but that could be a Canada vs USA thing too, just like base from china, I have never gotten good reviews on that stuff, I know when I get everyone saying the same thing its bad. I have only ever dealt with that company, good costomer service, I always get bonus in my stuff (Flavours). I know I have a shipment in route of new flavs I will have to list them and put up opionions of vapors I know and see what the comparison is between people. (They are experienced shippers too for people in canada that are reading it incase you are looking at the nic stuff). I know I have found the nicotine at half the price compared to them but not sure on the quality of the product I found, I stick with them because alot of people likes there products, when something works I tend to stick with it.

Now as far as the kits go from the place i recommend, they are what they are cheap... some i have recieved are knock offs and some say Ego on them. But I have gotten good life out of them. I have seen a kit last a 3 months easy and also seen one last a year, its hit or miss. The way i look at it is if i buy a kit for 22 and it lasts me a month thats pretty good being that a pack of cigs cost 10 ea where i am from. The problem is always the batts wear out but I also realize they don't last forever, and on average I get myself about 2-3 kits and find it lasts me the year and I find summer weather (HOT) is hard on the batts. besides attys which are just a normal thing you need to replace anyways. at 2.50 for a stardust you can't go wrong really, maybe there is cheaper somewhere else but meh... easyier for me to order from one place. The kits from Bluemist arn't bad I baught a few batts from them but I found same thing 3 months and usually they are done or they start getting weak.


Chihuahua Queen
ECF Veteran
Mar 4, 2013
The e roll is gaining popularity a little, but I would suspect that those little tanks are going to become a problem, just as they did with the ego -t that no one uses any more. Dry hits, leaking, constantly burning atties are the main things I remember from them.[/QUOTE]

Uh, oh. I guess I screwed up ordering an Ego T. Hasn't even arrived yet & already obsolete!
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