Thank You Vaping!!

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Since i've committed to switching to vaping now that i have a newborn daughter, i feel much better! I hated having the smell of it on my clothes and hands. Consistently washing my clothes only after a quick smoke break. It's saved me time and money! It's cleared my sinuses and i can taste and smell better than when i used to smoke. I used to smoke tons of menthol cigs (1 to 1 1/2 pack a day, Smokes here in korea are dirt cheap, 2$ a pack) Especially being in the military now that they're starting to ban smoking in uniform if you are in the medical field or work in a clinic or hospital, vaping has saved my health,money, surroundings (wife hated when i smoked), and i found a new hobby! Let me know if anyone on ECF is stationed in south korea as myself and let me know your setup's, other's opinions on ecig's in your unit, and how much it's helped you!

- PFC Gapol
USAG Humphrey's South Korea


Full Member
Nov 21, 2013
United States
Congrats on the switch! Sounds like it's going to be a good change for both you and your family, which makes it all that much better :)

That's crazy to hear about a ban on smoking in uniform for medical positions. Does that mean those people will have to go many hours without cigarettes on a daily basis? That seems like a difficult pill to swallow if so... might be a lot of folks on edge for a while and bedside manner would probably take a nose-dive.
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